Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1458 Brother Immortal

On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, when the gold list was signed, the rain after a long drought is the three great blessings in life. I didn't expect them to get up so early. It seemed that they had guessed Wu Yi's mind and waited here for a long time.

"What are you guys doing? It's so hard to stay together, and you still don't cherish the rare leisure time. When the affairs of the sect are on your shoulders, I'm afraid it won't be so easy if you want to be so leisurely." Wu Yi Surprised, he was a little surprised that the two of them were guarding here.

Song Qingmu explained: "Brother, I already know about this matter, you will definitely leave impatiently, so we discussed overnight and decided to go out with you to practice, I dare not say that it will be of great help, at least we can trust you, as long as It's the elder brother's need, even if I risk my life, I, Song Qingmu, will never say anything."

"Yes! Brother, you must be in a lot of inconvenience when you are alone. Aoki and I are willing to follow you and let you drive us. No matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire or a ghostly ghost land, as long as you win the order, we will rush forward without hesitation. Fight side by side with you." Lie Yanshi agreed from the side.

When Song Qingmu proposed this idea, Lie Yanshi supported it with both hands. In addition to being grateful to Wu Yi in his heart, the more important reason was that Lie Fentian once told her that by Wu Yi's side, there might be greater If he had the chance to stay in Phoenix City, it wouldn't make much sense, because Wu Yi was destined to leave, and only by following him would he be able to get the chance to break through to the advanced level, and he had lived up to Lie Fentian's expectations.

After Wu Yi heard this, he was very touched. It is inevitable that he will be alone when he is alone, especially when he is facing a strong enemy. It is not a bad thing to have two right-hand men by his side. But after thinking about it for a while, he still shook his head Said: "No, you still have Fangcuntai and Fenglai Pavilion behind you, unlike me who is alone and has no worries. If you leave with me, how will these two great sects develop and grow in the future? Don't think about it, just Stay here well and devote yourself to cultivation. Only the growth of strength is the only kingly way. Everything else is just floating clouds. As long as you can calm down and break through to the realm of training gods within ten years, it is by no means a lie. As far as you are concerned, it is a kind of delay, which is not worth it."

"Brother, we have thought it through a long time ago. Now that Fangcuntai is in charge of my mother, I don't need to bear too many responsibilities. The same is true for Fenglai Pavilion. There is Goddess Yingluo to take care of it, and Senior Lie is still in retreat. , who dares to make any changes? So we can all gain temporary freedom, gain knowledge with you, and accumulate some experience is beneficial to practice. After all, we have never walked out of Tianxuan Peak, so we don’t know what the outside world is like , my heart is always a little unwilling, and my heart is hard to calm down. Looking back now, only the experience of Huoyan Mountain can make a breakthrough in cultivation. If you stay here all the time, it will be a real waste of time." Song Qingmu's attitude Very sincerely, this idea was not a whim, it was already planned in Wu Yi's heart when Wu Yi left, and now that the time is ripe, he immediately brought it up.

This remark made Wu Yi unable to refute. The more dangerous and intense the environment, the more it can stimulate people's potential. Song Qingmu is obviously aware of this, but he reminded again: "Brother, you have to think clearly Yes, the road I am walking is a hundred times more difficult and dangerous than ordinary monks. If you follow me, you will be in danger of your life at any time. When will you come back? Can you come back alive? It is unknown, and it is very likely that you will die in a foreign land , turned into a pile of flying ashes, never to come back again, are you still willing?"

"My fate is up to me. As long as our brothers are united, we will be able to return triumphantly. Brother, you don't need to say more, we have already made a decision." Song Qingmu replied simply and proudly. He opened his mouth, but his eyes and expression seemed to be the same as him, he had made up his mind and would never regret it.

"Okay... since you are so sure, let's go together." Wu Yi laughed loudly, jumped and disappeared into the vast clouds and mist. Shuang Yi, following closely behind Wu Yi, left the continent where they were born and raised, to explore the unknown and novel world.

Nie Lanxiu stood on the attic corridor where she lived, staring at the direction they left, feeling very complicated. For so many years, Song Qingmu has been living under her wings, wind and rain, lightning and thunder, everything Covering him up, now that I finally have to face this cruelly competitive world alone, I am always worried.

But during this period of time, she finally understood that if she wanted her child to thrive, she must let him understand the world, participate in competition, slaughter, get wounded and bleed, and rely on his own efforts to fight for the right to survive. Only in this way can she be on her own, so when Song Qingmu proposed this idea, she didn't refuse, she kept all her worries and worries in her heart, and supported Song Qingmu's idea, only after they left, she prayed secretly, the Song family's row The ancestors can bless this single seedling to grow into a towering giant tree, supporting a piece of blue sky.

According to Wu Yi's plan, from the southeast to the northwest, it is necessary to cross the Tianyuan Continent, so it is necessary to pass through a transfer station, which is Kyoto, the most prosperous city in the Tianyuan Continent. A little dizzy, the dizziness of passing through the void, it is difficult to adapt for a while.

"Damn it, this is Kyoto, it's too dilapidated! Boss, did you get the direction wrong?" Song Qingmu went out and took a look. The low houses and messy streets were far from what he had imagined. , couldn't help complaining.

Wu Yi couldn't help laughing, this guy's reaction was exactly the same as when he first arrived in Kyoto, and then he explained: "You kid made a mistake, this is just a small town formed by teleportation array, the real Kyoto is still there It’s a thousand meters away, and you’ll understand when you look to the south.”

Song Qingmu and Lieyanshi looked in the direction Wu Yi pointed, and saw the majestic city wall towering into the sky, all of which were neatly piled up of bluestones, smooth as a mirror, tightly stitched, without the slightest gap, stretching endlessly, like It is a giant beast that stands between heaven and earth, mighty and majestic, more than ten times bigger than Phoenix City, very majestic.

"Brother Immortal? It's really Brother Immortal who is back!" A young man squeezed to the front and suddenly said in surprise.

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