Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1480 Morning Bell and Evening Drum

This small town was gradually formed because of the existence of Xiaoxitian. Whether it is a monk or an ordinary person who comes here, there is only one goal, that is to step into Mount Sumeru and pay homage to the Buddha, and all must walk there. For thousands of years, A constant rule has long been formed, and no one dares to offend. Although this requirement is a bit too harsh, there is still an endless stream of believers who come to worship, so this town is very lively.

Wu Yi knows that these rules are only set for those ordinary pilgrims. The real Zongmen family must have a special teleportation array, but it is not open to the public. , the enthusiastic young man told them a lot of anecdotes and strange things. In a word, it was all about the boundless Dharma and compassion of the eminent monk of Xiaoxitian, who rescued many terminally ill and dying patients and punished many bullies To do evil, to be a scum of one side, and to save the world, the merits and virtues are immeasurable.

The young man originally thought that Wu Yi and the others were believers who came to burn incense and worship Buddha, but he didn't expect that the more he talked, the more Wu Yi frowned, and finally he felt a bone-chilling chill, and realized that his flattery was on the horse's hoof Going up, I retreated in embarrassment, and the chill did not gradually subside until I was 100 meters away from Wu Yi, my back felt cold, and I broke out in a cold sweat.

"Brother, this little Xitian doesn't seem to be easy to deal with. Would it be too hasty for us to rush over and question them directly?" Song Qingmu asked in a low voice after seeing the young man walking away.

Song Qingmu and Lie Yanshi decided to follow Wu Yi. Wu Yi did not hide what happened to him in the East China Sea. They all knew that going to Xiaoxitian this time was not to burn incense, but to find fault. With the strength of the four of them, it was indeed a little over their own strength to challenge Xiao Xitian.

"It's okay, I want to confirm one thing, just meeting an old friend is enough, let's treat ourselves as ordinary pilgrims, go find out the truth, don't cause any conflicts, wait until the whereabouts of the mother is confirmed, and then another Make a plan." Wu Yi's face sank like water, and he already had a plan in his heart.

"But Xiaoxitian is so big, and shields all detection of spiritual consciousness, how can we be sure that the Dragon God is trapped in Xiaoxitian?" Lie Yanshi asked puzzledly, she also tried to release her spiritual consciousness, As a result, they couldn't even break through a hundred meters away, as if the entire Northwest Continent was controlled by Xiao Xitian, and there was an insurmountable barrier.

Wu Yi got up and said: "There is a saying in China that 'If you want others to know, you can't do anything about it'. Some things can never be hidden. This time, I will question these eminent monks face to face. Do you dare to admit what they have done? everything of!"

After they came out of the inn, they followed the pilgrims and left the small town, and embarked on the famous road to the west. As far as they could see, there was no boundless wilderness, no jungles, no streams, and the hard land was covered with It is full of sharp gravel, with a few weeds growing sporadically, all covered by thick dust, lifeless, the wind is blowing, the dust is flying, the sky and the earth are dim, and it is very easy to lose your way.

The road to the west is not smooth, and ordinary people have to take great risks if they want to walk this thousand miles on foot, but the believers on this road are still walking in a continuous line, they are staggering, staggering, but But his gaze was extremely firm, with a strange look shining in his eyes, as if after all this, he would be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and reach the realm of bliss.

Wu Yi and the others moved much faster than these mortals, and soon surpassed them. Even if they didn't use Yuanli, their physiques had been tempered, and the mere wind and sand could hardly form any resistance. They walked with their heads covered for a day In one night, he had gone deep into the desert for nearly five hundred miles, and there were very few fellow travelers around. They were almost exhausted, their lives were hanging by a thread, and on the way, they saw many believers who fell to the ground. Already dead for a long time, the corpse was eaten by wild wolves and vultures, leaving only bones, abandoned in the wilderness, desolate and bleak.

"Do these people have mental problems? They would rather use up their last life force in this wilderness than turn back. They are pitiful and hateful." Song Qingmu flicked the dust on his body and sighed. Come down to dissuade those pilgrims and let them go back. Don’t continue to think that they are going forward. As a result, they ignore it. Instead, they think that this is a test for them by the Buddha. I have never seen any reaction from the Buddha.

"The power of faith is very terrifying. Xiao Xitian has been passed down for thousands of years. How can you change it with just a few words? The challenge we face this time will be very big. Not only Xiao Xitian, but also the hundreds of millions of believers will regard us as Mosha, you need to be mentally prepared in advance!" Wu Yi mused, this is what he is really worried about, this time he is not going to challenge an ordinary sect, but a super-large sect with thousands of years of inheritance. Zongmen, if you pull it, it will affect the whole body, and the influence will affect the entire Tianyuan Continent, so you have to be extremely cautious.

Before Song Qingmu could open his mouth, Lie Yanshi rushed to say: "Brother, I think these people are all controlled by their minds, and they can even give up their lives. How can there be any equality for all beings? If they really dare to trap the dragon My lord, we Fangcuntai and Fenglai Pavilion will definitely stand with Big Brother and seek justice."

"Yes... yes... we must stand with big brother, who cares about Xiao Xitian, Xiao Beitian, if he wants to surpass the monster clan, then he can't do it." Song Qingmu also patted his chest and assured.

"Okay...then let's continue on our way, don't delay any longer." Wu Yi nodded slightly, no matter how powerful he was about to face, as long as he had brothers and friends by his side, he would no longer be fighting alone.

Finally, on the afternoon of the third day, they finally saw the legendary Mount Sumeru. There are different peaks protruding from the flat and endless desert. Plated with a layer of light gold, it looks more majestic, solemn and solemn.

At the foot of Mount Sumeru, there is a huge square, paved with bluestone, flat and clean, densely packed with devout believers, facing the direction of Mount Sumeru, bowing down incessantly, in order to enter the main hall and inject fragrance , get enlightenment from the eminent monk.


Morning bells and evening drums, the melodious sound of drums spread far away, the sun was setting and the sky was gradually darkening.

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