Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1516

Wu Yi first entered Shiwan Dashan, and was forced by Ao Yongchun of the Jiao clan to go deep into the forbidden area, and finally inspired the golden blood, revealing the dragon's body, and his combat power instantly increased tenfold, tearing that arrogant and conceited guy to pieces .

And the area they are now in has far exceeded the area they have set foot in before, as if they were guided by an extremely mysterious force, the blood vessels that have recovered in their bodies also began to flow on their own, and the speed of operation became more and more rapid, as if the blood in the body There is something eager to spurt out, eager for blood, eager to kill, eager to devour everything, eager to become stronger.

"Not good, could it be that the Soul-devouring Orb has changed?" Wu Yi was shocked, and had to stop to check his spiritual consciousness, but he didn't find any signs of the Soul-devouring Orb waking up. Instead, he accidentally discovered that his soul The body is shining brightly, the human head and the snake body are becoming more and more clear, like pouring gold, looking at the face that is exactly the same as myself, I feel very strange, the expression is calm and indifferent, looking down on the common people, a hundred times more domineering than the real self , with an inherent majesty, a little strange, a little distant.

"Prince, why did you stop? Hey...what's the matter with your forehead?" Yuan Zhen was carefully identifying the direction and avoiding strong enemies. When he found that Wu Yi was meditating and adjusting his breath, he quickly folded back and asked in surprise .

Wu Yi withdrew the power of his consciousness, and was shocked to find that two horns appeared on his forehead, filled with golden light, flowing with divine splendor, with branches growing horizontally, and the shape was extremely irregular, but these two horns were connected with the golden blood, and the circulation was endless. The breath brought him a long-lost sense of power and control. At this moment, his combat power had surpassed the realm of transforming gods and was approaching the realm of god kings.

"The ancient rumors are true. This Hundred Thousand Mountains is indeed the birthplace of demon spirits. We haven't approached yet, and most of the golden blood in our bodies has recovered. No wonder Xiao San'er insists on following. As long as we can go back alive, we will definitely benefit a lot. Shallow." Wu Yi said excitedly, and at this moment he finally understood that the violent fluctuations in his mood were not due to the Soul-devouring Orb, but because of the recovery of blood, which awakened the half of the almost sealed demon power in his body. It affected his judgment, but the sharp increase in strength brought him tangible benefits.

"That's good... We still have a long way to go to the sea of ​​darkness, don't delay any longer, let's continue on our way!" Yuan Zhen was a little envious in his heart, the power of this kind of blood inheritance made ordinary practitioners such as them hopeless It's not possible, but more is happy for Wu Yi, only when he becomes stronger, the revitalization of the Yaozu will be more hopeful.

One hundred thousand mountains may be just a general description, but the vastness of the area here is still beyond Wu Yi's imagination. He can't remember how many mountains and rivers he has crossed, but he still hasn't reached his destination. It was three days and three nights before they set off. If they hadn't made a detour, they would have traveled more than ten thousand miles in a straight line.

"Hoo hoo... hoo hoo... hoo hoo..."

The deeper you went into the dense forest, the stronger the invisible coercion became. Yuan Zhen was already sweating profusely, panting like a cow, and his speed had dropped by 80% compared to the beginning, no different from an ordinary ape.

Little San'er lay on Yuan Zhen's back, but it didn't take much effort, but its hair stood upright, its third divine eye was always open, its divine splendor was flowing, and it was ready to attack at any time. It was obvious that it was also highly nervous. It feels oppressive, very disturbing.

"Brother Yuan, I'll take you for a ride." Seeing that Yuan Zhen was already struggling, Wu Yi took a step forward and grabbed his fluffy arm, slowly pouring in the heavenly energy to help him resist the invisible coercion. As for himself , The golden blood is flowing continuously, and I don't feel any discomfort at all. Instead, I have the illusion that the dragon is about to return to the sea, and I am very eager for the world ahead.

"Hoohoo... I thought that after the breakthrough in cultivation base, I would be able to relax, but I didn't expect the coercion I endured to be even stronger. I really don't know what's going on?" Yuan Zhen didn't refuse, he really couldn't bear it anymore, angry Said out of breath.

"This has nothing to do with cultivation, it has to do with demon nature. You have already opened up your spiritual wisdom and comprehended the way of heaven. You are getting farther and farther away from a demon cultivator who really relies on your body to fight against the sky. Now you have to go deep into the forbidden area of ​​​​the demon clan, and the pressure you have to bear Nature is getting stronger and stronger. Look at the monsters around us who have not activated their intelligence at all, have they been affected in the slightest?" Wu Yi pointed to a brown bear that had just roared past, and explained.

Yuan Zhen looked around, and then suddenly said: "So that's how it is. When I first came here, I didn't activate my spiritual intelligence at all. I just felt uneasy and didn't have the difficulty of walking an inch like now. This must be the reason."

"The great way is as simple as it is simple, great ingenuity is as clumsy, and great wisdom is as stupid as it is. Sometimes the simpler the truth, the more difficult it is to break. In order to become stronger, monster race creatures abandon the advantage of the beast body to understand the way of heaven, in order to compete with human monks. , This may not be the right way." Hearing this, Wu Yi had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and said to himself thoughtfully.

"Ah...Prince, this is not a joke. If you can't activate your spiritual wisdom, how can you control Yuanli and break through the limitations of the beast body?" Yuan Zhen was taken aback. If it was as Wu Yi said, then he would go astray. , and the entire Yaozu has gone astray.

"Well, the animal body has limitations, but it can be compensated by Yuanli. This is indeed irrefutable. I just said it casually, and it can't be true." Wu Yi was worried that his perception would affect Yuan Zhen's practice, so he quickly echoed. , but the understanding of demon cultivators in my heart has undergone earth-shaking changes. The animal body has limitations, so it must not be broken. Bloodline inheritance is rare, but where do these rare bloodlines come from? All kinds of questions linger in my mind, but I can't get a reasonable explanation.

"Aw... aw... aw..."

Wu Yi was meditating when he was suddenly awakened by a roar. Xiao San'er, who had been in a frenzy, rushed over like an arrow from the string, as if he had seen some life-and-death enemy, furious.

"What's the situation?" Wu Yi and Yuan Zhen chased after them, crossed the stone wall, and found a flat grassland, where a group of wolves were surrounding a white tiger. The white tiger was half-lying on the ground, and looked extremely weak, but its majesty was still there. Those jackals circled around it, but they dared not approach it, as if they were afraid.

"Hey...you have also learned how to yell when you see injustice, this time it's up to you!" Wu Yi saw a little furry head protruding from under Baihu's belly, not only didn't get angry, but encouraged him from the sidelines.

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