Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1523 Gift of Artifact

The giant ape stood up slowly, a soft light flashed in his eyes, and the shadow of Xiao San'er could be vaguely seen, but the whole temperament and image were already completely different, just like the ancient magic ape, powerful in all directions.

"I have long been sworn brothers with Juehuo Kuangshi, and you are also my father. When I was just born, if I didn't have the panacea and various natural and earthly treasures you provided to supplement my life essence, I'm afraid I would have died sooner or later." You have already died, but you have been able to live until now. You have given me the grace of reinvention. It is hard to repay you by honoring you as a "foster father". "Xiao San'er said through voice transmission.

The kindness of dripping water should be repaid by springs, and Wu Yi will regenerate it with kindness. It will never forget this friendship. A few words, but it made Wu Yi very moved, his eyes were slightly hot, he nodded and said: "Okay... ...Okay...okay...I am satisfied if you can have this gratitude. Now that you have grown up, I will call you 'Mount Tai' from now on, as thick as a mountain and unshakable."

After all, the Three-Eyed Spirit Ape has grown into a five-meter-tall giant beast, and it always feels a little awkward to call it "Little San'er". It has a domineering name, Tarzan of the Apes.

"Thank you for the name." Taishan was very satisfied with the name, knelt down on his knees again, and bowed respectfully to show his respect and awe to Wu Yi.

This time, Wu Yi was also entrusted with a big trust. After being worshiped by it, his confidence became stronger because he had such a powerful helper by his side. It won't take long for Taishan to advance to become a master of the demon king level. , even in the face of the four war gods of the Yaozu, they will not give up.

The clouds opened and the sun rose, the dust settled, and the ancient dense forest gradually returned to life. The trembling monsters that were captured by the catastrophe began to move, and the sound of birds and insects echoed in my ears. Only the huge pit, Witnessing the transformation and growth of Mount Tai, Wu Yi and the others did not stay too long, and soon returned to Tilia's daily practice residence. The green grass and clear streams here are extraordinarily peaceful.

"Sir, Tilia is willing to accompany you to the Underworld. The terrain there is very complicated and there are many restricted areas. If you rush into it, it will cause a lot of trouble than necessary. With me leading the way, it will save time." Tilia After hearing about Wu Yi's goal for this trip, she expressed that she was willing to follow Wu Yi and be a guide.

Tilia is of the blood of alien beasts, the king of the forest. She grew up here since she was a child, so she must be more reliable than Yuan Zhen, but Wu Yi thought for a long time, but still shook his head and said: "I appreciate your kindness, but you Just gave birth to offspring, and was attacked by wolves again, the life force is consumed enormously, and you need to recuperate and adjust your breath, otherwise it will affect your cultivation, and the little one has just been born, so you can't live without your protection. Or don't go."

Wu Yi didn't want to put Tilia in such a dangerous situation just because she wanted to repay her kindness. That's not Wu Yi's style, but Tilia insisted: "Mr. , has been prepared for many years, and has been reserved for a long time. The lost life energy can be recovered nine out of ten after one night of breath adjustment. The Hundred Thousand Mountains is the origin of the monster race. If Batu is lucky enough to go deep, for it There will be many benefits for future growth, and if there is no husband to accompany us, we will never dare to go deep into it rashly, we are willing to take this risk and do not want to give up this opportunity."

Wu Yi also felt deeply about this point. The deeper he goes into the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the more active the golden blood in his body will be. The same is true for the little white tiger. Compared with the wronged road they will go around in just one night Bi, it can be ignored, and Tilia had already said this, so he had no choice but to agree.

Meditation and breathing adjustment are very common for martial arts monks. Tilia took the elixir that she had prepared long ago, covered her body with steaming mist, returned to her cave, and began to repair her injuries and make up for her life The loss of Yuanli.

Wu Yi sat down by the stream, and couldn't help but began to recall the scene when Mount Tai was fighting against the catastrophe, especially the magical technique of gathering stones into mountains, which was beyond the control of Yuanli. Only the real mighty power of heaven and earth can have It can be done, and there is some kind of mysterious law of heaven in it, which is worthy of his careful comprehension, but at this moment, Mount Tai slowly walked over.

With such a huge size, it's hard not to notice it. Wu Yi had to withdraw his consciousness, interrupt his breath adjustment, and wait with his eyes open. It must have something to discuss with him when it comes here at this moment.

"Father, I want to have a good spiritual weapon. It will be more conducive to breaking through when it is surrounded." Taishan squatted down, obviously it also knows how to reflect, the scene of being besieged by wolves today made it eat the dark Unfortunately, I naturally don't want to repeat the same mistakes. Although the group of wolves can no longer be compared with it, they will encounter stronger enemies in the future, so we must plan ahead and sum up experience.

"Well, when attacking in groups, the spirit weapon can indeed exert greater attack power. Let me think about it, what kind of spirit weapon should I make for you to be good at it?" Wu Yi nodded and said, in his Qiankun bag With a lot of materials, it is not difficult to refine a spirit weapon, but after thinking about it, I feel that it is not satisfactory, even if it is a top-grade spirit weapon, it looks a bit shabby in Taishan's hands.

"My pair of iron fists are enough for melee combat, but they are insufficient for long-distance attack. Those powerful ultimate moves need a certain amount of preparation time. It doesn't matter if you fight alone, but in group battles, there is no chance at all." Taishan Huang Shaking his fist, it seems that it has not only inherited the supernatural powers of the Armed Ape, but also inherited its combat experience, knowing how to analyze the pros and cons, and make a judgment.

"Here...Take this and try it out to see if it goes well?" Wu Yi thought, with golden hands shining, he handed the Heaven Breaking Halberd directly to Mount Tai. fit.

"No, this is my adoptive father's self-defense weapon. It is too expensive. Taishan will never accept it. As long as I ask my adoptive father to help me create a high-grade spiritual weapon that is of sufficient weight, it will be enough." Taishan raised his hands Holding the broken halberd, raised it above his head, and said respectfully through sound transmission.

Wu Yi looked at the Heaven-breaking Halberd floating in mid-air, and waved his hand and said, "Since you called me 'Father', what's the use of a mere war halberd? But when the God King gave me the war halberd, He once pinned all his life's hopes on this war halberd, and you will continue to uphold the legacy of the god king, fight for the rest of your life, break through all falsehoods, and pursue the way of the true self. Don't let the war halberd become dusty, and the god king will be ashamed! "

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