Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1617 Your boy has a big life

Bai Yongyi was about to fight back, when she heard this familiar voice, she immediately stopped, and asked with some hesitation: "You...you are the Dragon God Prince? Why...how did you appear here?"

Today's Wu Yige has undergone tremendous changes when he left the East China Sea. From the realm of transforming gods to the realm of god kings, the aura and coercion are all incomparably strong, and the white hair and the ravines on his forehead have added a few more. The sense of vicissitudes is more mature than the high-spirited and high-spirited leader of the Dragon War Army in the East China Sea, so that Bai Yongyi is not sure whether her judgment has made a mistake.

"It's been a long time since we parted, and Patriarch Bai no longer recognizes me, Wu Yi. It's really distressing!" Wu Yi landed on the snow and got closer, and they could see each other's faces clearly.

"This subordinate pays homage to the god, but he failed to recognize the true face of the god just now, what an offense, please forgive me!" Bai Yongyi immediately knelt down on the ground and said extremely excitedly.

"Greetings to God!" The sentry guards of the Beluga clan also knelt down in unison, extremely respectful, and very excited, as if they had been looking forward to Wu Yi's arrival for a long time, and now their wish has finally come true.

Wu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly. When he heard them calling him that, he obviously already knew his current identity. He asked in surprise, "The news was delivered so fast? Even your Beluga clan already knew about it?"

"Shen Zun's bravery is peerless, destroying Xiaoxitian, defeating the Hua sect, forming an alliance with the supreme respect of the monster race, fighting against the Tianshen Palace, and shocking the world. These great achievements have already been spread throughout the Tianyuan Continent. The Great Elder has already issued a military order. The legion is on standby, obeying the orders of the gods at any time. The main force of our Beluga Clan has already rushed to the Dragon Temple, leaving only the sentry unit to be in charge of guarding. I am also preparing to rush to the Dragon Temple. It's a great honor to meet the gods here." Bai Yongyi's eyes flashed with a strange expression. Although the East China Sea is vast, it is still small compared to the Tianyuan Continent. Wu Yi's arrival means that they have to open The wider sky completely subverts everything now, and naturally the heart is surging and it is difficult to hold on.

"Haha... my uncle's sense of smell is really keen. As soon as I moved there, he started to prepare. Patriarch Bai, get up quickly! We are all brothers, so there is no need to be so formal." Wu Yi smiled and helped Bai Yongyi up , the East China Sea is now monolithic, and the home field for the most decisive battle couldn't be more suitable.

Bai Yongyi said with emotion: "Shen Zun, you have now become the leader of the monster clan, with a respected status, almost a god, but you can still regard me, the little patriarch, as a brother. Really... I didn't expect it!"

"That's out of the question. When I started my army, I was single and weak. If it weren't for the great help of the Beluga Clan, I would never have gone so smoothly if I wanted to unify the East China Sea. I, Wu Yiyong, would never have done this kind of kindness." Forget. Besides, whether it is the prince of the Dragon God or the Supreme Demon God, they all just want to seek a fair and reasonable living environment for the creatures of the monster race. If they are allowed to be suppressed by the Tianshen Palace, let alone the East China Sea, I am afraid that the entire monster race will have no way out. "Wu Yi never cared about his status or identity. What he cared about was the true feelings of sharing weal and woe. The Beluga Clan has always supported the Dragon Clan and never surrendered in the face of such cruel suppression by the Jiao Clan. Just let Wu Yi respect him very much in his heart, treat each other as family relatives, and never put on any airs of demon gods.

"That's right! The Donghai people have been trapped in this water for hundreds of years. Many ethnic groups have been completely extinct because they have no chance to communicate with the outside world. This is the case in the East China Sea, and so is the entire monster race. The gods hold high the banner of righteousness, Acting on behalf of the heavens will definitely achieve success immediately and completely overthrow the rule of the Tianshen Palace. We, the White Whale Clan, will continue to support the gods with all our strength. The gods who came to the East China Sea this time must be to gather the people and rush to Shiwan Dashan immediately Hurry up, don't delay, let's go!" Bai Yongyi couldn't wait.

Wu Yi shook his head and said: "Since the Great Elder is already making preparations, it doesn't make much sense for me to rush to the Dragon Temple. You can just bring back the news that I have returned to the East China Sea. The big battle is coming, and we must maintain high morale. The Legion is always ready and waiting to be dispatched."

"Your subordinate took orders, and the god returned to the East China Sea, but did not go to the Dragon Temple. Why?" Bai Yongyi responded, and asked with some doubts.

"I still want to see an old friend. I won't go back for the time being. Time is running out. I won't tell you any more. Let me go!" Wu Yi left a sentence, turned into the body of the dragon, and jumped into the icy sea water. Then disappeared.

In the vast East China Sea, the waves are rough and boundless, Wu Yi wanders freely, looking extraordinarily leisurely, without the terrifying pressure of shuttling through the subsea tunnel, he feels extremely relaxed all over his body. Unobstructed, in the misty water mist, I saw a golden figure passing by quickly. For those demon spirits living in the waters of the East China Sea, they thought it was just an illusion.

"Patriarch... Which bastard attacked me just now, why did you let him run away?" The unlucky guy who was slapped by Wu Yi rushed over angrily, looked around, and asked very dissatisfied.


Bai Yongyi unceremoniously slapped that guy three big ears, and said angrily: "You bastard, don't keep your mouth shut, that's the Dragon God Prince of our East China Sea, and even today's Supreme Demon God. Zun just wants to give you a warning, otherwise, if he wants to make a move, can you still stand here?"

"What? The prince has returned to the East China Sea? I really have no eyesight, and I offended the prince. I should fight... I really should fight!" The guard had participated in the battle against Heishui City, and he was very familiar with Wu Yi, so he didn't have a second thought On the contrary, he was a little regretful that he couldn't see Wu Yi again.

"Okay... you guys continue to patrol, and I will rush to the Dragon Temple soon. The safety of the Beluga Clan and the northwest gateway of the East China Sea will be left to you. If there is any situation, it must be sent to the police through Skynet as soon as possible. Dragon Temple, there must be no delay, remember?" Bai Yongyi once again solemnly urged.

"Your subordinates take orders." The sentry team straightened their bodies and responded in unison. After the small disturbance just now, no one dared to slack off and perfunctory. Fortunately, it was Wu Yi who suddenly appeared today. If it was another human race master , then the entire Beluga clan will be destroyed, and it takes 12 points of energy to ensure nothing goes wrong.

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