Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1621

The leaders of the three major sects have already stated their positions. Even if the rest of the disciples hesitated in their hearts, they all chose to remain silent. However, compared to the united and high-spirited spirit of the Monster Race Alliance, the atmosphere at the moment is much duller. The biggest reason is the Tianshen Palace. The prestige is still there, and the human monks have long been accustomed to regard it as a god-like existence. They never thought that one day they would challenge the authority of the Tianshen Palace, and compared to the dire situation of the monster race, the human monks have a greater power. The degree of freedom and living space has not yet reached the point of having to resist.

Wu Yi saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't explain too much. If the Tianshen Palace is allowed to develop like this, the entire martial arts cultivation world will go downhill until it dies out, just like the martial arts cultivation world in China today Similarly, there are only a few martial arts families left with no successors, their inheritance is worrying, and they are gradually assimilated by the secular world. However, it may take a hundred years or even a thousand years for all of this to happen. It is enough to join the alliance army.

"Everyone, the battle between our Allied Forces and Tianshen Palace has already begun. At this moment, the Tianshen Guards are gathering. Time is running out. Please follow me to the East China Sea and wait for the best opportunity." Wu Yi decided to concentrate all his forces in the East China Sea , there is a territory that truly belongs to him, and playing at home is easier to control.

"Oh yeah... Sister Lihua, the Caibei necklace you promised me is finally available. It's back to the East China Sea, so don't play tricks anymore." Song Ziyi suddenly clapped her hands and said cheeringly. She is very fond of the blue sea. She had been yearning for it for a long time, and now that her dream finally came true, she was naturally very excited. As for what this going meant, she didn't care at all.

The atmosphere was a bit depressing at first, but her sudden sudden action had the effect of breaking the ice. Tie Lihua said with a smile: "Don't worry, there are countless rare treasures in the East China Sea. I'm afraid you will be dazzled by then. Look at them." I can't even see it."

"I've stayed in Tianxuan Peak all my life, and now I have the opportunity to change places. It's just an eye-opener. Don't be dazed, let's go!" Nie Lanxiu lovingly pulled Song Ziyi, and was the first to fly into the sky, heading towards the East China Sea Rapidly darting, soon disappeared.

How much Wu Yi helped Song Qingmu and how much Fang Cuntai helped, Nie Lanxiu knew very well in her heart that this move can be regarded as a kind of repayment to Wu Yi. With her taking the lead, Song Qingmu, Lie Yanshi, And the disciples of Fangcuntai followed closely behind, leaving the land they had long been accustomed to and flying to the unknown sea area. From then on, the trajectory of life will be completely subverted.

Hui Jing of Tianxuanzong, because Wu Yi obtained the complete "Tian Dao Jue" mentality, has long regarded Wu Yi as a teacher who taught her career, so she naturally did not hesitate. After the disciples of Fangcuntai left, she nodded to Wu Yi and led the heaven Xuanzong disciple left.

Now only the disciples of Fenglai Pavilion are left to wait and see. This is also the most powerful faction among the three factions. There are more than a dozen guardian elders who have cultivated in the realm of transforming gods. Although Yingluo has already stated his position, the real decision Quan was still with Lie Fentian, she didn't move, no one would move, even if Wu Yi held the token in his hand, it was the same, it was just a symbol.

Seeing that the focus was on Lie Fentian, Wu Yi quickly gave a step, and said loudly: "Senior, my mother will visit the East China Sea in a few days, and I look forward to having a drink with senior at the Dragon God Palace to reminisce about the past. You always want to give this face, right?"


Lie Fentian didn't answer, but inspired by the Yan Feng, a fiery red figure flew out from the plane tree, pierced the sky, and soon disappeared into the thick clouds and mist. As soon as she left, the disciples of Fenglai Pavilion didn't hesitate anymore , followed one after another, Yingluo and Wu Yi looked at each other and smiled. Only the Dragon God Ao Yuzhen could resolve this barrier.

Although the Tianshen Palace closed the teleportation array, the distance from Phoenix City to the East China Sea is not very far away. The disciples of the three sects merged into one place and marched towards the East China Sea in a mighty way. It took about a day, and they all reached the shore of the East China Sea. , The waves are rushing, the huge waves are empty, and they slap heavily on the reef, making a deafening roar, so vast that there is no limit to see.

Although I was a bit reluctant when I left, it was a bit of a novelty to arrive in a completely unfamiliar area, because this is the area of ​​the East China Sea Aquarium, and the disciples of the three sects seldom set foot here. Stepping on the soft sand in the clean air gave me a strange feeling. Song Ziyi even ran and jumped, leaving crooked lines of footprints, which were soon swallowed by the raging tide.

With so many monks approaching the East China Sea, they quickly alarmed the guards. Ten squadrons floated above the surface of the sea. territory?"

Before the general could finish speaking, another fifteen squads surfaced, all dressed in golden armor and holding spiritual weapons, their aura was much stronger than that of the sentinel squad, and they were well-trained.

"His grandma, why are there so many monks of the human race who want to attack me in the East China Sea all of a sudden? The Dragon War Legion, with a hundred thousand tigers and tigers, is waiting for death. With your little manpower, you are too overwhelmed! The main thing is Who? Come out and answer!" The commander of the Golden Armored Guards was even more airy, yelling extremely arrogantly.

Wu Yi took a step forward, and said with a smile: "The king has such a big air, and now he has a high position and power, don't you even recognize me as an old friend?"

The general who came out later was none other than Wang Mang, who had a close relationship with Wu Yiji. He is now the commander of the Dragon God Guard and is responsible for the safety of the entire Dragon God Palace. When news of a large number of monks approaching the East China Sea reached the Dragon God Palace, he immediately came out to inquire News, when he heard this sentence, he was taken aback. It was an old thing when the Jiao clan was in power, and no one mentioned it now, and the voice was too familiar, and his heart was shocked. Get closer, see Wu Yi's face clearly, kneel down on the beach in a hurry, and reply respectfully: "The last general does not know the prince is here, so I have offended you, and I deserve death. Please, prince...forgive...forgive... "

"Haha... I was just joking with you, why are you so nervous? Commander Wang please get up!" Wu Yi strode forward and helped Wang Mang up himself. Although this guy is used to showing off, he is still extremely loyal to him.

"Prince, you really scare people to death!" Wang Mang patted his chest and said sadly.

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