Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1638

The city in the northeastern continent of Tianyuan was breached, and the teleportation circle was destroyed. It did delay the assembly of the army of Tianshen Palace, but it did not delay for too long. Difficult, on the morning of the fifth day after Wu Yi disappeared, the Celestial Army assembled again in the East China Sea, facing the Allied army from a distance, with banners flying and shadows flickering.

Although these five days are very short, for the alliance army, it has an extraordinary significance. The tribes of the Yaozu and the Donghai tribe join forces, the Dragon War Legion, the Dragon God Guard, plus the reserve team, clan disciples , the strength is about 200,000, and the two together, there are 500,000 people, which can compete with the Celestial Army in terms of strength, and after several small battles and emergency deployments, they are no longer as scattered as before. The various tribes of the human race, the monster race and the human race, began to gradually merge to form an inseparable whole. Although the polishing time was short, it had an immediate effect.

While Logia tried her best to repair the magic circle, the troops that could be sent were still limited. Only the twenty-eight constellations and the Celestial Guards were able to assemble. As for the clan disciples who came to help, only a small part of them reached the Northeast Continent. On the contrary, it decreased by about 50,000, but Luo Jiya didn't care. In her eyes, the entire alliance army was just a mob. The 28-star lineage troops plus the Celestial Guards were more than enough to deal with this mob.

Facing the pressure from the Tianshen Palace, the alliance army was relatively calm. Ao Yeshuo and Ji Wuyang were very familiar with the East China Sea region, and they had already drawn up countermeasures. Each regiment stationed defenses, deployed magic circles, and allocated supplies according to the predetermined positions. , everything seems to be in an orderly manner, busy but not chaotic. Although the tribes of the Yaozu are far away from home and are not used to the environment, they trust the Donghai Aquarium very much, and communicate with each other very smoothly, which saves a lot of worries. .

However, inside the conference hall, the atmosphere was incomparably dignified. Originally, the news that Wu Yi had infiltrated into the Eight Extremes to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth had been blocked, but at this moment, it was impossible to hide it.

"Grandpa Shao, where did daddy go? The enemy is about to launch a general attack, but he doesn't show up. I'm really terrified." Xiaohuo was impatient. Others didn't dare to say more, but he couldn't care less. asked.

Tie Yucheng also echoed at the side: "A group of dragons without a leader, the morale of the army must be impetuous. If the gods can't show up to boost morale, once the war starts, I'm afraid it will be bad for us!"

"Shen Zun has another good plan. Now that the battle is imminent, can you reveal one or two, and let me make preparations in advance, otherwise I don't know how to handle it properly." As the commander of the army, Ji Wuyang is under great pressure, and he really doesn't understand. Originally, all people were united and united, but now it is this scene.


Shao Tianhua kept pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. At this moment, he seemed to be the focus of everyone's attention. He wanted to speak a few times, but he found it extremely difficult.

"That's all... maybe... maybe it's God's will, brother Shao, tell them the truth!" Ao Yeshuo's eyes were flushed, and he let out a long sigh, as if his soul had been sucked out of him, and he looked extremely sluggish.

The army is overwhelming, and the flames of war are imminent. Wu Yi hasn't shown up at this moment, and he can't wait any longer. Once the two sides start a war, there is no room for change. They must die forever. Shao Tianhua nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the gods are going to Baji I am afraid that something unexpected has happened to him. Before he left, he had issued an order that if he failed to return to the East China Sea within five days, the alliance army would disband on its own, and he would no longer be able to fight against Tianshen Palace. , I will go out now to pray for peace with the owner of the Heavenly God Palace, and I only hope that the Heavenly God Palace will not be wiped out."

As soon as this remark came out, it was undoubtedly a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and the expressions of everyone in the conference hall were completely frozen. From the time of raising the flag to rebel to the present, it was a time when morale was high and the crowd was excited. No one thought that this would be the result.

"No...no...it's absolutely impossible, Dad can't just give up like this, and we can't just give up like this!" Xiao Huo shouted loudly, tears falling down like broken beads, extremely sad .

Taishan also had tears in his eyes, clenched his fists, and said in grief and indignation: "The adoptive father is gone, and we have to fulfill his last wish, fight to the death, never regret it, and admit defeat if we don't fight, it's too useless."

"Brother died for us, and we must fight for him, we must not admit defeat." Song Qingmu gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Isn't it just death? Since we dare to stand up, we are not prepared to go back alive. The gods are not here, so we will go out and fight with them!"

"Yes... you have to die vigorously, it's more interesting than living like this. Senior Shao, let us go out and fight!"


After a short period of astonishment, the emotions of this group of young juniors became more and more agitated. No one chose to retreat and escape, but rushed to rush out and fight to the end with the Tianshen Palace.

Shao Tianhua's eyes suddenly projected a bright light, and the powerful pressure of divine sense made everyone speechless, and the silence in the hall was restored again, and he said slowly: "You are still young, and you don't understand the good and suffering of the gods. With all his heart, although he raises the flag to raise the flag, he never acts impulsively and recklessly. Every decision is based on the overall situation to minimize casualties. He values ​​anyone's life more than the sky, so he takes the risk alone. , make this decision. Endure for a while, calm the sea, take a step back, the sea and the sky are bright, you are alive, there is still hope, and there is a possibility, if you fight to the death with the courage of the people, it will be an immeasurable loss for the world of Tianyuan martial arts cultivation , that is to live up to his sacrifice, and to live up to his high hopes for you."

Once the general is successful, all the bones are dry. When Wu Yi pacified the East China Sea, he witnessed the huge casualties caused by the war, and his heart was very heavy. However, this time he formed an alliance army to fight against the Tianshen Palace, and he was even more cautious at all times. He didn't want to cause large-scale casualties, and he didn't want to see his relatives, friends, and brothers fall in front of him. That's why he made this decision. He didn't have the certainty of victory, but he didn't take risks easily.

The coercion of spiritual consciousness had been removed, but everyone remained silent. After a long time, Yan Yanqiu got up and said, "Brother Shao, let's go out together! If we delay this any longer, we won't even have a chance to speak."

"Yes! We can't wait any longer, let's go!" Shao Tianhua nodded slightly, and the four war gods of the Yaozu walked out of the Dragon Temple side by side, and appeared on the shore of the East China Sea.

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