Dragon Warrior

Chapter 210: If You Have Grandchildren, You Should Be Like This!

Seeing Shura's wry smile, Wu Yi shook his head, and said with a smile: "Aren't you the same as before, or are you still so duplicity?"

Wu Yi knew that if Shura, who had reached the middle stage of energy transformation, really wanted to kill him, he would have been seriously injured by the blow he hadn't fought back before. How could he still have the ability to fight against Shura?

When the two officially fought, Wu Yi didn't even feel the killing intent on Shura! It was precisely because of this that he was merciful and did not directly destroy Shura.

As he spoke, Wu Yi sighed, looked at Shura with some guilt, and said, "Sura, back then..."

"What happened to you back then? Haha, do you think we don't know your origin? It's just that everyone doesn't want to talk about it, and those ten ghost kings didn't die at all. You're just in trouble." Seeing Wu Yi's self-blaming appearance, Xiu Luo couldn't help laughing.

"What... what?" Wu Yi opened his eyes and looked at Shura in disbelief, "You, you mean that everything before that was carefully arranged by Hades?"

Wu Yi planned that event for a long time, but Shura said that all of this was planned by Hades. If things are really as Shura said, then that woman is really scary?

And Wu Yi has never seen through the strength of that mysterious woman since a long time ago! That woman is still a mystery in Wu Yi's heart!

As if seeing the shock in Wu Yi's heart, Shura burst out laughing, patted Wu Yi's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Okay, kid, don't think so much, that time was just the people from the Palace of the Underworld. Do you know that you won? Otherwise, you thought you were the opponent of the five ghost kings alone?"

After a break, Shura looked at Wu Yi, "But I'm very strange now. I haven't seen you for a few years. How did your kid become so powerful? It's too much. I thought my progress was fast. , but I didn't expect that he was not your opponent!"

Listening to what Shura said, Wu Yi knew that he didn't lie to himself, and he just smiled bitterly in his heart at the moment. He didn't expect that his old friends still remembered him, and they didn't die. That's pretty good news.

Back then, the reason why he wanted to attack the people in the Palace of Hades was to prevent the expansion of the Palace of Hades! His goal has been achieved, so there is no need to wipe out the Palace of the King of Hades.

But Wu Yi was really shocked, that woman in Hades is really powerful, several times Wu Yi guessed from the degree of hydration of the other party's skin, the other party was only a few years older than himself, but the other party's mind was stronger than her own. The old man is not bad either.

"Sura, why did you come to me this time?" Wu Yi put away the shock in his heart, and stared at Shura with burning eyes.

Since Shura didn't just come to deal with him, there was only one possibility, they had important matters to come to him.

"Yan Wang asked me to tell you that people from Scorpio are about to trouble you, so you should be careful!" When it came to business, Shura was not ambiguous.

"Scorpio?" Wu Yi frowned. Compared with the low-key and hidden in the palace of the king of hell, Scorpio is much more high-profile, and Scorpio's income and promotion standards are very straightforward - those who are able should live.

As long as your strength is strong, then you can take the position. It may be because of that system that the members of the entire Scorpio are mixed. A rather evil organization.

However, there is no doubt about the strength of Scorpio. After the hiding of the Hades Palace, Scorpio has the potential to replace it. It is conceivable how strong Scorpio is.

"Could it be because I peeked at the old scorpion's daughter taking a bath back then, and the old guy and her daughter have always had a grudge against each other?" Wu Yi thought of the oolong he made in the early years, and couldn't help but smile wryly at this moment.

"No, someone paid a lot of money to find the master of Scorpio to take your head!" Shura's eyes were full of seriousness, "Judge, who did you offend? How dare you let the other party pay such a big price?" To deal with you, if it is not because of King Yan, our brothers in the Palace of King Yan are planning to take up that task."

Hearing Shura's words, and remembering what Little Panpan said to himself before, Wu Yi frowned tightly and fell into deep thought.

He was really curious, who exactly wanted to deal with him?

Situ Lin was one of them, but Situ Lin wouldn't pay such a high price to deal with him, would he?

Wu Yi used to be a high-ranking member of the Palace of the King of Hades, and he knew very well what the conditions were that could make Shura and others fall in love.

But the other party agreed to such a terrifying condition, just to take his own life.

In the past, Wu Yi always felt that others underestimated the head on his neck, but this time he felt that the other party was playing too big.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Yi smiled bitterly: "Actually, I don't know who I offended, but I still thank Hades for me. What happened back then was my fault! But I couldn't help myself."

Shura patted Wu Yi's shoulder and sighed, "If you have time, come back and have a look, Yama, she misses you a lot."

Hearing this, Wu Yi couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, Shura patted Wu Yi's shoulder, turned around and left.

Seeing that the other party left just like that, Wu Yi couldn't help but smile bitterly. He really didn't expect that kid to say that.

Shaking his head helplessly, Wu Yi turned and returned to the villa.

"Injured?" As soon as the door opened, Wu Yi saw Su Qingxue standing at the door, looking at him indifferently.

"Hehe, I just met an old friend and exchanged ideas, it's nothing serious." Facing Su Qingxue's cold appearance, Wu Yi still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Go take a bath, I've already put it away." Su Qingxue glanced at Wu Yi, turned around and walked upstairs. When he reached the stairs, she stopped suddenly and bit her head. Biting his lip, without looking back, he said, "If possible in the future, come back earlier, the house is empty, and I feel a little timid by myself."

After finishing speaking, Su Qingxue blushed and hurried upstairs.

Uncle Yi stared at Su Qingxue who was running upstairs, smiled knowingly, and shouted: "Okay, daughter-in-law, can I be rewarded for coming back sooner? You see, isn't it a person to always let my husband sleep in the guest room?" What's the matter? Husband's waist is not very good, can you help me press it?"

Hearing Uncle Yi's shameless words, Su Qingxue blushed and stomped her feet angrily. What is this guy thinking about? It's so annoying to think about those things when you're not married.

In fact, Su Qingxue is still a very conservative girl in her bones. She feels that her first marriage should be dedicated to the man she loves the most on the night of her marriage!

"However, I heard that men have relatively strong demands in that regard. If Wu Yi is outside..." Thinking of this, Su Qingxue frowned tightly, because she thought of what Wu Yi provoked outside. Those debts of love, "If that guy really can't help it, and the temptation outside is so great, he really does something excessive, then, what should we do?"

Thinking of this, Su Qingxue couldn't help becoming nervous. She didn't even think that she would have such a feeling of worrying about gains and losses. She never thought that one day she would stare at her chest for the first time when she met her. That's what the man looking at with that mole would think!

But Uncle Yi didn't care about these things. At this moment, he was quietly lying in the huge bathtub with his head submerged in the water. His mood is a bit complicated now, because he never thought that there would be a person with an extremely high status. Man wants to deal with himself.

Although Scorpio's strength is a little worse than that of Hades Palace, it is not too bad. If those guys come for real, Wu Yi really has to consider whether to ask for help.

Nima, this is not the time to be a hero!

Thinking of this, Wu Yi jumped out of the water, thought for a while, walked out of the bathtub, picked up the mobile phone in his trousers, dialed a few strange numbers, and then, after a few more internal calls, the phone finally Connected.

"Boy, when is this? Do you still have any respect for the elderly? It is a shameful thing to affect the sleep of the elderly!" As soon as the call was connected, Wu Yi smiled wryly. voice came.

"Old man, don't pretend to be dead with me, do we have a account to settle properly?" Wu Yi gritted his teeth at the thought of the old man's shady things about him.

"Ahem, boy, is this the attitude and tone you should have when talking to the master?" The other end of the phone became dissatisfied, "I'm doing this for you, too? Is it suitable for you? And I heard that your recent relationship is also very good? Hehe, when will I give birth to a little Wu Yi for the old man to play with?"

Hearing the old man's shameless words, Wu Yi couldn't help itching his teeth. He really wanted to say, I will raise your sister, my lord. I can't even get into Su Qingxue's room.

"Old man, someone from Scorpio is coming to trouble me. You can take care of this matter. If the opponent is too strong, you know my temperament. I will run away when the time comes. You will be the one who is ashamed!" , Wu Yi hung up the phone directly and took a bath.

After Wu Yi hung up the phone, in an old mountain villa in Yanjing, an old man with white beard and hair withdrew his smile, squinted his eyes at the old man who was looking at the chess game, and said: "Old Wu, That brat in your family is indeed a talent. He is almost the same as that girl in the Su family. After passing the postgraduate entrance examination, the mother of that girl in the Su family will probably show up to meet that kid in your family, right? At that time, say Maybe your Wu family..."

"Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky. There are some things that the child can handle by himself, I just need to help him silently, that's enough!" The mighty old man smiled in his tiger eyes. The smug look in his eyes was hard to hide.

If there is a grandson, it should be like this!

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