Dragon Warrior

Chapter 329

Su Qingxue had already thought about the idea of ​​practicing martial arts and stepping into the martial arts, but because of her face, Su Qingxue was always embarrassed to tell Wu Yi.

Because Su Qingxue also heard from Wu Yi that warriors are also inherited from masters, not just passed on.

But today's incident became a sudden point, and Su Qingxue could no longer bear it. If she was also a powerful warrior today, then she would not be so bullied by a little Situ Yan.

She wants to become stronger. Although she looks like a weak woman, she is very strong in her heart. Otherwise, she would not be able to support the Tianhong Group by herself in the years after Su Tianhong fell.

"Fool, how can you be my burden? Don't think about it, what are you doing martial arts with a girl? Fighting and killing is not suitable for you, you'd better be a quiet beauty." Wu Yimo Looking at Su Qingxue's head, she said with a smile. Just kidding, let Su Qingxue learn martial arts? In case Su Qingxue is very talented and stronger than herself in the future, if she has nothing to do, she will beat herself up, where will she put her face?

"No! I'm not thinking wildly, and I don't want to be a quiet and beautiful woman. I want to have the ability to protect myself!" Of course, Su Qingxue didn't know Wu Yi's little thoughts, and said extremely resolutely.

Seeing Su Qingxue's insistence, Wu Yi also felt a little embarrassed, and said hesitatingly: "Xiaoxue, there are many disadvantages of practicing martial arts. Your originally soft body will become hard, and your body will also be full of muscles. Beautiful The slender hands will also become rough, I think it’s better to forget it? And you don’t need to protect yourself, I can protect you.”

"What if you're not here?" Seeing Wu Yi's refusal, Su Qingxue looked at Wu Yi seriously, "What if you're not here like today? What if the enemy sneaks up on me? And what if someone gives me away when you don't show up?" kill it?"


Wu Yi didn't know how to answer for a while, yes, there are many things waiting for him, even whether he will stay in Nanhua City for a long time in the future is a very important question.

"Wu Yi, if you really love me and want to protect me, then teach me martial arts. At least you have to let me have the ability to protect myself, otherwise how can you save me?" Su Qingxue Staring at Wu Yi seriously, his eyes were full of pleading.

Hearing what Su Qingxue said and the pleading look in Su Qingxue's eyes, Wu Yi finally softened his heart, he gritted his teeth, "Okay. Since you really have such determination, then I promise you! Later, I will ask my master for a book of kung fu suitable for girls to practice."

Wu Yi also has some senior and senior sisters, and those girls can also kung fu, but they didn't make their sides extremely hard like those ordinary foreign kungfu. On the contrary, under the kungfu suitable for women, those girls Senior sisters and junior sisters come out beautifully one by one.

Of course, cultivation also depends on aptitude. Although Wu Yi doesn't know much about it, but sharing the bed with Su Qingxue these days, Wu Yi can also see that Su Qingxue should have such a bit of talent.

"Really? That's great!" Su Qingxue was very excited when she got Wu Yi's consent, she stood on tiptoe and kissed Wu Yi's mouth. She was so happy, as long as she could practice martial arts, she could also become stronger. Su Qingxue hummed in her heart when she thought that she was captured by that seductive woman Lin Qingxin.

Of course, the reason why she wants to practice also has her own little thoughts. She wants to have more common topics with Wu Yi.

Although the two live under the same roof, there are very few topics between them, and they just eat together and chat about the most basic homework.

If two people who love each other do not have a common topic for a long time, the consequences will be dire.

Moreover, Su Qingxue believes that she also has good strength, and after that, the gap with Wu Yi has also narrowed, and she can be worthy of Wu Yi.

It turned out that in the heart of this seemingly proud woman, she felt very inferior!

On the other hand, Wu Yi, he kept touching his mouth in a daze, seeing Su Qingxue was so excited that he was about to dance, but he was very wronged in his heart, this woman was so unkind, she kissed him so forcefully, Don't ask yourself if you want to or not.

"Okay, don't be merry, I just promised you now, whether you can practice or not depends on your qualifications and whether my old master agrees or not." Wu Yi saw that Su Qingxue was about to lose control of her excitement. Yes, quickly poured a basin of cold water. He was really not sure whether his unscrupulous master would be willing to contribute a copy of the exercises that he practiced with Su Qingxue.

"Isn't it all right if you just beg your master? And I'm so good-looking, your master will definitely agree to having a beautiful apprentice like me."

Hearing that Su Qingxue was so narcissistic, Wu Yi was taken aback for a moment, obviously not used to it, is your grandfather's still my fiancée? It seems that women are animals who are good at camouflage.

Shaking his head, Wu Yi didn't think about it anymore, he decided to have a meal with Su Qingxue first, it was already so late, Wu Yi also killed a few people today, and he was really hungry. After all, you need to replenish your physical strength.

When Wu Yi went to Tianhong Building to rescue Su Qingxue, a group of unexpected guests came from the Nanhua City Police Station.

At that time, Dai Wenming was preparing to get off work, but he didn't expect that a bright black commercial vehicle would drive straight into the city bureau arrogantly. Immediately, a group of young people rushed out of the commercial vehicle in a hurry.

"Dai Wenming, get out!"

The leader was a young man in his thirties, with a sinister face and eyes full of evil spirits. The young man behind him either had a sneer on his face, or looked like he was watching the show or disdainful.

In the Nanhua City Police Station, he yelled the name of Mr. Iron Bread, and his tone was still so unbearable. This is naturally a matter worthy of attention. Soon, many policemen who were about to get off work rushed out. I want to see who actually dares to be so bold.

When everyone saw that it was a group of young people who came, Dai Wenming's diehard immediately became dissatisfied and scolded them one after another.

"Who are you? This is the police station, and you won't be allowed to be presumptuous!"

"Where do you guys come from? No matter who you are, if you want the police to commit crimes, don't you show your tricks?"

"Young man, don't make trouble here, or your adults won't be able to protect you."


For a while, many people persuaded and scolded. Obviously, Comrade Dai is still very popular.

But after hearing this voice, Dai Wenming, who was arranging the documents, trembled slightly, sighed, frowned tightly, threw the unorganized documents on the table, leaned against the Sitting on the chair, he pinched his Jingming acupoint and became silent.

"Uncle Dai, they, they are here."

Just as Dai Wenming was silent, a fiery voice broke into Dai Wenming's office.

Qin Lan was very anxious after hearing that voice. She knew the origin of those people, so she rushed into Dai Wenming's office immediately. She knew that this time things were a little messed up.

"Well, I see." Seeing Qin Lan's eager look, Dai Wenming opened his eyes and gave a wry smile.

"What should I do?" Qin Lan was full of anxiety, "How about, why don't I call Wu Yi over?"

Qin Lan knew the identity of the person who came, and she felt that if she wanted to deal with those people, the only people from the inspection team would be the only ones, right? But Dai Wenming interrupted Qin Lan's idea with a wave of his hand.

He looked at Qin Lan with piercing eyes, "If my guess is right, the purpose of their coming is probably Wu Yi, otherwise do you think they would come so quickly? Although Zhou Chenguang is the captain of the inspection team, he is also You need to apply to take people into action. So, don't call Wu Yi for the time being, if Wu Yi comes, you will give them the truth instead."

"Then...then what should I do?" Qin Lan was also anxious. Everyone in the inspection team was armed with powerful force. The people in the police station had no way to stop them, and those people had direct orders to ordinary policemen. O right!

"What else can we do? Although they can control us, they don't dare to hurt our lives." Dai Wenming smiled, stood up, put on his coat, and smiled at the nervous Qin Lan: " Let's go, accompany uncle and me to meet Zhou Chenguang for a while."

Qin Lan gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly. She really wanted to get mad. Why can those people abuse their supposed rights so shamelessly? Haven't they thought about using their power to help the common people?

But this naive woman doesn't know that the reason why men chase power is the pleasure of being in charge of life and death.

"Captain Zhou, if you don't work hard in Yanjing, why would you come to our Nanhua City Police Station? Is there anything our Nanhua City Police Station can cooperate with you?" Dai Wenming walked downstairs and looked squarely at the police station. Looking at the young man with a sinister face opposite him.

"Dai Wenming, you did a good job! Now you still dare to ask questions knowingly? You arrested my father and locked up my cousin, and you actually asked me what I was doing at the Nanhua City Police Station? I think you are impatient? "

Zhou Chenguang squinted his eyes, and there was a cold and stern killing intent in his long and narrow eyes, and he was already ready to kill.

As the captain of the inspection team, he has already escaped from the law, but the old black dog in front of him dared to arrest his father, and even his cousin, how could he do that? Can you not be angry? !

Zhou Chenguang's attitude was so arrogant that all the policemen, who were persuading and scolding him, all shut up. They knew that the young man in front of him seemed to have a lot of background!

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