Dragon Warrior

Chapter 408 Please do me a favor [Fourth Update! 】

At this moment, Wu Yi only felt that his head was getting dizzy for a while. He hadn't seen him for so many years, and his old man was still so naughty.

"Hehe, that's what I said, but you old man wants to climb high, so how can you look up to our Li family?" Then, a voice that made Wu Yi even more puzzled sounded, it was his unscrupulous Master's voice.

What does Master mean by this? Why do you say it is climbing high branches? Wu Yi thought to himself, he felt that the Su family was just an inconspicuous existence, compared with the Li family, it was a heaven and an earth. But the old man said that, which made Wu Yi feel a little confused by Monk Zhang Er.

"Grandpa, master."

Wu Yiben planned to continue to eavesdrop on what the two old men were saying, but found that the two old men stopped talking and looked towards him, which made Wu Yi have to call for someone.

"Stinky boy, are you finally willing to come back?" The old man of the Wu family saw his precious grandson, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, but his joy quickly subsided, and his voice became much more indifferent.

"I just came back not long ago." Wu Yi knew that his grandfather was a little angry that he didn't go home for so many years, but he caught all the joyful eyes of the old man before. He knew that the old man still loved him very much.

Thinking about how he has been refusing to go home all these years, and looking at the old man who is getting older, Wu Yi couldn't help feeling deeply ashamed.

"Hmph, do you still know how to come back? How long has it been? I thought you didn't plan to recognize me as a grandfather or this family anymore." The old man of the Wu family was so angry. If you don't come back, if you finally come back, can't you be a little excited? Or it’s better to say some nice words to yourself, the elderly also need comfort, okay?

Wu Yi was silent for a while, he really didn't know how to answer the old man's words.

"Why don't you talk? Why? Is it because your wings are stiff now that you can't say a word about you?" Seeing Wu Yi's silence, the old man of the Wu family became even more angry.

The old man of the Li family knew his temperament as an old man, the kind who wanted to save face and suffer. He was thinking about his precious grandson all day long, but now that he came back, he pretended to be aggressive.

It's really disgusting!

"I said tiger head, it's almost enough. Isn't the child back? Don't you want to force the child away again? You don't know how much those juniors in your family did things a few years ago Absolutely, with this kid's temper, maybe he will kill a few people, how will you explain to the family members?" Seeing that the old man of the Li family was almost done, he immediately came out to smooth things over.

The old man of the Wu family also felt that it was almost the same. If he continued to scold him, he really didn't know if his precious grandson, who is more temperamental, would run away again. The child is too old to take care of.

Seeing the old man of the Wu family stop, the old man of the Li family laughed, "Why did you come back so early this year? Are you okay in Nanhua City?"

Wu Yi smiled, took a deep look at his master and grandfather, and said, "Is my life in Nanhua City good? Don't you two elders know better than me?"

From the previous conversation between the two old men, Wu Yi knew that his every move in Nanhua City might be in the eyes of these two old men. Wu Yi was worried that he and Su Qingxue were sleeping on the same bed. He hadn't been discovered by them. If he had been discovered by them, he really wanted to die.

Hearing what Wu Yi said, the old man of the Li family was almost choked to death, and the old man of the Wu family blushed, embarrassingly trying to touch his teacup, but he almost knocked it over.

"Ahem, you kid, how could your grandfather and I know about you in Nanhua City?" The old man of the Li family is worthy of being a person who works with the authorities, and he doesn't even blush when he tells lies.

Wu Yi smiled calmly, not wanting to embarrass the old man, he smiled and said, "Master, I already know about sister Peiru, but you can't find out who is behind it?"

Although it might not be easy to know the other party's identity, Wu Yi still didn't flinch!

The old man of the Li family was slightly taken aback, and looked at the old man of the Wu family, as if he wanted to ask the old man of the Wu family for his attitude and opinions, but he heard the old man of the Wu family sternly shouted: "Why are you looking at me? This is you Li Family matters, what's the use of watching me?"

"Wu Yi, why did you suddenly ask about this matter?" The old man of the Li family smiled awkwardly after discussing it with the old man, and said, "I haven't found out about that matter yet, but it should be a good thing, right?" After all, Peiru is not young anymore, you already have a fiancée, so it would be nice for her to have a fiancé."

Regarding what his master said, Wu Yi frowned tightly, and he said with a gloomy face: "Master, since your old family members don't want to say it, then I won't force it, but I won't let this matter go by myself Yes, I, Wu Yi, will never let anyone force her to do something that sister Peiru doesn't want to agree to, not even the heavenly king Lao Tzu."

Hearing the words, the two old men looked at each other with a faint look of helplessness. They had watched Wu Yi grow up, and no one could understand this brat's character better than them.

"Wu Yi, I know you have this heart, but I'm afraid you don't have the strength and ability to stop it!" The old man of the Li family looked at Wu Yi solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "I won't tell you the identity of the other party, but I can only tell you one thing, the other party is already a strong person in the body training state, young, and has an excellent family background, if you really want to help Peiru, you should improve your own strength first."

The meaning of the old man of the Li family is very clear. There are some things that cannot be accomplished by your willfulness. If you want to accomplish great things, then you must show your strength.

Obviously, the old man of the Li family is not optimistic about Wu Yi now!

Wu Yi didn't have any dissatisfaction with this, he just smiled lightly and said, "Master, Grandpa, I came back this time just to ask you to help me."

The two old men were taken aback for a moment, and then asked with some doubts: "Why help you? You can only rely on yourself for things like strength, how can others help?"

The two old men are also warriors, and their strength is not weak. They know better than anyone that strength can only become stronger if they work hard. Some elders of the family use a lot of drugs to help the younger generation of the family improve their strength, but But they don't know that this is actually just to encourage the growth of the seedlings. In the end, it is just a vain, and what's more, it will ruin the junior who is originally very talented and potential.

Hearing this, Wu Yi immediately scolded angrily: "Damn old man, you gave me some kind of Heaven-breaking Dao Jue at the beginning, and then let me fend for myself. It's fine if you don't give me any martial arts skills. If you don’t even tell me the state after the Huajin stage and how to break through the Huajin stage, how do you let me improve my strength? Other masters are all either martial arts or geniuses, treasures and spiritual weapons, and they are all in the hands of my disciples. Send it off, it’s good for you, don’t care about anything, don’t even tell me the most basic division of realms, people can’t be so shameless, okay?”

The two old men were all stunned when they heard Wu Yi's scolding, but soon their eyes showed shock, especially the old man of the Wu family, his eyes were full of ecstasy, and he couldn't even breathe. Because of the excitement, he became a little anxious, "Xiao Yi, you, you mean, you have reached the strength of the late stage of energy transformation, and are ready to break through to the body training state?"

The old man of the Wu family only felt that he was dreaming. Originally, he already knew that Wu Yi had reached the strength of the late stage of Huajin, but he also knew that Wu Yi had just broken through not long ago. Now he suddenly heard Wu Yi say that he wanted to break through In the body training state, he couldn't believe it!

The old man of the Li family was also shocked. He is still very powerful in intelligence. He originally thought that Wu Yi came back this time just to avoid the pursuit of the wild fox Chan sent by Zhongli, but he never thought that Wu Yi was not only for Avoiding pursuit, but more of wanting to obtain a method to break through the energy transformation stage to the body training state?

This, how long has it been? It's not so fast to take a rocket, okay?

"Xiao Yi, it's good for young people to have such great ambitions, but they shouldn't be too aggressive. You have to know that cultivation is all about step-by-step. You can't be greedy for speed." The old man of the Li family still had some I didn't quite believe it, so I consoled him earnestly.

"Yes, Xiao Yi, don't mess around. You can't be sloppy with cultivation. Your master is right, you have to listen to him!" The old man of the Wu family was also worried that his precious grandson would be too aggressive, Quickly agree.

Wu Yi naturally knew the kindness of the two old people, smiled, and said: "Grandpa, Master, I didn't lie to you, I have reached the strength of the late stage of Huajin, and I just killed the Situ family in Nanhai City two days ago. A martial artist who has been stagnant in the late stage of Huajin for many years." After a pause, Wu Yi said with a gloomy expression: "But I am still not strong enough, I think you are very clear about what happened to me in Nanhua City, I killed the inspector Zhong Chuxiao, the son of Dui Zhongli, has already offered a reward. A group of wild foxes are about to hunt me down endlessly. If I am in the late stage of energy transformation, I will not be afraid, but a friend of mine said that the other party has reached the state of body training. Therefore, I need to seek your help to help me improve to the strength of body training!"

With that said, Wu Yi bowed deeply to the two old men, "Grandpa, Master, please help me!"

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