Dragon Warrior

Chapter 567 Blood Awakening

The violent energy dissipated slowly, and the whole scene was in a mess. Even Ge Xiaotian, a master of blood coagulation level, was stepped on a few times, and the others were even more miserable.

Wu Yi knelt down on one knee. This battle had exhausted all his energy. Now that the danger was lifted, he was almost unable to hold on.

"Take this medicine quickly." Mr. Wu was the first to rush onto the stage, supported the crumbling Wu Yi, and stuffed a few dark red pills into Wu Yi's mouth. Warmth rose from the dantian, running through the blood, repairing those damaged tendons.

"Everyone, be quiet. Now that the martial arts competition is over, shouldn't it be time to announce the result?" Liu Yuliang, who had been hiding aside, said loudly.

This embarrassing topic, the old man of the Li family wanted to expose it, because Wu Yi had already expressed his intentions before, and now he was in a dilemma.

"That's right, Young Master Wu is the final winner, so he should marry Li Peiru. Only Young Master Wu can be worthy of such a flower." Someone from the Lin family hid in the crowd and booed.

"But my unworthy disciple is already engaged. I'm afraid..." Mr. Li was caught in a dilemma at the moment, with his beloved granddaughter on the one hand and his most proud disciple on the other. It's natural that everyone is happy when they tie the knot, but luck makes people trick people, falling flowers have feelings, flowing water has no intentions, what should he do?

"Aren't you married yet? What's a paper marriage contract? Today's match is not as good as my marriage recruitment, and I want to ask for a wedding wine at the Li family!" The Han family suffered such a big loss. Han Mo will naturally not let it go.

Liu Yuliang asked aggressively: "Wu Yi, Wu Yi, since you already have a marriage contract, why do you still have to compete on stage? Now that you have won the competition, you don't want to marry Miss Li's family. How can I meet people in Yanjing in the future?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's attention was immediately turned to Li Peiru. Today, all of this was originally caused by her. If Wu Yi is unwilling to marry her, he will become the laughing stock of others in the future. Who would marry someone else? Where's the girl?

Li Peiru turned a deaf ear to the noisy voices around her, she only cared about Wu Yi, the man who dared to fight for her life and death. He was no longer the kid who needed his protection back then, but a strong and resolute man who had completely captured his heart and could no longer be moved by other men in this world. She walked towards Wu Yi step by step.

Seeing Sister Peiru getting closer, Wu Yi struggled to stand up. Just now, Mr. Wu helped him to adjust his breath for a while, and finally regained some strength.

"You were injured." Li Peiru looked at the ten bloody holes in Wu Yi's chest and asked with concern.

"It's just a small injury. It's nothing serious. I'm very strong. I'll recover in two or three days." Wu Yi said casually, but his face was paler than ever before.

"Why did you come to the stage to fight?" Li Peiru's eyes became fiery, staring straight at Wu Yi, as if trying to melt him completely.

"Because I don't want you to marry a heartless wooden man. You have been protecting me since I was a child, and it's my turn to protect you this time." Wu Yi said sincerely without avoiding that look.

"Then are you willing to marry me?" Li Peiru's breathing became more rapid, and two blushes appeared on her fair face, making her look extraordinarily delicate. This is not something a girl should take the initiative to ask, but her temperament is just like this, she is straightforward, not coy and procrastinating.

"I...I can't." Su Qingxue's shadow flashed in Wu Yi's mind, and he said with difficulty.

"Bang..." Li Peiru swung out his left palm like lightning, and knocked Wu Yi flying again, who barely stood up. Mr. Wu beside him didn't even expect this scene, seeing Wu Yi float down like a kite with a broken string tower.

"Since you don't want to marry me, why are you making trouble here?" Li Peiru stepped on Wu Yi's chest, her eyes were slightly red, her chest heaved violently, and she was already extremely angry.

"This is a major event in your life's happiness, and I can't ignore it." Wu Yi said struggling, blood was already overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and Li Peiru used all his strength in this kick.

"What does my happiness have to do with you? I will never forget the humiliation of today. From now on, you and I will be sworn enemies." Li Peiru couldn't bear it any longer, and two lines of hot tears flowed down her cheeks in a very decisive way. Said.

"Sister Peiru...I..." Wu Yi didn't expect her to say such unfeeling words. He wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say. Such an ending was really not what he wanted to see.

"Shut up, don't call me that again in the future." Li Peiru turned and walked away, never wanting to look at Wu Yi again.

"Let's forget about this matter. Is your Li family just treating our family disciples like monkeys?" Han Mo still refused to give up. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill Wu Yi.

"I, Li Peiru, declare here that I will not marry for life, which is also an explanation from the Li family to the world." Li Peiru said in an almost ice-cold voice without looking back.

"Sister Peiru..." Wu Yi didn't expect Li Peiru to make such a decision. He felt anxious, his blood surged, he couldn't hold on any longer, and passed out.

"Girl Peiru, why bother?" Mr. Li looked at the disappearing figure, as if he had aged a lot all of a sudden. He had watched Li Peiru and Wu Yi grow up, but he didn't expect them to end up like this .

The tears seemed to be like broken beads, falling down one after another. Li Peiru hid in her room, crying like a little girl for the first time.

The male in the Li family is weak and has no successors. Li Peiru has practiced extremely hard since she was a child, and she did not want to be inferior to any boy, but she did it and became the most powerful young man in the Li family. She is beautiful and proud, strong and confident.

But today, Wu Yi actually rejected her in front of everyone, it was as if a slap had been slapped on her face, the pain was burning, those mocking whispers were like steel needles as thin as a cow's hair piercing her heart, Every time she took a breath, there was pain to the bone.

If the heart does not move, there will be no pain. Once the heart moves, it is destined to be injured. The pain was so severe that she felt that she was going to be out of breath, the fire in her heart burned more wantonly, and the eyes gradually filled with tears turned a strange red.

"Ah..." Li Peiru finally couldn't hold back, and let out a scream, but there was no sound at all, only bright fiery red bursts from his mouth, instantly enveloping the whole room in a raging fire.

This is not an ordinary raging fire, but an illusion formed by the extremely strong fire attribute energy. Li Peiru was bathed in the raging fire, her black hair gradually turned into a coquettish fiery red, and some messy and fragmented memories rushed in like a tide, which made her have a splitting headache. At the same time, a majestic force in her blood gradually awakened, With the beating of her heart, it travels endlessly in the meridians of the whole body.

This is a familiar yet unfamiliar scene, as if I have experienced all of this at a certain moment in a certain year, month, and month, but I can’t remember exactly which moment in my life, but it feels very familiar, those that do not belong to Li Peiru's memory fragments are so familiar.

After a full half an hour, everything gradually fell silent. Li Peiru looked at herself in the mirror and became a completely different person. Although there was still her shadow between her eyebrows and the mottled tears, but Is this person in front of me really me?

In her long and narrow eyes, there were two groups of raging fires flickering and jumping. With her long fiery red hair, there was a faint electric light flickering, and her whole body was full of strength. She no longer knew which level of monk she belonged to at this moment.

"After thousands of years of waiting, you finally woke up." A voice sounded behind Li Peiru.

"Who are you?" She turned around and saw a woman who looked very similar to her, suspended in mid-air, like a fairy descended from heaven.

"My subordinate, Yingluo, see the Lord." The woman in red suddenly fell to the ground and said with great respect.

"My lord? I don't know you. Get up quickly." Li Peiru couldn't believe everything in front of her. She was familiar with this woman, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her. At this moment, her mind was in chaos, and she couldn't even think clearly. up.

"The fire and phoenix bloodline has just awakened. The master will not be able to restore his memory in a short time, but he will be able to recover on his own after a period of rest. This subordinate will take you back to Fenglai Pavilion." Yingluo got up and stood aside respectfully. , I dare not stand up straight.

"Wait...what Fenglai Pavilion, I don't even know where it is? This is my home, I don't go anywhere." Li Peiru shook her head and said.

"This is just a branch of your practice in the lower realm. Fenglai Pavilion is the foundation you created alone. Your subordinates and thousands of sisters are looking forward to your return to preside over the overall situation. If you don't go back, Fenglai Pavilion may be destroyed. It will be annexed by other sects." Yingluo explained anxiously, she waited for thousands of years, and finally waited for this moment, only when the pavilion master returned to the throne, Fenglai Pavilion could restore its former splendor.

The blood of the true phoenix keeps flowing, everything in the past gradually becomes clear, Logan's confused eyes gradually become clear, and his past life and present life are all clear.

"An unknown boy can actually revive the blood of this seat, but I don't know if it's a coincidence or destiny." Li Peiru said slowly, and before she knew it, her cheeks became more slender, her eyes became deeper, A cloud of fire emerged between the eyebrows, with an amazingly powerful aura.

"Yingluo congratulates the lord for improving his cultivation to a higher level." Yingluo felt the terrifying atmosphere and said in surprise.

"Thousands of years have passed, after all, one step closer to the way of heaven." Li Peiru smiled lightly, and with a wave of her plain hand, the two of them had disappeared from where they were.

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