Dragon Warrior

Chapter 580

"Could it be that I'm dead?" Wu Yi's consciousness began to recover slowly, and he recalled everything he had experienced, but the most important point was that he could not feel the existence of his body, as if his spirit had recovered, but his body was gone. up.

"Your grandfather's, is he dead? Thinking of me, Wu Yi, who was talented and talented, died like this. God is really jealous of talents!" Wu Yi shouted in his heart, but unfortunately he couldn't hear a sound.

"Don't yell, kid, it woke me up." Just when Wu Yi was lamenting the unfairness of his fate, an abrupt voice came from nowhere and startled him.

"Is this heaven or hell? I think that I, Wu Yi, have accumulated good deeds all my life. I have never done any wicked things. I often help my grandmother cross the road. After I die, I will definitely go to heaven. I said that this brother in heaven can I can't come out to meet, I'm too fucking lonely by myself." Wu Yi said to the empty air.

"Damn, you're the only one who still expects to go to heaven, don't dream about it." A red light flashed in front of his eyes, it turned out to be a small dragon about three inches long.

Although it is only three inches long, its horns are tall and its scales are shining. When it shakes its head and tail, it is majestic and vivid, as if it came from ancient times, and it has a desolate atmosphere.

"Why does it look so familiar?" Wu Yi recalled carefully, the little red dragon was actually very similar to the evil dragon he summoned by using the "Blood Dragon Seal", but much smaller.

"It's really unfilial to salute your godfather when you see your godfather!" The little red dragon raised his beard and taught him an old-fashioned lesson.

"Are you really the dragon spirit hidden in the evil blade? Could it be that after the master dies, the spirit beast sealed in the spirit weapon will also perish. I'm the one who got you involved. I'm sorry!" Wu Yi suddenly realized, very Said apologetically.

"I bah, I bah, I bah, bah, bah..." Little Red Dragon almost fell from mid-air, "How dare you say that you are the master of me, a brat with no hair yet? You are so unlucky, Even if I die a thousand times, I will not die!"

"Since you are not dead, why did you see me? What is this place?" Wu Yi was completely confused.

"It's ignorant, it's ignorant, this is your sea of ​​consciousness, you don't even understand these basics, you're so stupid." The little red dragon looked at Wu Yi with the eyes of a monster, with an incredulous expression on his face, Although it has the body of a dragon, its expression is extremely rich and vivid.

In the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, Wu Yi recalled that when he was practicing "Soul Eater Jue", it was recorded that in the mind of the human body, there is a palace of clay pills, which can nourish the spiritual consciousness, comprehend the great way of heaven and earth, and cultivate it in the palace of clay pills. A true god, that is the real rebirth.

However, those are extremely advanced and complicated exercises. Even the monks who have crossed the spiritual realm only have spiritual knowledge far superior to ordinary people and can launch spiritual attacks. There is still a long way to go before opening up the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge. How could a monk in this realm reach such a mysterious realm.

"In this way, I'm not dead. That's great. I still have a lot of things to do. If I die like this, it won't be worth it." Wu Yi laughed heartily. carefree.

"Hey... let me say boy, since you and I have met now, shouldn't we improve some etiquette? If you respectfully and respectfully kowtow three times, I will be reluctant to admit you as a godson." Xiao Honglong Said arrogantly in mid-air.

It was only then that Wu Yi remembered that this little guy kept saying that he wanted to be his godfather, so he must have a great connection with Xie Ren. He knew that last time, in order to sacrifice Xie Ren, he called "Godfather" to wake him up. something happened.

"As far as I know, when the spirit weapon is being forged, it will seal the beast spirit as an auxiliary attack. The spirit beast and the spirit weapon complement each other and form one body. Why did you escape from the evil blade and appear in my sea of ​​consciousness?" Wu Yi wondered asked.

"Bah... a broken dagger is also worthy of being called a spiritual weapon? I just had to go there for a while, so I had to cultivate there for a while. Now that the deity has recovered, naturally I don't want to stay in that cold dagger Well, at least in your mind, you can still see beauties, in fact, I think Qin Lan's girl is pretty good, her figure is really hot, so don't be tense." When Xiao Honglong mentioned Qin Lan, he almost stayed away. down.

Wu Yi felt a chill in his heart. This guy is still a pervert. When he thought of having such a little pervert in his head, who could see everything about him, he immediately felt uncomfortable.

"Could it be that martial arts competition that brought you into my sea of ​​consciousness?" Wu Yi recalled that last time, he used his essence and blood as a guide to cast the strongest blow.

"That's right, without essence and blood as a guide, I really can't move my nest, but with your scumbag way of doing things, I'm ashamed to say that I opened up the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness. This deity opened it up for you, why don't you kneel Come down and thank you." Little Red Dragon looked down at Wu Yi with an air of aloofness.

"This is strange, why do you bother to open up the sea of ​​​​spiritual knowledge for me? There must be some kind of conspiracy!" Wu Yi never believed in the kind of good things that fall from the sky, this ruffian dragon must have a plan , If you don't make it right, you will devour yourself.

"I rely on... the deity opened up the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness for you, and it can be regarded as opening up the path of cultivation for you. You don't thank me, but you still doubt me. It's really a decline in the world, people's hearts are not old, it makes me chilling " said Xiao Honglong shaking his head.

In this way, his behavior made Wu Yi more convinced of his own judgment, but since it was a conspiracy, he would naturally not say it easily, let's wait and observe slowly in the future!

"Forget it, anyway, I never do business that loses money. I am obviously poisoned. Why can I enter the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness at this moment?" Wu Yi expressed his doubts in his heart. There is simply no cure.

"It's not that the white-bearded old man outside is desperately protecting you, leading you with the essence of life, and you have practiced the technique of concentrating your spiritual consciousness, which is why you are here. But in this way, the life of the old man may be Not much more." The little red dragon shook his beard, as if he was not worth it.

"It's the old man!" Wu Yi knew without thinking that it was the ancestor of the Wu family who was doing this. He had to wake up immediately, otherwise the life of the ancestor of the Wu family would be in danger.

"How do I get out of here, you must have a way, right?" Wu Yi asked, this ruffian dragon can shuttle through the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness, so he naturally knows this place very well.

The little red dragon raised his head, and said proudly: "What you lack now is just a set of exercises to control your consciousness. This deity naturally has it here, but this exercise is extremely precious, and its value is inestimable. It is really... ...,,"

"What do you want me to do before you are willing to teach me?" Wu Yi interrupted it directly, as if he had heard the sound of the abacus beads being fiddled.

"As long as you obediently call me godfather, and then respectfully kowtow three times, you will be the godson of this deity, and a set of exercises will be no problem at that time." Xiao Honglong seduced.

"I, Wu Yi, don't kneel to the sky or the ground. Even my parents have never kneeled before. Naturally, I won't kneel to you. Don't dream about it." Wu Yi flatly refused. He didn't know that the ruffian dragon What kind of plan is he planning? He refuses to do such an unsure thing. What's more, this guy has only a little finger, so he wants to be his own godfather. It's too fucking unreasonable.

"This deity travels in the Three Realms, traveling in all directions, and being your godfather has wronged you? This is your own promise. If you break your promise, you will definitely leave your demons behind, and no one will be able to save you by then!" Xiao Honglong said angrily.

"I didn't know you existed at the time. I accepted Xie Ren as my godfather, but it didn't agree." Wu Yi won't be fooled easily.

"You kid, you don't have any sincerity at all, so don't even think about this technique!" The little red dragon disappeared in a flash, and the chaos of nothingness returned to the surroundings.

"It's fine if you don't teach, or you'll die together." Wu Yi calmed down, this ruffian dragon is just a piece of spiritual consciousness at the moment, if he dies, the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness will be closed, and it will never be able to get out.

As Wu Yi expected, the little red dragon reappeared soon, with two dragon beards raised high, and big round eyes staring, obviously angry.

"Xiaohong, getting angry can't solve the problem. Anger hurts the liver. Let's come down and talk about it." Wu Yi consciously gave it a nickname, which was very smooth.

"Damn, show some respect, kid. I'm so wise and mighty. How can I be called such a wretched name? Hurry up and change it!" Little Red Dragon was speechless.

"The name is just a code name. You have lived for so long, and you can't even see this. You are so obsessed with it. Don't you think so, Xiaohong?" Wu Yi comforted.

"Aw..." Xiaohong let out a scream, her lungs were about to explode, a mere little monk from the lower realm dared to teach her a lesson, this world is simply too unreasonable.

"Forget it, forget it, this deity doesn't care about you, the younger generation. But you promised me that you will have the essence and blood in the future, and you can't take it all by yourself. I will get half of it." Xiaohong compromised.

After Wu Yi discovered that Juehuo Yuanli had the devouring property, he rarely used the devouring property of the Evil Blade, because the Juehuo Yuanli truly belonged to him, and the Evil Blade was only in his hands temporarily.

"Although this condition is very harsh, since it is the first time we are dealing with each other, I will accept it reluctantly!" Wu Yi thought about it and reached a consensus with the ruffian dragon.

"Bah..." Little Red's beard curled up, and her saliva spewed out.

A divine thought appeared in Wu Yi's mind, it was a complicated formula, he quickly concentrated his energy and comprehended this very strange exercise.

"I originally wanted to vent my anger in front of that girl, but I didn't expect that this kid would not be fooled. Why is life so difficult?" Looking at Wu Yi who was silently reciting formulas, Xiao Hong muttered in a low voice.

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