Dragon Warrior

Chapter 586 My Big Brother Is Wu Yi

Wu Yi was slightly startled. He didn't expect Huang Yulai to make such a decision after a day of absence. Although his tone was hesitant, his eyes were firm.

"Has it been decided?" Wu Yi asked, after all, he was his brother, and he was always reluctant to leave.

"I'm sorry, brother, now should be the time for me to be here with you, but I'm too weak to help you at all, and I keep getting you into trouble, so I feel sorry for you." Huang Yulai thumped and knelt down In front of Wu Yi, with his character, he knew that Wu Yi was in trouble, and he would never abandon Wu Yi to leave, but after experiencing what happened to Xiao Ai, he suddenly found that he had become a burden by Wu Yi's side, and if he was not Nanhua City's famous "Brother Xiaomi".

Wu Yi stretched out his hand, helped Huang Yulai up, and scolded: "A man has gold under his knees, apart from the parents who gave birth to him, even God cannot kneel down, let alone me?"

"Yes, I remember." Huang Yulai nodded earnestly. It was the first time in his life that he knelt down for the person he respected the most. He had no regrets.

"Will Xiao Ai go with you?" Wu Yi didn't want Huang Yulai to go back in such a disheveled manner.

"Brother Yulai didn't even want his life for me. I cherish this feeling, so wherever he goes, I will go with him, and we will never be separated for the rest of our lives." Xiao Ai's voice was very soft, but she was extremely firm.

"Would your family agree? My brother is of average background and academic qualifications. I'm afraid your parents won't agree to this marriage." Wu Yi asked, he could give Huang Yulai a large fortune, but he didn't want to Doing so is not the wealth he has earned through his own struggle, and what he brings to him is not respect, but a burden.

"Fate is in my own hands, and it's useless for them to object. Although they gave me life, they are not qualified to control my life." Xiaoai knew very well that her parents left her in Yanjing just to continue the Liu family. She clings to the Lin family, and her cousin mentioned more than once that she will be betrothed to Lin Hai, but such an arrangement is not her original intention at all.

"Well said, one's own happiness is still in one's own hands, so that life is interesting, don't worry, I will bless you all." Wu Yi couldn't help admiring, the difference between Xiaoai and Yang Simei is really big, not only beautiful Gentle, and what's more rare is to have an ordinary and peaceful heart.

"Thank you for your success, brother, and thank you for saving my life. If I hadn't escaped death this time, I wouldn't have seen through it all." Xiao Ai got up and thanked.

Wu Yi laughed and said: "These are trivial things, not worth mentioning. Yu Lai, you have found a treasure. Xiao Ai's body is still very weak. When you return to Nanhua City, you must take good care of her. If you dare to bully her, look at me." I won't beat you up!"

"Yes, yes... I will definitely treat Xiao Ai well, listen to her in everything, and never let her be wronged in the slightest." Huang Yulai replied affirmatively, this decision had already been made at the moment Xiao Ai disappeared. Countless times.

"Although you went back, it's not that nothing happened. The task of protecting Qingxue is entrusted to you. No matter what the situation is, you will report to me in time, and you can't be negligent." Wu Yi arranged him in the group, at least in life. There is security, and you can rest assured.

"If you want me to protect sister-in-law, of course it's fine, but if you want me to be a spy, that's not okay. Brother, if you don't go back soon, sister-in-law will be snatched away, so don't bang your head against the wall!" Huang Yulai said naively.

"You kid, aren't you looking for a fight?" Wu Yi made a gesture to fight, Huang Yulai hurriedly hid behind Xiao Ai, the three of them laughed, and the melancholy of parting was also diluted during the fight.

Going through the discharge procedures and selling air tickets can be left to Ge Xiaotian. After Wu Yi left the hospital, he took a taxi and walked towards Guo's house. I don't know if Guo Dong has made a breakthrough recently.

It was close to noon, and when we caught up with the small peak, the car stopped and went, moving in the urban area with difficulty. Wu Yi leaned on the back of his chair, sincerely happy for Huang Yulai.

The disputes in Yanjing City are fierce and cruel, which is not suitable for him at all. Only by returning to Nanhua City can he regain his former confidence and glory, and now with Xiao Ai's company, it is not a return to his hometown, but also a return to a beautiful woman. It's worth celebrating.

This is because Wu Yi misses Su Qingxue very much. If he is given a pair of wings, he would like to fly to her immediately. Even watching her work hard in the office is a kind of happiness.

"Beep...beep...beep..." The phone rang for a long time, and finally came a "Hello..." calm voice, which seemed to have no emotion.

"Xiaoxue, what are you doing? I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss your husband?" Wu Yi knew that she was angry about what happened last time, and pretended that nothing happened.

"I'm at work, do you have anything? I'll hang up if I'm fine." The voice on the other end of the phone was still cold, but the hand holding the phone trembled slightly. This bad voice had been heard by Su Qing countless times. It appeared in Xuemeng, but Wu Yi didn't call until today.

"It's something, of course it's something, and it's a big deal!" Wu Yi said solemnly.

"What's the matter? Are you in trouble? Are you injured? Is it serious?" Su Qingxue became nervous when she heard this.

"The big thing is that I can't sleep well at night, and I can't eat during the day, so I'm skinny." Wu Yi touched his face, as if he had lost a lot of weight.

"I hate it, I didn't say anything serious." Su Qingxue said angrily, she wanted to hang up the phone, but she couldn't bear it.

"Xiaoxue, I miss you." Wu Yi's voice became soft all of a sudden, even he himself was touched, and Xiao Hong from the Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness shouted so hard that her teeth became sore.

"I... miss you too." Su Qingxue's nose soured, her tears fell down like broken beads, all grievances and doubts would be melted away with this sentence up.

"A lot of things have happened during this period, including myself. I will tell you slowly in the future. When I understand the matter of Yanjing, I will go back and accompany you." Wu Yi didn't want to explain too much. After time has experienced the test of life and death, all redundant explanations will appear pale.

"Okay, I'll wait for you, and I must be good, otherwise I will never forgive you for the rest of my life." Su Qingxue knew that Wu Yi must be in great danger at this moment, but she also had a tacit understanding and did not ask any more questions. Doubts have vanished.

"By the way, Yulai is going back. I will let him continue to protect you by your side. I can feel at ease with him. And his girlfriend, Xiao Ai, is a very nice girl who can stay by your side Doing things, now that sister Miaoling is not around, she should be able to help you share some company affairs." Wu Yi explained the arrangement to Su Qingxue, and was a little embarrassed when he mentioned Zhou Miaoling.

"Well, don't worry, I will make arrangements. Miaoling is also very difficult now. You have to deal with such a big business by yourself. You have time to call her." Su Qingxue's voice was a little low, Zhou Miaoling was so beautiful and charming. An infatuated woman is a great threat to her.

"Let's talk about it when we get back! She has to walk her own way, and I will help her." Wu Yi gave a very positive answer. In this life, there will only be one woman, Su Qingxue.

"That's it. Go get busy. Goodbye." Su Qingxue said after a moment of silence.

"Okay, goodbye." Wu Yi hung up the phone, and Xiao Hong, who had been listening all the time, immediately advised: "I think that Zhou Miaoling can be regarded as a first-class beauty. If such a woman is pushed by other men , isn’t it such a pity? Beautiful women are a kind of resource, the more the better!”

"Get lost, you and I are not the same way." Wu Yi said firmly, but why did he feel a little sour in his heart, and when he thought that sister Miao Ling would marry someone, he suddenly felt jealous.

"Bah... can you hide your thoughts from this deity? Don't deny it, this is a man's nature." Xiaohong said disdainfully.

"We must find a way to drive this ruffian dragon out. An existence that can share his thoughts at any time is too **** scary." Wu Yi said to himself.

"Don't dream, I don't want to go anywhere until the deity regains its strength." Xiaohong cut off Wu Yi's thoughts, and when Wu Yi cursed, the taxi had already arrived at the destination and stopped.

The Guo family is also in a secluded villa area. These aristocratic families don't like to be disturbed by the noise of the world, and use their wealth to isolate themselves from ordinary people.

As soon as he walked into an alley in the villa area, he saw a group of people surrounded there, some of them looked very familiar, they seemed to be young disciples of the Han family, and the one surrounded by them was none other than Guo Dong.

"Today, if you don't kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, don't even try to pass here." A young man with long hair said with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Just admit your mistake. He stepped on my dirty leather shoes and licked them clean, so I'll let him go. If I can't lick them clean, I'll pull his tongue out." The other yellow-haired cyan shook his feet, very arrogant.

There are many people around, two of them have reached the strength of the late stage of energy transformation, just now Wu Yi felt that they were the two of them, hidden among a group of hooligans, but their strength was secretly gathering.

"Don't bully people too much. I just passed by here, and I didn't even touch you." Guo Dong is not easy to bully. Although there is only one person, he shows no fear.

He also noticed that among the crowd, there were actually two warriors at the transformation stage. With his current strength, it would be difficult to deal with one, let alone two, otherwise he would have shot and killed these two. Miscellaneous hair hit the ground.

"Oh, you still dare to talk back, don't you?" Huang Mao became angry all of a sudden, and was about to step forward to make a move.

"My elder brother is Wu Yi. You have made up your mind, do you really want to do it?" Guo Dong asked coldly, his eyes fell on the two warriors in the transformation stage.

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