Dragon Warrior

Chapter 606

Leng Xue put away his smile and threatened: "Linghu Yu, in your current situation, you are not strong enough to fight against me at all, so don't try to be brave here. The red-clawed scorpion king belongs to you. The treasure in this cave belongs to us alone." Half, everyone is safe and sound, otherwise let alone you are the young suzerain of the Huayi sect, even if your father comes, I will not pay attention to it, and I must get what the Blood Bat Palace likes."

Hua Yizong and Blood Bat Palace have no old grievances, cold-blooded and unwilling to fight Linghu Yu, once there are casualties, this dispute will be considered closed, if everyone divides the results of the battle amicably, there is still a possibility of cooperation in the future.

"Don't dream, come and get it if you have the ability!" Linghu Yu's face was a little grim, he had never been subjected to such a useless attitude, and he couldn't accept the fact that the results were divided equally like this.

"Then there is no other way but to see blood." Leng Xue stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, and said coldly, he didn't know if it was because of his willingness to practice the exercises, his tongue turned a strange crimson color, as if there would be blood at any time dripping.

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his black robe, like a huge bat, rushed towards Linghu Yu with incomparable speed, and the four men in black behind him also rose into the air, holding slender daggers, and attacked the disciples of Huayi Sect .

The Blood Bat Palace is a school of its own, with strange and unique skills and quick movements, like a ghost. Linghu Yu felt his eyes go dark, and his scalp shivered. Before he could take a closer look, he leaned back and thrust out the long sword obliquely. He was forced to retreat, but a sword pierced through the air, and he walked coldly behind his back, his lips were split open, revealing sharp teeth, like a vampire bat.

Linghuyu's hairs all over his body suddenly, this cold-blooded man was really elusive, and he couldn't judge his whereabouts. It was too late to turn around at this moment, so he could only roll on the spot, turning over three or four times in a row, and finally got rid of this demon.

Linghuyu stood up, with many dead branches and leaves stained on his white clothes. Although he escaped the attack, he was still in a panic, especially the meridians were burning like a fire, the pain was unbearable, and the energy in his body was scrambling. Signs of loss of control, greatly reduced strength.

"How is it? Can you consider my proposal now?" Leng Xue put away his tongue unwillingly, as if yearning for the nourishment of blood.

"Young Sect Master, there is no way to go on like this. You go first, and we will break up." A disciple of Huayi Sect who had been protecting Linghu Yu said, the surprise attack of the four Blood Bat Palace people has already caused Huayi Sect to lose four people.

This group of people attacked despicably and viciously, relying on their strange movements, they specially attacked those disciples who had consumed a lot of energy in the sword formation, and they had almost no power to fight back. Before the others had time to react, they had already fled away.

"I'd like to see how capable the Blood Bat Palace is, dare to hit me with Hua Yizong's attention!" Linghuyu was completely angry at the moment, and opened his mouth to spit out a small sword that was about an inch long. The whole body was as white as jade, and the light flowed Like running water, as soon as the sword appeared, the surrounding temperature immediately dropped, and a thin layer of hoarfrost condensed on the ground under his feet.

"Qiu Shuihan? The old guy is really willing to give you all the treasures at the bottom of the box." Leng Xue's eyes changed slightly, his mouth didn't care, but his heart became jealous. The suzerain's unique weapon is rumored to have given birth to a sword spirit. What appeared in the Sumeru Realm at this moment is definitely not the main body, but it is also a part of it. He still can't judge how powerful it is.

"You have some knowledge, do you know how to be afraid now? Unfortunately, it's too late." Linghu Yu was trembling all over, which was a sign that his energy was about to be exhausted, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted that Hua Yizong's reputation could not be tolerated Defiled by anyone.

With a serious look on his cold-blooded face, he asked, "Linghuyu, are you really going to fight me hard? Before the secret treasure of the king of gods is revealed to the world, you have played all your cards. How will you explain to your father when the time comes?"

"That's my young master's business, you don't need to worry about it. If you want me to do nothing, you can kneel on the ground and obediently kowtow three times. This young master will pretend that this incident has never happened." Linghuyu's eyes were already red at this moment. , The spirit is extremely excited, and I can't take care of anything.

"I'm giving you a chance. I really think I'm afraid you won't succeed? Isn't it Qiu Shuihan? Come and try today!" How could Leng Xue accept such a condition? Too much consumption, but now Linghuyu has lost his mind, this battle is inevitable.

"With my blood, sacrifice your true spirit, the Bat King will be reborn, and the sky will tremble!" Leng Xue knelt down on one knee, bit his fingertips, and drew strange runes on his arms. Those blood-condensed runes seemed to be dying As it came over, it flowed rapidly, and finally submerged in Leng Xue's body. His appearance began to change rapidly, turning into a huge vampire bat. The cold light, the wings spread out, are more than ten meters long, covered with meridian blood vessels, hideous and terrifying.

"Evil demons are heretics, so they can't get on the stage." Linghu Yu said coldly, with a wave of his finger, the icy cold sword was full of light, flying up and down in the air, making a hissing sound of breaking through the air.

This Qiu Shuihan moves freely, its speed and power are comparable to the complicated sword array just now, it is indeed a miraculous treasure.

After the cold-blooded incarnation of the demon bat, his momentum became even stronger, his wings waved like a black lightning bolt, and his two sharp claws went straight to Linghuyu's heart.

The four men in black knelt on the ground, as if they were reciting prayers. This is the secret technique of the Blood Bat Palace, which can help Leng Xue better control the demon spirits.

Hua Yizong's disciples pressed their hands alternately, and continuously transported Yuanli into Linghu Yu's body, so that he could support Qiu Shuihan's terrifying Yuanli consumption.

In mid-air, the cold air was overwhelming, black light flickered, and the sound of gold and iron clanging sounded one after another. The battle was inextricably linked. No one noticed that a black figure sneaked into the earth cave quietly.

From the moment Wu Yi discovered Leng-Blood, he realized that the opportunity was coming, and he quietly moved nearby to find the best time.

Finally, Wu Yi waited for this opportunity, and Hua Yizong and the Blood Bat Palace fell into a stalemate confrontation, which allowed him to approach the cave of the Red Clawed Scorpion King quietly.

As soon as he stepped into the cave, there was a smell of rancid smell that made Wu Yi unable to open his eyes. Fortunately, in order to guard against the Red Clawed Scorpion King, Wu Yi blocked his nose early Otherwise, the stinky will be dizzy at this moment.

The earth cave was uneven and cold, all the way down, with no end in sight, Wu Yi took out the evil blade, and searched forward with his weak light.

After walking about 200 meters, the vertical distance from the ground was at least 50 meters at this moment, and the sound of running water was faintly heard, not very loud, but it was very clear in this quiet cave.

"Is it finally going to the end?" Wu Yi tried to breathe through his nose, and found that the air was very fresh. Compared with the entrance of the cave when he first entered, it was completely like two worlds.

Following the sound of the water, after a while, it suddenly became clear that this is a spacious cave, at least as big as two basketball courts, surrounded by stone walls, and there is an exit at the top, which is too far away for sunlight to come in. , but everything in the cave can still be seen clearly, and the lighting is not affected.

"It seems that this is the real cave of the Red Clawed Scorpion King. The exit he just came in is just a passage for him to forage." Wu Yi observed for a while, and there were hard stone walls all around, without any trace of excavation, which was natural. A sinkhole formed.

The Red Clawed Scorpion King likes the shade, so he found this place from the top hole, and then made it his own cave. In order to facilitate his travel, he dug a tunnel upwards.

There has been dripping water from the top of the tiankeng, and the sound of water that Wu Yi just heard came from this. Under the opposite of the cave entrance, the accumulated water has accumulated over time, and the water dripped through the rocks, forming a square pool, in which a lotus grows quietly. The broad leaves are green and the flowers are in full bloom. With the rippling water, they shake gently, as if they are dancing.

"It seems that the treasure guarded by the Red Clawed Scorpion King is this lotus flower." Wu Yi looked up and down, this lotus flower is no different from ordinary lotus flowers, and there is no sign of heaven and earth aura surrounding it. This water lotus is really ordinary.

"Boy, I have changed my mind. The old medicine I got last time belongs to you, and this stone lotus belongs to me." Just when Wu Yi thought it was just an ordinary lotus, Xiaohong suddenly said, Let Wu Yi have a bottom line in his heart.

"This baby has nothing to do with you, so don't even think about it." Wu Yi flatly refused. Would the ruffian dragon, a big pit, do business at a loss?

Naturally, Xiao Hong would not give up easily, and continued to discuss: "This, don't be so absolute! I will also give you the inner alchemy of the saber-toothed tiger, so it's fair at last! You need to break through now, and with this inner alchemy Dan, maybe he broke through to the Wing Transformation Realm directly."

"Don't dream, you won't change anything, can you tell me what's so special about this water lotus that makes you so excited?" Wu Yi asked.

"Water lotus? Pooh... This place is in the stone wall, where did the water lotus come from? According to my deity's speculation, this may be a stone lotus that has been formed, bred by the continuous stone wall, and contains endless The essence of life is the magic medicine that can really bring the dead back to life, reborn!" Xiao Hong was about to go berserk, this ignorant boy, he was so lucky, the formed stone lotus has long since disappeared in the upper world, if it entered the auction house, I'm afraid it will be an unprecedented sky-high price.

"What? It's so precious? This time I really made a fortune!" Wu Yi didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary water lotus was actually a stone lotus that was about to become extinct. The two unlucky Leng-Blooded were even more grateful.

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