Dragon Warrior

Chapter 608: Divine Beast Riding Yellow

Wu Yi jumped directly from the entrance of the cave, tapped lightly on a raised stone in mid-air, and then jumped down again. After three rounds, he had already returned to the cave.

After Liu Yuliang escaped, Wu Yi had guessed that this kid might be waiting for him at the cave on the top of the mountain, so he prepared the thunderbolts early. In order to ensure his safety, he used six of them at a time, almost covering the entire mountain. Flattened.

A large stone fell from the entrance of the cave, and the whole mountain showed signs of collapse. Wu Yi had no choice but to abandon the pool where the stone lotus grew, and quickly swept towards another exit. Just as he hid in the tunnel, there was a loud "bang" sound behind him. , The cave was completely buried.

The power of the thunderbolt was really extraordinary, and the passage dug by the Red Clawed Scorpion King also began to reveal huge cracks. Without turning his head, Wu Yi ran wildly, and the Yuan force rushed, shaking away all the rocks and soil clods that hit him , Just approaching the entrance of the cave, two sources of energy whizzed out, and the two disciples of Huayi Sect guarding the entrance of the cave were watching curiously at the entrance of the cave, and before they had time to react, they died immediately.

Not far away, the sky was full of smoke and dust, billowing dense fog rose up, covering the sky and the sun, Wu Yi chose another direction, and disappeared into the dense forest. Life, this time it can be regarded as a great enmity, once they catch up, it will be life-threatening.

Hua Yizong and Wu Yi had already married, even if today's incident hadn't happened, Linghuyu would have troubled him, so Wu Yi didn't take it to heart. Being able to cheat them by the way can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

While sneaking, Wu Yi erased the traces of his walking, so that the speed was not fast. After spending three hours, he finally passed through the dense forest and came to a small valley.

It is extremely secluded here, the stream flows quietly, and a small lawn has been washed out over the years. The green grass undulates with the wind, and pink and white wildflowers bloom sporadically, outlining a vivid watercolor painting, peaceful and beautiful.

"It's not bad here, I can finally take a breather." Wu Yi observed it, and he found this place by accident. It's very hidden. People from Hua Yizong and Blood Bat Palace shouldn't find it so quickly. The perfect hiding place.

This time, Wu Yi has gained a lot, as long as he can pass this time safely, it will be the greatest victory.

At the moment when Xiaohong introduced the efficacy of stone lotus, Wu Yijiang thought of Mr. Wu. Last time, he spent his lifespan to detoxify. Shouyuan, not only will he feel at ease, but it will also be of great significance to the development of the Wu family.

"Whoosh..." A slight sound broke Wu Yi's thoughts, he turned around and saw a hare passing by him, fleeing towards the bushes.

"Bang..." The hare was disturbed by Wu Yi, panicked, bumped into a tree trunk, and passed out.

Apparently this guy lived too comfortably and had lost his survival instinct. Wu Yi walked over and lifted it up to see that his body was chubby and he was almost unable to walk.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in. This judge can only sentence you to death." For this heavenly delicacy, Wu Yi will naturally not disappoint. After washing it with the stream water, it was cleaned up and roasted on the fire.

It is very risky to start a fire here, but Wu Yi checked the wind direction, the smoke here will not drift to the cave where the Red Clawed Scorpion King hides, so it doesn't matter so much.

This unlucky rabbit has a lot of fat and meat, and in a short while it is already sizzling. Wu Yi took out those small bottles, sprinkled cumin and salt on it, and then rotated it gently, the attractive fragrance spread out. , Wu Yi's index finger twitched so much that his stomach started to growl.

"Fortunately, those foodies from the Hehuan Sect are not here, otherwise I wouldn't be able to snatch even a single bone." Wu Yi looked at the already golden hare, tore off a piece, steamed with steam, and smelled the smell, he couldn't help sighing.

Wu Yi tasted it, and was very satisfied with his work, fat but not greasy, crisp but not burnt, everything was just right, when he was about to let go of his hands and feet, his eyes blurred, the rabbit leg just torn off was gone. Wing and fly.

"I wipe, what's going on?" Wu Yi looked left and right, but found no trace, but his hands were empty, and a plump right leg had disappeared out of thin air.

"Whoosh..." Before he could figure out the situation, a gust of wind swept by, and the hare that had been baked on the fire disappeared. Wu Yi's eyes widened, and he could only see an extremely blurred afterimage. Ken couldn't tell the difference. What is it.

"It's in broad daylight, it's hell." Rao Wu Yi is going to kill the field, and at this time, he is a little scared. If this is really a starving ghost, he will be the next target.

With his spiritual consciousness pushed to the extreme, even the movement of an ant crawling could not escape Wu Yi's observation, but there was nothing abnormal in the vicinity except for ordinary beasts.

"Your grandfather's game, which I roasted for a long time, just disappeared. Why is life so difficult?" Wu Yi observed for a long time, but there was no movement. Looking at the quietly burning bonfire, he looked up to the sky and sighed.

Wu Yi had given up on the investigation, and was about to lie down and take a rest to calm his injured heart, when a furry thing suddenly appeared beside him, and was observing him with its head probing.

This guy looks a bit like a husky, with light yellow short hair all over his body, a long and narrow nose, pointed ears, and a fluffy tail behind him, but there is a pointed jade horn on the top of his head and two tails behind his back. The small wings of the team show its extraordinary place.

The dark eyes were shining, a little curious, a little fearful, and full of spirituality. Judging from its appearance, it had no hostility towards Wu Yi, otherwise it would have launched an attack long ago.

"What is this thing? The speed is ridiculously fast." Wu Yi looked up and down, and had never seen it before, but its speed can only be described as terrifying, coming and going like the wind, and you can't even see its shadow.

"If the deity is not mistaken, this is a juvenile yellow riding beast. I didn't expect them to come to the Sumeru Realm to experience it. This time it is really lively." Xiaohong is not sure, after all, this kind of thing is only I have seen it in the legend, but no one has touched it.

"What kind of yellow beast? I haven't heard of it, I thought someone's husky ran out." Wu Yi seemed that this thing was only the size of a wolf dog, and he was not interested in it. It seemed that he ate his roasted hare just now. Well, this guy did it, now that he has revealed himself, he must ask for an explanation.

"You ate the little master's rabbit, and you dare to come here to laugh at this young master, do you think I dare not beat you?" Wu Yi stood up, pointed at Cheng Huang and threatened.

Maybe it was frightened by Wu Yi's sudden action, when Cheng Huang raised his long legs, he disappeared in an instant. Even if Wu Yijin was close at hand, he could only see an extremely blurred afterimage.

"Perverted, too perverted." Wu Yi shook his head, turned his eyes to Lai Xiaoxi, and didn't know if there were any wild fish here, and lunch hadn't been settled yet, so he couldn't sit on the sidelines and wait for rabbits!

But at the moment Wu Yi just lowered his head, Cheng Huang appeared again, looked at him from a distance, and before Wu Yi started chasing him, he fled away from a distance. After several rounds like this, Uncle Yi was so tired that he was out of breath. He took a breath, but he still didn't even touch a single hair.

"Your grandpa, you dare to tease me. I won't play with you anymore." After tossing for a long time, Wu Yi can be sure that this guy is completely teasing him. If he wants to attack, he has no strength to fight back at such a terrifying speed. Just ignore it.

Seeing that Wu Yi stopped chasing, Cheng Huang stopped running, and followed him step by step, observing his every move with his head, as if he was very interested in him.

Being stared at by a monster like this always made me feel uncomfortable, but Wu Yi had no choice but to fish in the stream with peace of mind. This time, luck was not so good, and he didn't even see a small shrimp.

"You still have the nerve to stare at it? My master's lunch is gone, and I'm going to spend the night hungry this time." Wu Yi looked at the yellow beast that was getting closer and closer, and said angrily.

The Yellow Beast seemed to understand it. It let out two deep whimpers, then quickly disappeared, and then came back quickly. In the blink of an eye, a gray-haired hare was in its mouth, and its two short legs were still there. Plopping, it was obvious that this unlucky rabbit, like Wu Yi, couldn't figure out the situation at all.

"That's about the same. If you haven't eaten enough, go get two more, otherwise I'll be busy again." Wu Yi took the hare from Chenghuang's mouth, and it was much thinner. Definitely not enough points.

Cheng Huang let out a cheerful whine, which soon disappeared. By the time Wu Yi rekindled the fire, it had already caught two pheasants and a newborn wild boar. The peaceful grassland almost turned into a zoo for a while.

"Enough, enough, are you going to exhaust the young master to death?" Wu Yi hurriedly stopped Cheng Huang's crazy hunting behavior. If he was allowed to catch him, the entire Sumeru Realm would be thrown into chaos. up.

Except for hunting, Wu Yi could only rely on Wu Yi for other things. Bloodletting, plucking, skinning and bone removal, and a lot of miscellaneous things, if it weren't for Wu Yi's quick hands and feet, he couldn't handle it at all.

After this busy work, another few hours passed, and the setting sun slanted, casting afterglow all over the place, coating the small valley with a faint red color.

Finally, the wild boars, pheasants, and hares were all cleaned up and placed on the campfire, and soon the oil was sizzling. The fat dripped on the campfire, and the air was filled with the tempting aroma of barbecue.

Cheng Huang stared at the food on the branch, his saliva was almost dragging to the grass.

"This is the legendary beast? It doesn't look promising!" Wu Yi sighed.

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