Dragon Warrior

Chapter 71 Peeing All Over Again

"Hehe, you misunderstood. It's just that I'm a public servant. As for the kickback you mentioned, it has nothing to do with me. I think I may not be able to help you."

Although he was disgusted in his heart, Lu Tianhua absolutely didn't want to lose his gentlemanly demeanor in front of Zhou Miaoling. He wanted Zhou Miaoling to know how outstanding he was, and what a waste this man beside her was!

Therefore, he finally suppressed his nausea and held Wu Yi's hand that was mixed with oil stains and saliva.

"Aha, it turns out that they are civil servants who serve the people. I really admire them. To be honest, I really envy you civil servants. You can enjoy life by sitting in the office every day, reading newspapers and playing games. Such a good treatment, hey." Wu Yi held Lu Tianhua's hand, as if reluctant to let go, "By the way, buddy, I think you are a good-looking talent, and you want to come from a distinguished family, can you help me find a job in your company? ? Hey, you don’t know, it’s not easy to run sales, I wake up earlier than chickens, and sleep later than dogs, look, my tender skin is starting to age.”

As Wu Yi said, he kept putting his face close to Lu Tianhua's. He accidentally ate some garlic just now, and the smell did seem to be a little heavy.

There's no way, Mr. Yi has always had such a heavy taste!

Intoxicated by Wu Yi for a while, Lu Tianhua felt that he was not even clear, and suddenly pulled out the hand that Wu Yi was holding tightly, with an angry expression on his face.

"Um, buddy, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you're angry? I'm really sorry, I thought people's servants like you would be very close to the people. I didn't expect..." Wu Yi seemed to have done something wrong, Lowering his head, "Don't worry, I won't be so naive again in the future."

"Sit down, everyone, I'll go to the bathroom first!"

No matter how stupid Lu Tianhua was, he could tell that that guy was pretending to be crazy. Every word he said was constantly mocking himself. He who had always known how to restrain himself could hardly hold back!

A formidable opponent!

At this moment, Lu Tianhua directly pulled Uncle Yi to the same height as him, the enemy should not be underestimated!

Zhou Miaoling couldn't help laughing seeing Wu Yi pretending to be crazy and punishing Lu Tianhua so badly, but she still held back.

Compared with Lu Tianhua, she hopes to get along with Qin Lei even more.

Qin Lei is a real villain, but Lu Tianhua is a hypocrite! Real villains are often better than hypocrites.

Zhou Miaoling knew clearly that Lu Tianhua knew the identity of his mother when he was in college, and since then, Lu Tianhua began to pursue her.

As for Lu Tianhua's purpose, Zhou Miaoling was very clear in her heart, and because of this, Zhou Miaoling disliked Lu Tianhua very much in her heart, but she would still pay attention to things on the scene.

When they met again this time, Zhou Miaoling did not expect that Lu Tianhua would still not give up, and what Wu Yi did just now was a relief to her.

"Brother, which road are you on?"

Qin Lei was not a fool either, he naturally knew that this kid in front of him was deliberately disgusting Lu Tianhua, Lu Tianhua was so concerned about his identity that it was inconvenient to make a move, but this time happened to be a good opportunity for him to show off.

If the kid in front of him is dealt with, then Lu Tianhua owes him a favor!

Favors are often more important than money. Because he is priceless!

"Huh?" Wu Yi stuffed an abalone into his mouth, and said vaguely: "I am a member of the third group of sales elites of Tianhong Group. You can introduce it to me, and I promise to give you a commission!"

Zhou Miaoling couldn't help laughing when Wu Yi actually said that she would give kickbacks to others in front of her, the sales manager. This was simply ignoring the rhythm of my mother!

But seeing this, Zhou Miaoling felt that the journey home this time would become more interesting. Maybe Wu Yi's shit-stirring stick could really make her mother make some changes?

Qin Lei snorted coldly, and said sinisterly, "Dude, I see you've drunk a lot of beer too? Do you want to go to the bathroom together?"

After swallowing the last abalone, Wu Yi took a sip of beer, "Okay, I drank a lot just now, so it should be convenient."

Seeing the two men leave, Shan Yuerong sneered, staring at Zhou Miaoling bitterly, she really hated this woman, this woman always looked very confident, as if everything In her grasp, Shan Yuerong was very jealous.

She is an insecure woman, that's why she keeps filling her life with substances, otherwise she is afraid that everything she has now will be a bubble.

"Zhou Miaoling, you are really sitting on Diaoyutai, don't you worry about your little lover at all?" Shan Yuerong said with a sneer.

She really didn't believe, didn't believe that Zhou Miaoling really didn't care about anything!

Zhou Miaoling glanced at Shan Yuerong, giggled, showing a charming smile, Shan Yuerong felt ashamed of herself, she was charming but not coquettish, she looked high-end and elegant, but she giggled like this, but she seemed to be Selling in general.

"Shan Yuerong, you don't understand him, so you will never understand him!" Zhou Miaoling pursed her lips and smiled, but her eyes seemed to be looking far away.

What was imprinted in her eyes at this moment was the scene where the little man easily eliminated Jin Ya and Li Weiqun.

At this moment, in her eyes, it was the little man who completely cleaned up the Tianhong Group, which was originally one-sided.

Many people thought he was an idler, but only Zhou Miaoling knew how difficult it would be to dig out the information in the meeting room that day, but that little man did it, and it was perfect, impeccable !

When Zhou Miaoling admired it, she was also full of admiration. It can be said that the entire Tianhong Group was saved by that little man!

"Haha, Zhou Miaoling, I really didn't expect you to be obsessed with a man? It's really ridiculous. Didn't you used to be called a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks? Now you know men so well?" Shan Yuerong sneered "That's right, if you don't understand men, you probably won't be able to grasp men's weaknesses so accurately. Hmph, what you can't get is the best. It's really amazing. Even I can't help but admire it." you!"

Zhou Miaoling didn't care about Shan Yuerong's ridicule on the other side, she just smiled lightly, sometimes explanations are really superfluous, because there is no need!

Two women were playing games here, and the three men in the bathroom also gathered together.

After Lu Tianhua came to the bathroom, he desperately used the hand sanitizer to wash his hands. Although he had washed it very clean, he still felt sick and flustered in his heart. He always felt dirty and hadn't washed it clean yet!

"Aha, civil servant brother, you can't wash it anymore. If you wash your hands again, you may really get blisters." As soon as Wu Yi came in, he saw Lu Tianhua rubbing his hands vigorously, and he couldn't help laughing. .

As the king of soldiers, although he is not a doctor, he can still tell from Lu Tianhua's small actions that the other party has a cleanliness habit.

Hearing Wu Yi's voice, Lu Tianhua frowned, looked at Wu Yi indifferently, and said coldly: "I don't know who you are, but there are some people you can't provoke! I can tell , you are a smart person, I hope you don't continue to do stupid things!"

Wu Yi grinned, "What? Are you going to show your ferocious fangs? Hehe. Is that right? Once upon a time, I also wanted to be a gentleman like you, but then I was discouraged because I felt Or hooliganism, a great career for me."

Lu Tianhua looked deeply at Wu Yi, his dark eyes were full of sharp light, "Are you sure you want to fight with me? My friend, if I really want to fight, then I can't control it! "

"You threatened me." Wu Yi pouted.

"If it's a threat, then it's a threat!" Lu Tianhua sneered.

Wu Yi bowed his head and remained silent for a while. Lu Tianhua looked at Wu Yi nervously. He hoped that Wu Yi would retreat in the face of difficulties. Wu Yi suddenly raised his head, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes. He knew that this man would definitely not really fight against him. of!

"Ahem, I'm really sorry, I like to pee and think about problems." Wu Yi chuckled, looking at the somewhat annoyed Lu Tianhua, showing two rows of white teeth.

As he said that, without giving Lu Tianhua a chance to get mad, Wu Yi directly took out his penis and poured water.

Shhhhhh seems to be contagious. Hearing the sound of Wu Yi's slippery water, Lu Tianhua also felt a urge to urinate.

"Ah, I've made up my mind." Wu Yi, who was peeing like a pee, was startled, turned around and looked at the expectant Lu Tianhua with a smile, and said, "I hate threats the most."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yi pretended to be sorry and said: "Brother People's Public Servant, I'm really sorry, I peed on your pants."

Lu Tianhua looked down, only to realize that Wu Yi seemed to be still peeing when he turned around just now.

"Ah..." How could Lu Tianhua, who has a deep cleanliness obsession, endure such a situation? Immediately, he became flustered, but in this way, all the water he hadn't finished poured on his pants!

"Wu Yi, I will never let you go, from today on I will have you without me!"

Qin Lei, who came out with Wu Yi before, met an acquaintance on the way, and hurried to the bathroom after dismissing the acquaintance, but the corners of his mouth twitched as he watched Lu Tianhua pee his pants.

He wanted to laugh, but he couldn't hold it back. He didn't expect that Young Master Lu, who was usually a dog, would pee his pants at such an age.

"Ahem, Young Master Lu, what's the matter? Where's that kid Wu Yi?" Qin Lei asked with concern.

"Qin Lei, I know you want me to help your family connect with my dad. I will give you a chance. I will make Wu Yi disabled immediately! If you do it, I promise that your family will have a lot of business in the future. The convenience!" Lu Tianhua was really angry!

"Young Master Lu, don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you!" Qin Lei sneered, and suddenly he found that Wu Yi was a little cute, but cute is cute, what should be done is still to be done!

The second is here, thank you brothers and sisters for your support.

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