Dragon Warrior

Chapter 84 The Outburst Old Man [Ninth Update]

With every minute that time elapses, the regret in Li Chengwen's heart intensifies. Looking at Wu Yi and Zhou Miaoling, who are talking and laughing, his heart is full of hatred. He knows that Wu Yi deliberately wants to to fix him.

Zhou Meifen also looked at Li Chengwen with her brows tightly locked. Seeing the beads of sweat on Li Chengwen's forehead, she was somewhat disappointed, but she also knew that Jinhua Hotel would not dare to offend many people in Jinling City.

Thinking of this, Zhou Meifen said, "Xiao Li, it's getting late, we're all hungry, why don't we leave here and go get something to eat elsewhere."

"Auntie, isn't that bad?" Wu Yi just waited to see Li Chengwen suffer. If Li Chengwen left now, wouldn't this kid continue to be arrogant? If you don't give him a little more ruthlessness, he might still be clinging to Zhou Miaoling all the time. If that's the case, his coming would be useless.


Hearing Zhou Meifen's words, Li Chengwen was about to shed tears with excitement, but he didn't expect Wu Yi to make a horizontal shot, which made him not know how to face it.

When Zhou Meifen heard Wu Yi's words, her face, which was not very good at first, turned even worse. She glanced at Wu Yi and said, "Xiao Wu, sometimes it's best to stop in moderation, otherwise it will be bad for us all."

Although Li Chengwen's performance has not yet satisfied Zhou Meifen, but compared to Wu Yi's sloppy temper, Zhou Meifen is more optimistic about Li Chengwen. At least in terms of her daughter's marriage, she still thinks it is better to be well-off!

Li Chengwen is the son-in-law of Zhonglin International, and he is one of the few in the entire Jinling City. Regardless of his family background, appearance and character, he is the top choice, but what about Wu Yi? From the very beginning, he was glib, and he didn't look like he came from a wealthy family. He didn't have the modesty that a successful person should have. Zhou Meifen didn't like it very much!

"Mom, what is enough enough?" Zhou Miaoling finally spoke at this moment, she looked coldly at Zhou Meifen who was staring at Wu Yi coldly, and said: "Li Chengwen is the person you choose, and Wu Yi is my choice. Li Chengwen is allowed to bully Wu Yi on some things, so Wu Yi only needs to fight back on some things, wouldn't it be okay?"

"You..." Seeing that her daughter dared to talk to herself like this, Zhou Meifen became angry for a while, which made her even more disgusted with Wu Yilai. She felt that although her daughter was not very obedient before, she did not dare to refute in front of outsiders Now, after being with this Wu Yi, I actually dare to refute my words openly in words like this, "Zhou Miaoling, you are my daughter, do you think I will harm you?"

Saying that, Zhou Meifen pointed at Wu Yi, glared and said, "Are you going against your mother just because of such a man who is nothing? What does he have? Whether it's appearance, family background or character, he can't compare with him." Xiao Li, with such a man, you will suffer for the rest of your life!"

"Auntie, don't be angry. Miao Ling was just deceived and confused for a while. Don't get angry."

Seeing that Zhou Meifen and Zhou Miaoling had such a big dispute, Li Chengwen's previous tension disappeared immediately, and instead he showed a hint of surprise. He felt that Zhou Meifen was about to lose her temper. If this happened, Zhou Miaoling would definitely succumb to Zhou Meifen's majesty.

When comforting Zhou Meifen, Li Chengwen looked at Wu Yi with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as if waiting to watch a good show.

Zhou Miaoling was stunned for a moment, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes, she felt that her mother had been dazzled by the benefits before, and she thought that she might have restrained and changed somewhat in the two years since she left, but she never thought of her mother It became more and more unreasonable.

"Mom, don't you think that women should find a man with a good family background? Love is two people who love each other living happily together. They can comfort each other when they are hurt, and they can hug each other for warmth when they are cold. It’s about being in love with each other, not only being rich and powerful can make you happy!”

Zhou Miaoling's tone was full of sadness. She really didn't know why her mother became like that. Could it be that only with great power and wealth can one get beautiful love?

At least, Zhou Miaoling absolutely did not believe it! ?

"Okay, okay, now that your wings are stiff, you dare to talk back to me, right?" Zhou Meifen, a strong woman, was filled with anger when she saw that her daughter turned around to teach her a lesson, and she glared at the innocent girl angrily. Wu Yi, "For such a worthless man, you just talk to me like this, good, good!"

Uncle Yi is so wronged and innocent, he just came here for a formality. And my lord, am I really that bad? He has always thought that he is a very good man. Could it be that all this is his obsession with himself?

For a moment, Wu Yi's face was full of sadness, he wanted to go home a little bit, it was too shocking.

"Okay, Zhou Meifen, when my daughter is grown up, she has the right to make her own choices. You, you don't want to make decisions for others, okay?"

Just when several people were a little excited, Zhou Chunzheng, who had been neglected by everyone, spoke suddenly. This silent man had been ignored by everyone, but suddenly broke out at this moment, making everyone uncomfortable for a while!

The most surprised people present were Zhou Miaoling and Zhou Meifen. These two women have lived with Zhou Chunzheng for many years. They were just listening, but now they dare to refute their strong wife like this?

Zhou Meifen opened her mouth wide and stared blankly at her angry husband. She suddenly felt that this man was so strange. Was this her husband who had lived with her for decades?

How dare he refute his own words? !

"Miao Ling, you have grown up. I have been acting under your mother's command all my life. I hope you can stick to your decision." Zhou Chunzheng looked at his daughter who was a little dazed, with a doting smile on his face, " Xiao Wu is a good boy, follow him and you will be happy. No matter what choice you make, Dad will support you!"

"Dad..." Tears welled up in Zhou Miaoling's eyes. For so many years, she had always obeyed her mother's words, and her father never said a word, but today, on major events in her life, her father finally spoke, and She is still so supportive of herself, she is really moved.

Wu Yi on the side was also excited and wanted to hug Zhou Chunzheng, uncle, you are a pure man, you have a great vision!

"Hello, everyone. I'm the hotel manager of Jinhua Hotel. Director Liu said that some of you are dissatisfied with me and want to find me?"

At this scene of family affection, an untimely voice came over, and his attitude was very arrogant, which was completely different from the attitude of other hotel managers, as if he was showing his superiority!

When Uncle Yi was feeling the warmth of his father and daughter, he was suddenly interrupted by this voice, and immediately frowned tightly, especially when he heard that a small manager dared to talk to the guests so condescendingly, He suddenly became a little angry.

Li Chengwen, who was comforting Zhou Meifen with kind words, immediately became extremely ugly when he heard this. The three members of Zhou Miaoling's family also withdrew their emotions and looked in the direction of Luo Fei and the others.

"Manager Luo, this is Mr. Li from Zhonglin International who said he wanted to find you." Liu Chen stood up immediately and introduced Luo Fei.

At this moment, Li Chengwen wished he could knock Liu Chen away with a punch, what the hell, you are the only one with a low mouth, but seeing Luo Fei's cold stare, Li Chengwen didn't dare to do anything wrong, let go of Zhou Meifen's hand, hehe laughed Said: "This must be Manager Luo Feiluo, right? I'm really sorry to bother you."

"Oh, Mr. Li, I don't know why you are looking for me?" Luo Fei asked knowingly, but his eyes looked at the two women, Zhou Miaoling and Zhou Meifen, and a different smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The young masters from Huacheng behind Luo Fei also had their eyes lit up when they saw Zhou Miaoling and Zhou Meifen's mother and daughter, and they didn't hide the thoughts in their eyes at all, which made Zhou Miaoling and Zhou Meifen frowned.

Wu Yi saw all this in his eyes and kept silent. He wanted to see how this manager Luo would solve the problem.

"Hehe, there's nothing wrong, it's just that I booked a box before, but I heard from your waiter that the box was taken by someone else, so..." Li Chengwen said with a smile, but before he finished speaking, he was caught The angry shout of the young man with pigtails behind Luo Fei was interrupted.

"Grass mud horse, what are you? Young master, I occupy your box to save face, why? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" The braided man raised his head, making people a little worried that his neck would be sprained up.

Li Chengwen frowned, but he didn't dare to attack. He knew that since I was the person who followed Luo Fei, I must have a different status, "Brother, are you joking..."

"I went to Nima, who the hell is your brother? Even a piece of trash like you wants to call me a brother? You don't even need to pee to look in the mirror." The braided man didn't give Li Chengwen any face, Humming Li Chengwen directly in front of the big guys made all the young people behind him laugh wantonly.

Although Li Chengwen is a dude, he is not the kind of master who can be manipulated by others. He has never seen these boys in Jinling City. A strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake. You are so arrogant when you come to Jinling City. Aunt Ren can't bear it either!

"Since you don't save face, there's no need to continue the conversation. Manager Luo, I've seen how powerful the Jinhua Hotel is. Hmph, let's go!" Li Chengwen snorted coldly, turned around and was about to leave.

"Mr. Li, you haven't made it clear yet, so you just left. Where do you think our Jinhua Hotel is?" Luo Fei heard that Li Chengwen was leaving, and he heard a sinister voice.


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