Dragon Warrior

Chapter 871

Wu Yi didn't refuse anymore, the excessive favor became a kind of charity. If he insisted on not taking anything, it would be like pitying the boss of his relatives. This is hard for a man to accept, especially now that his legs have been amputated , Cultivation is useless, what needs more is respect and peace of mind.

However, he handed the dagger to Wang Jun, and said: "You should keep this, just in case of accidents on the road, but with your current cultivation base, it is still a bit difficult to envoy middle-grade spiritual weapons, and it is not until the critical moment , Don’t reveal it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.”

"Ah... Boss Qi gave it to you. How could I want it?" Wang Jun hurriedly returned the dagger, shaking his head like a rattle. No one is qualified to accept this gift except Wu Yi After all, they didn't do anything, they just waved their flags and shouted to cheer and increase momentum. Wu Yi was the one who really fought, dealt with, and planned.

"Brothers say this is outrageous, let you hold it, take it, middle-grade spiritual weapon is not of much value to me, but it can double your combat power, good for cultivation, don't disappoint Qi Boss and my expectations." Wu Yi threw it directly in front of him, and he has always tried his best to cultivate his brother.

Wang Jun held the shining silver dagger, poured a little energy into it, and a sharp sword light gushed out. The chill was overwhelming, and he said happily: "What the elder brother taught is, brother, I must practice hard and strive Break through as soon as possible and advance to the Primordial Spirit Realm, and this middle-grade spiritual weapon will not be humiliated."

A monk in the Blood Transformation Realm can have a middle-grade spiritual weapon, which is already comparable to the treatment of the core disciples of the sect. Wang Jun was naturally excited, and Sun Yue, who was on the side, also looked envious, and the hala almost flowed down. You must know that his ultimate goal in coming to Han's family is a middle-grade spiritual weapon. Not only him, but many people are fighting for it. Unexpectedly, Wang Jun was one step ahead and realized his dream.

"Don't be greedy, kid. Didn't the Ji family promise to give us a middle-grade spiritual weapon? If they don't keep their promise, the eldest brother will help you realize this wish. With your current strength, even if it is really given to you A medium-grade spiritual weapon can only be seen, and the most important thing is to hurry up and practice, and advance as soon as possible." Wu Yi looked at Sun Yue's steadfast eyes and reminded angrily.

After taking this reassurance, Sun Yue immediately said with a smile on his face: "I knew a long time ago that if I hang out with my elder brother, there must be meat to eat, but I just look a little hot-eyed."

"Okay, let's set off quickly and try to come back within three days. We still have important things to do. Be careful and keep a low profile on the way. Don't cause trouble. You must settle down Boss Qi so that he doesn't have any worries." Wu Yi told Qi The boss picked him up, handed it to Wang Jun's arms, and said solemnly.

Sun Yue came up to him, and asked treacherously: "Boss, do you want to bring your portrait to show to Boss Qi's daughter? With your wise and martial appearance, you will definitely make a good marriage."

"Get out!" Wu Yi spit out a word, and kicked the dishonest monkey out. After his troubles, the sadness of parting has been diluted a lot. Boss Qi didn't say much, but his frowning brows relaxed. Quite a few, showing long-lost smiles, and after nodding to Wu Yi, the three of them rushed out of the black gold mine.

As the newly appointed steward, Wu Yi still has the right to deploy, and Ji Xuanming himself promised that there should be no twists and turns in this trip. Although Boss Qi's end is a bit tragic, it can be regarded as a good end. Those souls buried under the boulder are much luckier.

As soon as Boss Qi left, Wu Yi also settled one thing on his mind. The next thing he had to pay attention to was the mining progress of the black gold raw ore. He was almost sure that Ji Xuanming had other plans, but since he stood up and became their backbone , he had to think about their future. The successful completion of this mission was the bargaining chip to continue negotiating with the Ji family. He had to get it in order to gain more initiative.

Because of the strike, the construction period was delayed by one day. Before that, Ji Rongyang directly doubled the task. It was because it was impossible to meet the needs of the Ji family according to the current output, so he made this decision.

However, this simple and rude method directly transfers the pressure to the handyman. If he wants to complete the task, he must pay more life and blood and sweat. Wu Yi can't do this. He must find an effective method. Guaranteed production, but also to minimize the casualty rate, after much deliberation, finally set his sights on the small fire.

This guy can find tungsten concentrate veins, and he can definitely find black gold mine veins, but black gold mines are not as precious as tungsten concentrate mines, and it is difficult to attract its attention. Wu Yi has full confidence and certainty in dealing with this foodie. As soon as he left, Wu Yi came out right after him. He didn't keep an eye on the progress in the mine, but searched all over the mountains and plains for wild game.

The black gold mine is hidden in dense forests, surrounded by stretches of primeval forests, and there are no traces of high-level spirit beasts, but ordinary beasts can be seen everywhere. After a while, Wu Yi has returned with a full load, and the pheasant and hare carry There were a bunch of them, and there were even a few birds flapping their wings desperately. All the flying feathers were scattered all over the sky, which completely confused a group of busy men.

"What do you think Brother Wu Yi is busy with? According to our progress, it is impossible to complete the task if we don't work harder. Why is he not in a hurry?" A burly man asked worriedly.

A big-headed man next to him said mysteriously: "Don't worry about it, the elder brother must have his plan, we just do things with peace of mind, he will definitely not cheat his brother, if it is unlucky, it will be Ji's family, think about the stinky meal Beat it up, it's so fucking enjoyable!"

"Big head is right. Big brother is definitely not an ordinary person. Don't worry about salty carrots. Push this cart of ore out. It won't be long before you know." Someone beside him echoed.

After these two days of changes, Wu Yi has become a god in their hearts. No matter what he is doing, this group of men also feel that there is a lot of meaning in it. After watching curiously for a while, they buried their heads in work. Curious, even the disciples of the Ji family who were in charge of patrolling the guards began to whisper.

"This new manager is too irresponsible! Instead of watching the mining progress here, he ran out to hunt wild game. It's simply not doing his job properly. Shall we report to Young Master Ji?"

"I advise you to save yourselves! It's not like you don't know the strength of this steward Wu. Even Boss Ji has been beaten. If you go to make a small report, be careful that you won't even be able to keep a complete bone." .”

"As the saying goes, there are three fires for a new official, maybe he did it on purpose for us to see, whoever dares to touch this bad luck, he may be the rooster waiting for him, whoever wants to go, whoever wants to go, anyway, I won't go Hit it at the muzzle."

Speaking of which, the more the disciples of the Ji family thought about it, the more they felt that it made sense, so they quickly pretended not to see it, and left the god of killing far away, so as not to suffer innocent disasters. What happened to Ji Rongyang left a serious psychological shadow in their hearts. I don't dare to be as domineering as before.

But this time they guessed it right. Wu Yi quickly lit his first fire, and it burned quite vigorously. The plucked and washed game was put on the branches and roasted quickly. The meat is browned and tender, sizzling and oily, and the tempting fragrance is scattered in the empty mine, making people move their index fingers and salivate.

This kind of weird imagination has almost never happened in the busy black gold mine. When Ji Rongyang was in charge of the mine, he ate just to replenish his physical strength. Even his own daily meals were extremely simple, and it was solved in two or three minutes. , The rest of the time is either inspecting various mines or practicing with eyes closed. How can Wu Yi be so idle and leisurely start barbecue.

However, intimidated by Wu Yi's power, no one dared to say anything more, full of doubts were all suppressed in their stomachs, and they were still busy with their own affairs, but everyone's face was covered with question marks and exclamation marks, so presumptuous His behavior is simply not doing his job properly!

"Woooo..." Xiaohuo, who was sleeping soundly, twitched his nose slightly, opened his eyes suddenly, his round eyes burst out with brilliance, his figure flashed, and he rushed directly to those fragrant barbecues, but this time he failed, The silver light curtain circulated endlessly, isolating him from the outside, bumped his head against the light curtain, let out a scream, and fell directly on the stone wall.

Wu Yi pretended not to see it, and turned over the branches with concentration, cutting the skin with the evil blade from time to time to make the fragrance more intense. At the same time, the jade ring above his head floated quietly, and he and the bonfire were enveloped in it.

The tempting delicacy is close at hand, but you can only look at it but not eat it, but the little fire is so anxious that it circles around the light curtain, making angry and irritable roars from time to time. To get angry, he even sprayed absolute fire at the silver light curtain.

Wu Yi won't condone its temperament, so he just took this opportunity to train it well, otherwise it will grow into a real wild lion, and even his old man will be ignored.

After working for a while, Xiaohuo finally realized that everything was in vain. With his two little paws resting on the light curtain, he watched Wu Yi slowly put the burnt roast meat into his mouth. Li kept groaning aggrievedly, expressing to Wu Yi his dissatisfaction and protest against this unfair treatment.

"Want to eat barbecue?" Wu Yi turned his head and asked unnecessary.

Although Xiaohuo can't speak, he is extremely intelligent. Seeing that Wu Yi finally found it, his furry head moved like a chicken pecking rice, and his round eyes were full of grievances. He couldn't attack by force, so he could only act cute.

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