Dragon Warrior

Chapter 909 Carrying out the New Deal

When Sun Yue heard this, he immediately became interested, and asked excitedly: "Is the mine going to be re-excavated? Wulong Volcano has long been extinguished, and it has rained several times in the past few days, and the temperature has almost dropped. "

"That's right. The mine is the foundation. It must be restored as soon as possible. If you don't do your job all day long, then this group of newly recruited people will delay the progress of the construction period. I can't spare you." Wu Yi nodded and said.

"Boss, don't worry, what needs to be explained has already been explained. There should be no problem. If I call them together, you can go and talk to them again. After coming for so long, I haven't seen the real master. I'm looking forward to it!" Sun Yue said, patting his chest, as if he was very confident in his training results, and wanted to drag Wu Yi to review.

Wu Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't bother with such silly things, tell all the second-class handymen to gather at Wulong Mountain, Wang Jun and you guys will also go there, and leave the rest of the project to a monkey to take care of it." .”

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements. Although mining is dangerous, I've been used to it for so many years. Now I'm idle every day, but my hands and feet are itchy. Finally, I have something to do." Wang Jun excitedly led With a group of brothers leaving, the mine is much freer and more suitable for their life.

"Wait... Boss, do you mean that I will stay here from now on?" Sun Yue heard Wu Yi's arrangement, and suddenly had a bad feeling, and asked for confirmation.

"You are now the deputy steward of the Han family. You need to arrange all the affairs of the family. I will go and watch over the mine in person. I can only leave the family affairs to you. I don't worry about that Eunuch Li doing things. "Wu Yi nodded. In fact, since he appointed Sun Yue as the deputy manager, he had no plans to let him return to the mine.

Sun Yue is quick-witted, eclectic, shrewd and tactful, and with a little training, he is qualified for the position of chief manager. If he is really put in the mine, with his frivolous temperament, even if he is reminded again, it is inevitable that he will appear. accident, so it is more appropriate to stay at Han's house.

"Hey... the days to come will be sad." Sun Yue said with a bitter face, the boss reluctantly.

When Wu Yi heard this, he got a little annoyed, and said angrily, "Fuck, with the power of the Han family, I don't know how much benefit you can get from being a steward. Why do you still have such an expression? If you feel wronged, I can change it." people."

"Don't, don't, don't, I just don't want to follow that dead eunuch's ass every day, making it difficult for me to speak." Sun Yue explained in a hurry, and inadvertently raised an orchid finger. A sissy is really poisonous.

"Haha... the original is like this. When you can stand alone one day, you are afraid that he will get into the mine to lose weight. Now you don't understand anything, so bear with it for a while!" Wu Yi knew in his heart that this The boy is actually unwilling to be separated from these brothers, but if he wants to truly grow up, he must learn to be independent, and his childish nature cannot be controlled.

The heavy rain for three consecutive days filled the sky over Wulong Mountain with mist. It was originally an endless blue, but it turned into a gloomy twilight when it reached the top of the mountain. The air was filled with a strong smell of sulfur. The thick volcanic ash was extremely sultry, and the scorching wind already made people feel uncomfortable even before they got close.

"The environment down here is not very good, why don't you go back, I have been in charge for three months anyway, so there should be no problem." Wu Yi said to Han Xue beside her, wearing a white gauze, she floated out of the dust , Somewhat out of tune with the harsh environment here.

Han Xue shook her head and said, "I'm already the head of the Han family. If I don't show up, how can I convince the public in the future? Let's go down together, everyone is here."

The more tragic the blow, the more quickly a person can grow. The half-month buffer period has allowed the Han family to accept their new identity and know what they should do. They insisted on coming to Wu Yi with Wu Yi. Longhuo, but when it was descending, Wu Yi thoughtfully summoned Yuhuan out. The silver light curtain cut off the smoke and dust from the outside world, making her skin whiter than snow, unstained by mortal dust.

It was only after descending to the ground that it was barely visible. The original deep mine cave thousands of meters deep had completely disappeared. The raging magma had completely changed the landform here, and even the underground environment could not be predicted. A stupid way is to dig down from here until the veins covered by magma are dug out.

"Brother, all five hundred newly recruited handymen have arrived, and more than one hundred disciples of the Ji family are also here. How do you think we should arrange this time?" Wang Jun stepped forward and asked.

Wu Yi glanced at them, most of them were unfamiliar faces, he had only seen them once, and did not leave a deep impression on them. On the contrary, there were many old acquaintances in the Ji family. Ji Yuanliang and Ji Rongyang stood in the front row, and those who usually The core disciples of the Ji family who were not in charge of specific affairs also stood there in disgrace. It seemed that they were the first to enter here.

"Guard Ji, you look good recently, have you fully recovered your strength?" Wu Yi did not answer Wang Jun's question, but walked up to Ji Rongyang under the attention of everyone, and asked with concern.

Ji Rongyang shrunk his cheeks and looked like he was ten years old. When he saw Wu Yi approaching, he panicked for a while, subconsciously took two steps back, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your concern, sir. I have recovered. about there."

Ever since they saw Ji Xuanming's end, they no longer had the courage to challenge Wu Yi. At first they thought he was an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, but now they realized that he was a true god who could not be provoked. Keep it at a respectful distance, so as not to be targeted by Wu Yi again. Even to Wang Jun, he was polite and obedient, for fear of following in Ji Xuanming's footsteps.

"That's good. The matter of digging mines requires more attention from Ji Ji!" Wu Yi said suddenly. This move made everyone feel very puzzled, especially the disciples of the Ji family.

Today's Ji family has completely declined as a vassal of the Han family, and Ji Rongyang is the core figure who provoked the rebellion. How could Wu Yi give him the position of mine manager at this time?

Ji Rongyang didn't know what kind of medicine was buried in Wu Yi's gourd, but he still had self-knowledge to evade and said: "I've committed crimes and made meritorious deeds, and I'm walking on thin ice every day. It's a blessing to be able to repay my thoroughness. How can I still be able to afford to be like the master?" Love?"

At the same time, Wang Jun felt a little bit disappointed. He had already accumulated a certain amount of prestige by letting him be the supervisor and leading all the people to repair the meeting hall. He thought that the master of the mine would definitely be entrusted to him, but Wu Yi did not expect that There was an arrangement, but he didn't rush to speak, but quietly stood aside to see how the situation would develop.

Wu Yi looked around at everyone, and said loudly: "Although I, Wu Yi, am young, I am not a narrow-minded person. No matter what you have done before, if you said you would not pursue it, you will definitely not pursue it. You can rest assured about this. Now that the mine is about to be excavated, it is the time to employ people, as long as you perform well, I will treat the disciples of the Han family, the disciples of the Ji family, and these new brothers equally without any bias."

These words were a reassurance for the disciples of the Ji family. Ji Yuanliang hurried forward and said: "That is, that is, Mr. Wu has clear rewards and punishments, and we do what we say. We don't doubt it at all. It's just that Sanbo came here suddenly." Doing this job, it is inevitable that there is some sincerity and sincerity, what exactly does Young Master Wu mean, can you explain it a little bit more clearly?"

"Everyone is very clear about the current situation. If you want to find the veins again, you need to dig vertically downward for at least three kilometers. Now I divide the manpower into two groups. One group is led by Wang Jun, and the other group is led by Ji Rongyang. As a limit, whoever can find the mine first will be the mine manager, and within this month, I will personally supervise the battle, and whoever steals and cheats will be dismissed directly, do you understand?" Wu Yi said loudly.

As soon as this novel idea was proposed, it immediately won the support of everyone. Whether it is the newly recruited handyman or the disciples of the Ji family, they are all gearing up and eager to try. Competition is a shortcut to improve efficiency. Obviously, this point has not been taken seriously in Tianyuan Continent. .

Wu Yi paused, and continued: "The disciples of the Ji family originally had to do three years of hard labor, but as long as you can exceed the task, the excess remuneration will be paid in the same month, as long as you can persist for three years and perform well. The rewards that have not been paid for three years will be paid in half or in full according to your performance, and the same is true for the new brothers. The original extra five middle-grade spirit stones per month will be paid in full that month. According to the progress of the completion of the task, after approval, the excess part of the remuneration will be paid, and there is no cap."

Remuneration is a matter that is closely related to everyone. When Wu Yi finished talking about the new policy, nearly 600 handymen in the mine started to applaud unanimously, like a tide, which lasted for a long time, especially for the Ji family. Disciples, when they heard this exciting news, they all beamed with joy. As long as they persist for three years, they will be able to receive the full amount of spirit stones. This is equivalent to no punishment. How can we keep them from being excited?

I hope that after the complete extinction, if a little flame lights up again, it will be extraordinarily bright, dazzling, and extraordinarily exciting. In fact, Wu Yi has already planned this, to make them despair first, and then give them some Hope, it is very easy to make this group of aristocratic disciples obedient and obedient, and their enthusiasm for work is unprecedentedly high. They can't wait to work in full swing immediately, and the more they work, the more they will get. Naturally, they don't want to waste every second of their time.

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