Dragon Warrior

Chapter 929: The Bat Demon Appears

"Boom... Boom..." Countless huge boulders came crashing down like raindrops. If Wu Yi hadn't rushed out in time, he might have been buried alive at this moment. The ups and downs have completely surrounded this mountain wall.

Wu Yi didn't want to offend the elders of the little spirit ape. The three-eyed spirit ape was able to give birth to its parents. Its parents were by no means easy, but it was impossible to send it back now. He could only rush to the top of the mountain to find a The conspicuous place shows that you have no malice, return the small things to them, and then sincerely apologize to others, maybe there is still room for things to turn around.

"Bang... bang..." As soon as Wu Yi made a move, the stones falling around him became more and more dense, and their strength became stronger and stronger, implying the brilliance of Yuanli. Some of them could not be avoided and could only be kicked away with their feet. Huge The force of the shock caused him to grin his teeth in pain, and complained to Xiaohuo ten thousand times in his heart, this unreliable guy made him miserable.

But no matter how much he complained, Wu Yi put Xiaohuo and the three-eyed spirit ape together into the Qiankun bag when he set off. Xiaohuo couldn't hide from such a dense rain of stones. Well, as an old man, he is not so cruel, so he can only carry it by himself.

With a distance of less than one thousand meters, it took Wu Yi ten minutes to rush up. At this time, the apes had already caught up. After a rough estimate, nearly fifty apes surrounded Wu Yi. They are not very tall, at most about 1.5 meters, but they are very strong, especially the two arms, which can almost hang down to the ground, and they are unusually strong. It is easy to throw a huge boulder, which contains With powerful power.

Wu Yi didn't know much about the Yaozu, so he couldn't accurately judge what level the strength of this group of apes had reached, but he felt a powerful wave of spiritual consciousness, which firmly locked on his trajectory. Far stronger than him, brought heavy pressure on him.

"Brothers of the ape clan, I didn't intend to offend the three-eyed spirit ape. There is a misunderstanding. Can you stop the attack and give me a chance to explain?" Wu Yi quickly passed on a divine thought, after the martial arts monk broke through the supernatural realm , you can use the power of spiritual consciousness to convey your thoughts. He had a similar communication with Mo Yan before, but he didn't know if it was possible to communicate in this way between monsters. In an emergency situation, it can only be a dead horse. Live horse doctor, hit luck.

Spiritual thoughts rippled like water waves, and soon the crazy stone attack of the apes stopped, and two apes appeared in front of Wu Yi. They were covered with long dark red hairs, and the muscles on their chests were distributed in lumps. They look extraordinarily strong, and the most important thing is that their eyes are deep and quiet, unlike ordinary monsters that are full of violent blood red, they are obviously enlightened.

"Human cultivator, you trespassed on the forbidden area of ​​the monster clan and kidnapped the god ape. What else is there to explain? Hurry up and hand over the god ape." One of the apes had a flash of light in their eyes and conveyed a divine thought.

They were not sure about Wu Yi's strength, so they kept a safe distance very carefully. The sound transmission of their spiritual thoughts was intermittent, and Wu Yi had to put the power of his spiritual consciousness to the extreme to get a rough idea.

But as long as we can communicate, it's a good thing. He quickly hugged the three-eyed spirit ape in his arms, pointed to Xiaohuo on the ground and said: "I just wanted to avoid the enemy, and it was my disobedient little guy who didn't intend to offend you." You guys, I have taught it a lesson just now, I hope you don't mind, don't worry, I have absolutely no intention of harming the little ape."

"Woooo..." Xiaohuo was a little unconvinced, surrounded by flames all over his body, and let out a wild roar, which immediately made the apes who had relaxed their vigilance tense, and the two apes retreated quickly, and stood together with their group, angrily The sound of ape cries sounded again. I don't know what they were communicating with, but judging from their expressions, they must be full of fear of Xiaohuo.

Wu Yi discovered that this group of apes did not have the third divine eye like the little guy in his arms. It can be seen that a strange beast like the three-eyed spirit ape is also rare to see in a thousand years. Maybe its parents are just They were just ordinary apes, and they were instinctively afraid of the Juehuo Wild Lion. Xiaohuo immediately put them on high alert.

"My little ancestor, can you stop making trouble at this time?" Wu Yi was so tormented by Xiaohuo that he was about to faint. The little spirit ape, I am afraid that countless stones have already greeted him.

"Woooo..." Xiaohuo shook his tail, and gave Wu Yi a triumphant look, obviously satisfied with his performance, and disdainful of Wu Yi's behavior of scurrying around.

"Fuck me, you are a newborn calf and you are not afraid of tigers. When you suffer, you will know that you are wrong, so let me wrong you first." Wu Yi has no way to communicate with it normally. The honest guy put it in the Qiankun bag.

After the coercion of the Blazing Lion dissipated, the tension of the ape clan eased. At least those guys who were swinging the big rocks slowly let go, but they didn't want to get close easily, and the vigilance of the monster clan was particularly high. Gao, he didn't trust Wu Yi's way of actively showing weakness.

"Everyone, I really don't mean anything malicious, it was just a misunderstanding just now, don't get excited!"

"I said, brothers, can you give me an attitude, I will return the little spirit ape to you, and this matter will be turned over."

"Can you promise not to pursue this matter?"


Divine thoughts came out one after another, but the distance was too far to receive them at all. They all fell into the sea like mud cows and disappeared in an instant. This put Wu Yi in a predicament. The temper of the ape clan is not very good. Spirit ape, they still want to tear him apart, then it will be completely over.

The emotions of the apes became more and more excited, and the twittering and communication became more and more intense. It seemed that they were gradually losing patience. Wu Yi gritted his teeth and threw the sleeping three-eyed ape out. Silently praying: "I hope monkeys can be more reliable than humans, I can only gamble."

The little ape slid an arc in the air, and flew straight into the arms of the red-haired ape. None of the apes expected Wu Yi to make such a choice, and looked at the little ape vigilantly, not daring to go forward meet.

"Hey... It seems that they must have suffered a lot from the human monks before, and now they are so vigilant. The trust between human monsters is almost equal to zero." Wu Yi sighed in his heart.

In order to obtain powerful spiritual weapons, human monks kept hunting monsters to grab demon spirits. This made the relationship between people and monsters more and more tense. Strange beasts can dominate one side, and no one dares to provoke them. These ordinary monsters cannot escape the fate of being refined after all.

The gust of wind whizzed by, and the three-eyed spirit ape woke up, stretched its arms lazily in the air, and showed a happy expression when it saw its own clansman. Just as it opened its arms, a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. Surpassing lightning, he swooped over the head of the little ape in an instant.

"Damn it, what the hell?" Wu Yi felt a strong wave of spiritual consciousness. He was startled and without any hesitation, he quickly summoned the evil blade, turning into a 30-meter-long red dragon, and headed towards the other side. The black shadow rushed over, and at the same time, his figure was like lightning, rushing towards the three-eyed spirit ape who hadn't noticed the danger.

The change happened in the blink of an eye, and the highly alert group of apes had no time to react. At this time, the blood dragon controlled by Wu Yi had already soared into the sky, opened its huge mouth, and sprayed a light blue dragon's breath at the black phantom. , and Wu Yi's whole body was filled with flames, like a shooting star, passing quickly under the dragon's body, Yuan Li turned into a giant hand, and rushed towards the three-eyed spirit ape who was about to be caught at the fastest speed.

'Blood Dragon Swallow' is already the most powerful attack of 'Blood Dragon Seal'. With Wu Yi's current strength, even a cultivator at the Spirit Transcendence Realm would not dare to take it head-on. Hei Ying sensed the power of the dragon's breath and had to flip in the air. The two huge wings set off a hurricane, blowing away the dragon's breath abruptly, and Wu Yi also hugged the three-eyed spirit ape in his arms again during this moment of panting.

"Zhizhi...zhizhi..." The little ape was flying around in the air, daring to be funny, but this time he didn't resist, but stared at Wu Yi with two round eyes, grinning happily .

"As a strange beast, I don't have any ability to perceive danger. I'm really sorry for your identity!" Wu Yi sighed, and quickly landed on the ape group. Presumably at this time, they can sense their kindness and help fight against this The ghost thing that appeared suddenly, although I didn't see its shape clearly, it was definitely not a good thing to defuse the blood dragon's attack easily.

But Wu Yi still underestimated this unkind guy. The moment he turned around and landed, his shoulders were pierced suddenly, blood gushed out, and two sharp iron-like claws pierced through his shoulder bones. He flew directly into the sky with him, and disappeared into the thick fog.

The sharp pain made Wu Yi's face distorted a little. The surprise attack just now even exceeded the speed of his spiritual detection. He didn't have time to make any counterattack. The body shield was also defeated in an instant, as if there was no It was the same as before, and this was the first time he encountered such a weird attack.

"Your grandpa's, what the hell is that? My pipa bone is about to be crushed." Wu Yi grinned and said, his shoulders were controlled, his energy couldn't move, and he couldn't use any strength. He raised his head desperately, but Seeing a ferocious and terrifying face, with blood-red eyes and jagged sharp teeth gleaming with a faint cold light, isn't it the blood bat demon that he has been thinking about day and night?

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