Dragon Warrior

Chapter 94 Wu Yi Slapped His Face Again

Su Qingxue's surprise came and went quickly, because she saw Zhou Miaoling behind Wu Yi.

The moment he saw Wu Yi, Zhong Longyang's heart was about to jump out. He finally waited for Wu Yi. After seeing Huang Yulai vomited blood from Quan Shao's men just now, he became more confident.

"Young Master Quan, he is Wu Yi!" Zhong Longyang walked to Quan Wei's side and whispered.

In fact, without Zhong Longyang opening his mouth, Quan Wei had already fixed his eyes on Wu Yi. He squinted his eyes and stared at Wu Yi. He thought that the Wu Yi Zhong Longyang was talking about would be such a great person, but at this moment, he saw him Can't help but want to laugh.

Yes, he actually laughed too.

He even thought those top sons in Yanjing were a little funny, no matter whether the man in front of him was the one they feared or not, even if it was true, he would not be afraid, because this man was so ordinary up.

looks? Not as handsome as myself.

height? Not as tall as myself.

Family background? Hmph, who knows if this kid is pretending to be garlic?

Wu Yi didn't even look at Quan Wei, but directly looked at Zhong Longyang coldly, and walked towards Zhong Longyang step by step.

"Wu Yi, do you still dare to come back?" Zhong Longyang grinned grimly. In order to avenge Wu Yi, he had already offered all the shares of Tianhong Group to those young masters of Yanjing. Those few were divided up.

The purpose is to deal with Wu Yi!

"Aren't you just waiting for me to come back?" Wu Yi chuckled, but his footsteps did not stop, "But Zhong Longyang, your memory seems to be not very good, have you forgotten what I told you? I can forgive you For once, you really thought I wasn't angry anymore, did you?"

Seeing that Wu Yi dared to walk towards him, Zhong Longyang sneered, "Wu Yi, you still pretend to be dead. If you dare to take a step forward, I will make you unable to walk out of the door of this conference room." In fact, he really didn't intend to let Wu Yi walk out of the meeting room door when he came today.

Wu Yi was stunned for a moment, glanced at Zhong Longyang, and took another step forward, "I've taken another step, if you need, I can still go, one step, two steps, three steps." Wu Yi said while Go forward.

It made Zhong Long beside him tremble in a foreign way.

"Young Master Quan, help me kill this bastard!" Zhong Longyang was burning with anger, Wu Yi was mocking him nakedly!

But just after he finished speaking, Wu Yi took a stride, and before everyone could see clearly, he hit Zhong Longyang's chin with an uppercut, knocking Zhong Longyang's small body off There were still a few drops of blood flying on the ground and in the air.


Zhong Longyang slammed hard on the table in the meeting room, his face was full of pain, he no longer had the arrogance he had before, because he no longer had the strength to be arrogant.

The directors in the conference room all looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering where this kid named Wu Yi came from, and why he was so ruthless? Still, they love it!

After seeing Wu Yi knocking Zhong Longyang away with a punch, Quan Wei's face became extremely ugly, and his peach blossom eyes narrowed tightly. He felt that he had been humiliated, and this Wu Yi was just trying to challenge again. His dignity!

"Your name is Wu Yi?" Quan Wei said.

Wu Yi seemed to see Quan Wei at this time, "What are you, this is the conference room of our Tianhong Group, what are you doing standing here?"

Quan Wei was so angry that he was about to vomit blood. This guy cursed people as soon as he opened his mouth. Does he have the qualities that a civilized person should have?

"If you want to court death, then I will be fulfilled... ah..."

Quan Wei was furious, and he decided to let Lao Wu give Wu Yi a good beating, but before he finished speaking, he felt a burning pain on his face, and the crisp sound seemed a bit abrupt in the quiet conference room.

After the pain came anger, Quan Wei covered his face with his hands, he felt like he was dreaming, this was the first time he was slapped in the face when he grew up!

Yes, that's right, even if he was slapped in the face, even in Yanjing's circle of young masters, no one would dare to slap him!


Quan Wei went crazy, he was furious, like a shrew, he scratched and scratched towards Wu Yi, but before he got close to Wu Yi, Wu Yi kicked him and flew away, with a bang, The chair behind Quan Wei was smashed to pieces.

Seeing that Wu Yi still wanted to walk towards Quan Wei, but the fifth child stood up and stopped Wu Yi.

"This friend, enough is enough." The fifth child looked at Wu Yi carefully after Wu Yi came in, but after looking at him, he was very puzzled, because this man looked very ordinary, with a thin body and a thin body. There is nothing special about it, but the instinct of animals makes Lao Wu very afraid of each other.

This is an instinct of these warriors, so when Wu Yi attacked Quan Wei, he did not take the lead in stopping him.

But at this moment he had to stand up.

Wu Yi glanced at Lao Wu, and looked at Huang Yu again. Seeing that there was still blood on the corner of Huang Yulai's mouth, he frowned and asked, "You injured him?"

Lao Wu was taken aback, and snorted coldly. He was very dissatisfied with Wu Yi's questioning, "That's right, it's me!"

As soon as the words were finished, Lao Wu felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face, and he instinctively wanted to block it with his hands. He didn't know Wu Yi's details, so he could only use his calloused hands blocked in his own face.

Iron sand palm is not only powerful, but also very powerful in defense. Just imagine, let you use your pink hands to fry sugar chestnuts in a big pot for many years, how will your hands feel?

But iron sand palm is trained in this way. Many people practice iron sand palm to destroy their hands, but as long as someone can practice it, the power is naturally very terrifying! This is also the reason why Lao Wu, a wild fox Zen, can defeat Huang Yulai, an authentic disciple of Shaolin.

Experience is one aspect, but the power of Iron Sand Palm is also a very important factor!


Lao Wu thought that his punch could easily stop Wu Yi's attack, but after touching Wu Yi's fist, his face was extremely ugly, and he realized that he was wrong, "Inch strength?!" The strength of the fist penetrated directly into his palm, and when it burrowed into his arm like a poisonous snake, Lao Wu suddenly cried out in surprise and backed away again and again.

"Yes, I have some knowledge!" Wu Yi glanced at Lao Wu, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Aren't you from Nanhua?"

Hearing Wu Yi's words, Quan Wei, who had already been beaten by Wu Yi in agony, suddenly got excited. He knew that this kid seemed to be a stubborn stubble, but he was still not too scared because the other party didn't know his identity. If the other party knew If he reveals his identity, then he will definitely be afraid.

"Haha, boy, you're smart." Quan Wei got up, wiped off the blood on his face, and tried to be a little more temperamental, he didn't want to lose face in front of the beauty, "I'm from Yanjing Quan's family, you Boy, weigh it carefully."

"What? Yanjing Quan's family?" A director seemed to know some things about Yanjing, and suddenly exclaimed.

"What? You know about the Quan family in Yanjing? What's the background?" Someone was curious.

"It's over, it's over, why did this Yanjing Quan family come here? And he was beaten by people from our company, now it's all over." The tone of the previous director was full of despair.

Seeing this, the others became anxious, and hurriedly pulled the director and shouted, "What the hell are you talking about, what's going on?"

These directors are all people who are messing around on the scene. They naturally know how strong those people in Yanjing are, and how great the energy in the hands of those young masters is, and many of them are implicated together, or have entangled interests. Yes, pulling a hair will move the whole body.

"I have a cousin from far away who lives in Yanjing. He works under the Quan family. The Quan family is also a great existence in Yanjing. It's over now. Our Tianhong Group is really doomed this time."

Authoritative, who was still a little worried in his heart, immediately smiled smugly when he heard the director's words.

He glanced at Su Qingxue, with a smug sneer on the corner of his mouth, but to his disappointment, the other party didn't seem to be moved by his identity at all.

This made Quan Shao feel a little uncomfortable. Sometimes some women say nice things, saying that they don't care about your appearance or your family background, but when it comes to talking about marriage, they don't ask if you have a house or not. Car, do you have any savings?

This is a world where money is paid for. He thought he was handsome, and his family background was enough to make those ladies in Nanhua City kneel and lick him, but that chick didn't seem to know his identity, which made him so angry what?

Immediately, he transferred all the anger in his heart to the innocent Uncle Yi. He felt that this kid was a shit-stirring stick. He didn't know his identity before and dared to beat him. Now that the other party knows his identity, Then it must be returned a thousand times and a hundred times.

"Boy, do you know my identity?" Quan Shao sneered, and walked towards Wu Yi with a slouch. His leg still hurts from the previous fall.

"Yanjing Quan's family?" Wu Yi frowned.

"Haha, that's right, I am Quan Wei, the young master of the Quan family. How about it? Are you scared? Let me tell you, I came here today to trouble you, but now there is one more thing, which is to take That beautiful chick was also beaten away." Seeing Wu Yi's frown, Quan Wei burst out laughing.


The crisp sound sounded again, Quan Wei's laughter stopped abruptly, and the entire conference room was completely silent.

Deathly silence!

[Third update! 】

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