Dragon Warrior

Chapter 941 Who Is The Big Brother?

The morning sun is warm and slanting, shining on the body slantingly, and it is indescribably pleasant. It is obviously not the spring of March, but the peach blossoms all over the mountain are in full bloom. Bring bursts of fragrance, gurgling water, insects chirping, quiet and peaceful, everything seems so unreal, like in a dream.

"Zhizhi...zhizhi..." When the little ape found out that Wu Yi had woken up, he was excitedly lying on top of the crystal coffin, his little paws kept waving excitedly, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Fuck me, why did I lie down in this crystal coffin? It's so unlucky!" Wu Yi sensed the movement around him, and then he woke up completely, and immediately jumped out of the ominous box, blood gushing , the air is full of bloody smell, which is a big spoiler.

"Little thing, can you tell me what's going on? Where is this place? Why am I lying in the old monster's coffin?" Wu Yi's mind was in a daze, as if he had been broken after drinking, and threw out A litany of questions.

The little ape waved its paws, wanting to express something, but couldn't say it, and turned around in a hurry. Wu Yi knew that he couldn't find out why it was there, and was about to inquire about the situation, when he suddenly saw a burly man The middle-aged man came striding forward. He had a very peculiar appearance. A beard covered most of his cheeks. His arms were so long that they almost reached his knees. His whole body was full of energy, and he seemed very alert.

"Zhizhi...zhizhi..." Seeing Yuan Zhen rushing over, the little spirit ape ran over immediately, pointed at Wu Yi and babbled a lot, as if explaining something, his round eyes twitched wildly, spiritually full.

Although Wu Yi still didn't know what happened, his vigilance was still there. Before the middle-aged man approached, he sensed the majestic fluctuations of Yuanli, and immediately entered a fighting state. Yuanli fluctuated, and he was ready to fight at any time .

"Little brother, don't misunderstand me. I am Yuan Zhen, the elder of the ape clan. Because the little brother has a great favor with the ape clan, I specially invite you to come over as a guest. Everyone has no malicious intentions and can't be impulsive!" Yuan Zhen was a little afraid of Wu Yi , The scene of the Ten Thousand Bat Ghost Cave three days ago, I still feel a little scared when I think about it now, seeing Wu Yi Yuanli working, he immediately stopped and said loudly.

"You...you could be that red-haired ape? Can you already transform into a human form?" Wu Yi sensed a familiar breath and asked tentatively. He knew very little about the monster race, and he felt a little uncomfortable at the moment. dare to believe.

Yuan Zhen laughed loudly, cupped his fists and said, "That's right, the elder of the ape clan, Yuan Zhen, I don't know what to call the little brother?"

"Little brother Wu Yi, I have offended you a lot before, and I hope that my elder brother will forgive me. All of this is a misunderstanding. I blame my disobedient little guy for offending you. Now I am coming to apologize. I am really sorry." Wu Yi withdrew the yuan He also clasped his fists together, and said sincerely, this hairy guy has clear eyes, he looks like a loyal and honest person, and his temper is very similar to him, so his words are very polite,

"Haha... don't mention the past anymore. Brother Wu Yi has just recovered from his serious injury. Congratulations. Why don't we go to another place and celebrate?" Yuan Zhen strode over and said happily, as long as this guy is sane , No longer mad, his hanging heart will completely fall back into his stomach.

"Okay, but I'm too sloppy, I'd better find a place to take a shower and change clothes, otherwise I'll feel uncomfortable all over." Wu Yi looked at his whole body, the gown was stained with blood, and was torn several times At the entrance of the avenue, he was already completely naked.

"Yes, yes, I was negligent. Come here, please." Yuan Zhen patted his forehead and said yes again and again. He led the way and led Wu Yi to a clear deep pool surrounded by green trees and luxuriant branches and leaves. It's also very quiet.

It is impossible to prepare a special bathroom in the place where the apes gather. This deep pool is where the streams above gather. It is formed naturally. When it is very hot, you can play in the water to enjoy the coolness. After taking off the long gown soaked in blood, he plunged into the pool.

In a quiet place in Taoyuan, the water quality is clear without any impurities. Wu Yi wandered in the water for a few laps, the blood stains gradually dissipated, and the sticky feeling was also swept away. The chaotic consciousness gradually recovered, and long-forgotten memories came one after another. , that scene of killing, that almost crazy catharsis, recalling it now, it is so far away, but it is so real.

"Blood evil enters the body, it's really so powerful, it can make me lose my mind completely, the Soul Devouring Orb is too evil, I must be careful in the future." Many complicated feelings surged in Wu Yi's heart, and he couldn't figure it out for a while. , After washing his body clean, he changed into a brand new gown, tied his hair behind his head, and walked out of the dense forest slowly.

His consciousness became clear, and his senses seemed to become more acute. He was pleasantly surprised to find that many subtle changes had taken place in his body. Every cell contained infinite vitality. His bones were crystal clear like jade, and his skin was shining brightly. It is clean and clean, and there is a kind of reborn metamorphosis. Before he could realize it carefully, he was taken outside a stone cave by Yuan Zhen. There was a huge rock extending into the air, and it was polished extremely smooth. , there is a stone table on it, with fresh peaches, the size of a fist, rosy in white, exuding a faint fragrance.

"The peach blossoms in the mountains are still in full bloom, how can there be fresh peaches here?" Wu Yi and Yuan Zhen sat opposite each other, asking with some doubts.

The little spirit ape also unceremoniously held a peach at the side, sat on the edge of the boulder, and began to feast on it. Yuan Zhen shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "These are all stored, nothing unusual. The little brother is from the Tianyuan Continent. If you don’t like these, try our special monkey bar!”

While speaking, a muscular ape wobbled out holding a stone jar. Before he got close, a strong aroma of wine was already in the air. It was rich and fragrant, very special.

Two huge wine glasses had been set on the table long ago, and they were also carved out of stone. They were a little rough, but also a bit more rustic. Wu Yi picked them up and took a big sip. The drinkers couldn't help applauding repeatedly, and before they knew it, they had already reached the bottom of the glass, and they drank more than a catty at least.

"Brother Yuan, please forgive me for being a little presumptuous. To what level can a monster practice to transform into a human form and communicate with the human race?" Wu Yi took the initiative to ask the question he was most concerned about. If the guy can communicate with him normally and is ready to express his thoughts, he won't make such a big mess in the future.

Yuan Zhen put down his wine glass and explained: "There is no distinction between humans and monsters in the way of cultivation. Only when monsters have opened up the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness and reached the realm of spiritual transcendence, can they transform into human forms, and their spiritual thoughts can transmit sound. Without a strong physical body, but can comprehend the way of heaven, it has the upper hand on the road of cultivation, as long as it reaches the state of rushing to the gods, it can do this."

"The beasts of the monster race are powerful, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages from the human race. I feel that it is different from person to person, so I can't generalize it. Just like this little guy, once his divine power is awakened, hundreds of millions of monks can't match it. Isn't he the only one in heaven? "Wu Yi shook his head and said, Xiaohuo has been by his side for a long time, and Chenghuang who met in the Sumeru Realm made him not have too many prejudices against the monster race, but envied them a little, after all Their innate supernatural powers are so fucking against the sky.

"Yes, the god ape is our hope. In recent years, the human race is powerful and the monster race is weak. There is no peerless powerhouse. All the races are scattered in the sand, so they can only curl up in the Hundred Thousand Mountains and be hunted and killed by human monks from time to time. I hope it can wake up soon and protect the ape clan from being wiped out." Yuan Zhen sighed.

"Prosperity and decline, one declines and the other grows, the way of heaven damages more than it makes up for, I believe that the ape race will never encounter the crisis of genocide, and the human race will not expand endlessly, otherwise it will inevitably lead to greater disasters." Wu Wu Yi glanced at the little spirit ape and said with certainty.

There was a flash of light in Yuan Zhen's eyes. For a long time, the human race was superior to the monster race, and they looked down on them at all, and they were also full of guard against the human monks, but Wu Yi's words and deeds did not show any arrogance and complacency. It is to put people and monsters in a completely equal position to evaluate, which makes him feel refreshed and brightened. This young man is too different from the human monks he has come into contact with before.

"The general trend of the world is not controlled by you and me. It is a blessing to be able to stay in a corner and protect the tribe. But little brother, this time you sacrificed your life to save the god ape, and helped our monster clan destroy the blood bat palace and eradicate a cancer. , is really our great benefactor, I don't know how to thank you, if you don't dislike, Yuan Zhen wants to become a brother with you, and we will live and die together from now on, and we will never lose each other." Yuan Zhen stood up suddenly, extremely solemn Said.

Wu Yi also got up quickly, and said excitedly: "Brother said so, but my younger brother can't bear it anymore. It's Wu Yi's honor. By the way, elder brother, please be respected by younger brother!"

"No, no, no, the cultivation world respects strength, your strength is above mine, and you have great kindness to our ape race, so you are the big brother, and I can only be the younger brother. This seniority cannot be messed up." Yuan Zhen helped Wu Yi up, waved his hands repeatedly and said.

Wu Yi was confused, and quickly refused: "Young brother is just a little monk who is in the god realm, how can he be the opponent of big brother? Don't be modest, in terms of strength and age, you are a well-deserved big brother, My little brother did it willingly and without any complaints."

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