Dragon Warrior

Chapter 958

Breaking out of a cocoon and turning into a butterfly, turning into a phoenix in the ashes, Wu Yi's body has undergone astonishing changes after experiencing a near-destructive blow. What stretches below his neck is the body of a real dragon, and the scales the size of a palm are like It was poured in pure gold, shining with dazzling light, and two pairs of sharp claws grew out of its abdomen, all of which were shrouded in colorful auspicious clouds, making it hard to see clearly.

The real dragon came to the world, looking down at the world, this is not a phantom, this is not a ray of divine sense, but it really exists between the world, with unparalleled domineering and coercion, thousands of birds are dormant, ten thousand beasts kneel down, boundless At this moment, all the 100,000 mountains were deeply shocked, and the majestic breath spread silently, as if announcing to the world that a supreme powerhouse was slowly waking up.

Wu Yi himself was taken aback. The sudden change in his body made him a little overwhelmed. He always thought that he was a Chinese citizen and a monk of the human race, but at this moment, he turned into a beast body, and he was horrified. Fear, nervousness, joy, all these feelings are intertwined and cannot be calmed down for a long time.

"It seems that Ge Hongyu's deduction is not wrong. I am indeed a descendant of the dragon clan, and my biological mother is very likely to be the dragon god of the previous generation." Wu Yi recalled everything that happened in the Wanbat Ghost Cave, and gradually realized a little bit in his heart However, all of this is still just inference. Only by finding his mother can he completely solve the mystery of his life experience.

"Dragon Clan... You are really a Dragon Clan. The legendary Dragon Clan has long been extinct. I didn't expect you to be a remnant. Today is really a good day, and I can finally find an evenly matched opponent." Ao Yongchun was even more excited than Wu Yi , He could clearly feel the drastic changes that Wu Yi had undergone, and he also knew that this change would raise Wu Yi's combat power to an unprecedented height. For him, who was addicted to combat, this was simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

With a thought in Wu Yi's mind, the dragon's tail snaked up, lifting him into midair immediately. After the lower half turned into a dragon's body, not only did he feel no discomfort at all, but he felt full of power. This kind of power is so vast, it's almost It can go straight to Xiaohan and tear the sky apart.

At this moment, not only the golden blood is awakened, but also the supreme profound meaning inherited in his body. It seems that at this moment, he has been able to penetrate the emptiness and reach the original source. There is no ethereal air in front of him, but a floating One after another, the divine chains of order are like duckweed, wobbly, but like meteorite, indestructible.

"One day, you will find that you and I are actually living in a huge cage. If you can't break the cage and practice for life, you will be just a prisoner." The god king's emotion echoed in his ears. When Wu Yi heard When he said these words, he didn't understand the indignation and helplessness of the god king. He didn't understand until now that even if he cultivated to the level of the god king, it would be difficult to get rid of the chain of order, break the rules of heaven, and gain real freedom.

But all of this is not that important to Wu Yi, his goal is very simple, hit the Tianshen Palace, bring back Su Qingxue, return to Nanhua City, continue to live his little life, as to whether he is bound by the rules of heaven , he doesn't care at all, he doesn't follow the rules, and he doesn't follow the rules. If you have to break a rule, unless you have better rules to fill it, Wu Yi doesn't care about it. On the contrary, the drastic change in his body gave him strength. It takes more time to slowly comprehend.

Ao Yongchun stared at Wu Yi with burning eyes, his whole body shrouded in green light, and said excitedly: "I have had a dream since I was a child, that is to defeat the real Dragon Clan and prove the strength of our Jiao Clan. I thought this dream would never come true. Because the dragon clan is almost extinct, I didn’t expect my dream to come true today, and I will let you know what a real strong man is.”

"Little brat, have you nagged enough? You broke my ribs, now it's my turn to get mad!" Wu Yi didn't have the heart to argue with him, the giant tail swept across, setting off a gust of wind, and headed towards Ao Yongchun roared away.

The same attack, but with a completely different power, the dragon's body stretches between the sky and the earth, surrounded by gods, and the coercion is terrifying. Even the trees that can only be hugged by dozens of people are uprooted by this gust of wind, and they are wrapped into a wave. The hurricane is becoming more and more powerful, and it is simply irresistible.

"Aw... woo..." Ao Yongchun is well versed in the power of the dragon body. Before the hurricane approached, his body mutated again. In reality, two horns protruded from his forehead, followed by two long horns protruding from his nostrils. The long beard of the dragon quickly transformed into a 100-meter-long dragon, soaring between the sky and the earth, letting out a roar that shook the sky. The blue dragon body shone with a faint divine light, containing endless power.

After Ao Yongchun turned into Qing Jiao, he began to hover rapidly in the sky, forming a tornado. The peace of the world was completely broken, and even the clouds above the sky were stirred by the violent elemental force, constantly piling up and overlapping, Blocking the morning sun, as if a natural phenomenon, the color of the sky changed.

"Bang..." Finally, the two hurricanes collided together, and the terrifying crackling sound was earth-shattering. Large tracts of forests were instantly destroyed, mountains collapsed, boulders flew horizontally, and wherever the wave of escaping energy affected, everything was destroyed and turned into Flour.

Cheng Huang carried Xiao Huo and Little Spirit Ape on his back and stood watching from a distance, nearly a kilometer away from Wu Yi, but he was still not spared, and was directly hit by the air wave and disappeared into the sky.

"Happy, so fucking happy!" Wu Yi jumped up and screamed, the grievance in his heart was swept away, hovering above the sky, feeling the majestic power like the sea, a sense of control that he had never had before. However, it seems that all of this is under his control, he no longer has to endure dormancy, no longer has to be careful, he can gallop freely, do whatever he wants, and directly pounce on Ao Yongchun before he can react.

Both of them turned into beast bodies, and their attacks became extraordinarily simple and brutal. The head-to-head impact was like a thunderclap, and the world changed. Many high-level monsters ran away in order to protect themselves, and those ordinary beasts, They all prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling, not daring to make the slightest movement, and could only resign themselves to their fate.

The Jiaolong family also inherits the dragon blood in their bodies, but the blood has become no longer pure during the generations, and the animal body has undergone many changes. It has the appearance of the dragon, but has lost many of the dragon's supernatural powers. The blood is navy blue. No longer a member of the Golden Family.

The reason why Ao Yongchun wants to fight Wu Yi is to prove that the so-called Golden Family is not so powerful and invincible, and that the Jiao Clan can also rise and stand proudly between heaven and earth.

But he didn't know how sacred bloodline inheritance is, and how could it be a general trend that Qing Jiao could reverse? After Wu Yi transformed into a dragon body, he seemed to have inexhaustible divine power, and his attacks became more violent and faster each time, especially the two pairs of sharp claws hidden in the colorful clouds. , can always easily break through his body shield, penetrate his scales, and leave numerous scars.

"Five-clawed golden dragon?" Ao Yongchun's green dragon beast body is comparable to a divine weapon, and it has long been indestructible. When he tried his best to get injured and forcibly dispersed the group of colorful auspicious clouds, he was stunned.

The dragon clan only has three claws, and the ordinary dragon clan has four claws, but this half-human, half-demon guy in front of him actually has five claws. A super existence that can't see the end.

The dragon clan has declined, almost extinct in the Tianyuan Continent, and the king of the dragon clan, the five-clawed golden dragon, has not been heard from for a thousand years. Ao Yongchun has always thought why the "five-clawed golden dragon" is all made up stories, and this world does not exist at all. But today, when he saw it with his own eyes, he had no choice but to believe it.

The storm-like attack became more and more violent, and Ao Yongchun gradually began to be unable to withstand it. The two pairs of sharp claws on Wu Yi's abdomen contained endless divine power, and they were completely irresistible. They had already left many scars on his body. If he continued to fight, he would run out of essence and blood and die.

"The Golden Family really lives up to its reputation, come to learn it another day!" Ao Yongchun said a polite word, soaring into the sky, he was about to slip away.

"Your grandfather's, run away if you can't win, is there such a cheap thing? Just stay calm for me!" How could Wu Yi let him go, his body flashed, and his sharp claws pierced through his body in an instant , dragged him back abruptly, dark blue blood was floating all over the sky, and the arrogant and arrogant Qingjiao turned into a small earthworm under the pair of sharp claws, and could only struggle feebly.

Wu Yi didn't know how long his true dragon body could last. Taking advantage of the upper hand at this moment, he had to get rid of this thorn without hesitation, otherwise he would not tolerate his existence when he reversed the situation again, so When it landed, another pair of sharp claws also penetrated Ao Yongchun's animal body. With just a light pull, it could disembowel the abdomen and dig out the liver and heart.

"Brother...Brother...Don't be impulsive, just because everyone is a monster, don't take my life." Ao Yongchun frightened his arms and hurriedly begged for mercy. From birth to now, this is the first time he has tasted The feeling of someone else's life being pinched at the fingertips is simply too much torment.

At this time, Ao Yongchun's intestines were almost remorseful. When the golden blood in Wu Yi's body was silent, he could kill Wu Yi with just one finger, but he insisted on forcing Wu Yi to break through evolution, and something happened The astounding transformation turned out to be shooting himself in the foot, and now even his own life was at stake. Life is so wonderful, he would never have dreamed of such an end.

Wu Yi didn't stop, but asked back: "Aren't you dissatisfied, kid?"

"I'm convinced, this time I'm really convinced." Ao Yongchun nodded and said when he heard that he still had a chance to survive.

"I'm convinced at this time, can you not accept it?" Wu Yi smiled, this guy is really quick to be soft.

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