Dragon Warrior

Chapter 962 Breakthrough struck by lightning

Chongshenjing, opening up the sea of ​​consciousness, initially forming the power of consciousness, is like opening the door to a new world, the understanding of the power of consciousness is still in the ignorant stage, it is impossible to control the power of consciousness, it is illusory It is a very difficult process to form an effective attack with the mysterious power, and one must rely on one's own comprehension and perception.

And Spirit Transcendence is just a leap from intangible to tangible. After crossing this step, the understanding of the power of consciousness will be more profound. The most substantial manifestation is the ability to launch a simple attack of consciousness. This kind of attack is simple and fierce. For Cultivators of the same or lower ranks have lethal power. Once they break through the Spirit Transcendence Realm, their combat power will increase exponentially. In the eyes of the Spirit Transcendence cultivators, a cultivator at the Spirit Transcendence Realm is like an ant. Killing it, this kind of leap is another qualitative leap after the Chongshen Realm, and crossing this step is equivalent to stepping into a brand new realm again.

This is the most essential difference between the growth of the power of consciousness and the growth of Yuanli. The accumulation of Yuanli is a process of quantitative change. As long as you have a certain qualification, you can understand and transform the Yuanli of heaven and earth, assist basic skills and experience, and then Coupled with one's own hard training and persistent persistence day and night, one will continue to grow stronger. In this process, the monk's own willpower and sweat are directly proportional to the growth of strength, and his perception of this world does not seem special. Important, the bottleneck will not be so prominent.

But after breaking through the Chongshen Realm, things are different. There is a world of difference between the Chongshen Realm and the Spirit Transcendence Realm, and between the Spirit Transcendence Realm and the Concentrating Concentration Realm. In the Chongshen Realm, you can kill the aliens in the late stage of Spirit Transcendence, or you are uniquely favored, have a precious blood inheritance, and you will have super combat power when you wake up with divine power, or you come from a sect family with a deep foundation. In addition to their own extraordinary aptitude, but these two types are rare in Tianyuan Continent, very rare. Compared with the hundreds of millions of ordinary monks, these two types of freaks can basically be ignored. , can only rely on one's own understanding to move forward with difficulty.

If you are below the Chongshen state, there is no requirement for the inheritance of skills, and you can continue to improve with your own efforts and persistence, but after reaching the Chongshen state, this gap will become more and more obvious. If ordinary monks want to break through, they can Even if it is difficult to climb to the sky, many people spend their whole lives exhausted, and it is difficult to complete this step of leaping. There are even many monks who have already lost their lives in the cruel competition before they can break through. Didn't even touch the threshold.

Of course, all of this is no problem for Wu Yi. If the dragon clan does not decline, his status and respect have surpassed countless people. Even if the dragon clan disappears now, the blood flowing in his body still exists, and the innate conditions are extremely good In addition to his comprehension, at the age of 21, he has already broken through the blood transformation realm and opened up the sea of ​​​​spiritual knowledge, which is comparable to any genius disciple of any sect. obstacles.

Concentrating on energy, forgetting both things and me, Wu Yi completely forgot his own existence at this moment, and his whole mind was immersed in the illusory sea of ​​consciousness, trying his best to feel this mysterious power, looking forward to a new breakthrough.

The moonlight is like water, and the insects are buzzing, and it is quiet after midnight. In the long peach blossom forest, only the snoring sounds of Xiao Huo and Little Spirit Ape are the most obvious, one high and one low, each with its own rhythm. Under the old peach tree, the breath is steady, the expression is serene, vaguely assimilated with the world, without any abruptness, it seems so harmonious, integrated, and completely integrated into nature.

Time passed silently, everything was so peaceful, as if nothing had happened, Wu Yi slowly opened his eyes in the darkness, no dazzling light came out, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and the brilliance was restrained.

"Spirit Transcendence, it's really different." Wu Yi didn't move, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself slowly. At this time, in front of his eyes was a brand new world, where the power of origin and the power of divine consciousness were equal. There is no explosive growth, but he is very clear that his control over these two forces has reached a new level. This kind of understanding has swept away the doubts in his heart, and he has become more peaceful, confident, Powerful, for the power of divine consciousness, there is no longer that uncontrollable jerky feeling, but the existence of the power of divine consciousness is felt very clearly.

The leap of the power of spiritual consciousness from invisible to some does not mean that Wu Yi can now condense the power of spiritual consciousness and transform into another self, but because of his understanding of the way of heaven. This change is all due to the transformation of cognition. The beauty of it can only be felt, but cannot be expressed in words. If you don't take this step, you will never understand. Wu Yi was not in a hurry to verify how much his strength had improved, but continued to sit quietly under the tree like this, Use a new sense to understand the world, just like a newborn baby, full of curiosity about everything.

"It turned out that they used the power of their spiritual sense to hold down a barrier. No wonder they were able to stop this young master's attack. But this time, if they want to trap the young master, it will not be so easy." Wu Yi finally understood at this time that he was on the front line back then. In the sky, why did the three elders of Huayi Sect imprison his actions? What they used was not Yuanli, but the power of spiritual consciousness, a kind of power that Wu Yi didn't understand at all, so naturally he couldn't get rid of it, but now he He has also taken this step, being able to perceive the power of spiritual consciousness, and relying on his profound accumulation of spiritual consciousness, it is easy to break through the confinement.

"Boom...Boom..." When Wu Yi was using a new perspective to understand the world, there was a dull sound of clouds colliding in the sky, and then dark clouds piled up, quickly blocking the bright moon and stars. The sky was still full of brilliance, and it turned into pitch black in an instant, and he couldn't see his fingers. The visions continued to pile up, and the coercion continued to pile up. The terrifying pressure was like a huge stone, pressing on Wu Yi's chest, making it extremely difficult for him to breathe.

"Heavenly Tribulation? Why is it coming again? Did something terrible happen in the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu?" Wu Yi said with a frown. He was already familiar with this feeling. Only the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation Punishment has such power. I had some doubts in my heart. It was a strange night when the punishment of God came suddenly.

"Squeak... squeak..."

"woo woo woo woo……"

The dream of the little spirit ape and little fire was awakened again, their spiritual senses were extremely sharp, and the coercion of divine punishment made them wake up in time. Facing the dark night sky, they grumbled a few words in dissatisfaction, and stretched their hands. Big lazy.

Wu Yi had just made a breakthrough, and he was in a good mood. He lifted them up, hugged him in his arms, and said with a smile: "You have all been woken up, the movement of heaven's punishment is really not small, but I don't know which unlucky bastard is here again!" It's going to be struck by lightning, it's not safe outside, we'll still rest in the cave, it's much quieter there."

"Woooo..." Xiaohuo was very happy to see Wu Yi regained consciousness. His furry head rubbed against Wu Yi's neck, and he kept whimpering intimately. The scene that happened before was really terrible. Looking back now I was a little scared, but fortunately, all of this has passed.

"Zhizhi...zhizhi..." When Wu Yi was getting intimate with Xiaohuo, the little spirit ape forcibly jumped out of Wu Yi's arms, waving its two little paws non-stop, with a frightened and anxious expression on its face, I don't know what I'm afraid of.

"Okay, everything is over, my consciousness has recovered, and I will never hurt you again." Wu Yi thought that this little guy hadn't come out of the shadow of his demonization before, and pulled his hand Little Claw explained patiently.

However, I didn't expect that the little spirit ape, who has always been full of spirituality and liked to be tired of being around Wu Yi, was uncharacteristically this time and escaped again. One small paw pointed at the dark night sky, and the other paw pointed at Wu Yi. Small fire attention.

"Damn it, you don't mean to say that this day's punishment is aimed at me!" Wu Yi was startled suddenly, the gesture of the little spirit ape was already obvious, and Xiao Huo seemed to have noticed something, from Wu Yi Yi jumped off, and the little spirit ape stood together.

"Zhizhi..." Little Spirit Ape rolled his big eyes, pulled Xiaohuo back a hundred meters away, and said with an obvious expression: "This is an unclear matter, do you still need to ask?"

The loud bang sound became clearer and clearer, the thick clouds of calamity had piled up to the limit, they collided and rubbed non-stop, and countless silver lightning bolts shuttled rapidly like dragons, appearing and disappearing from time to time, the terrifying pressure became stronger and stronger, Natural vision, ten thousand beasts dormant, there is a deathly silence between the heaven and the earth, only the sound of thunder from the nine heavens, one after another, shocking the mind.

Xiao Huo and Little Spirit Ape kept backing away, and they both looked at Wu Yi with a very sympathetic look. This look is very deep in Wu Yi's memory. When he decided to confront Ao Yongchun, it appeared before, and he was beaten in the end. The bones are all broken. Could it be that history is about to repeat itself just after the catastrophe?

"Is there any reason for your grandfather? It's just that if you break through the spiritual realm, you will be struck by lightning. It's too unfair!" Wu Yi asked with a bitter face, really wanting to cry, but gnashing his teeth.

At this time, he remembered that when he broke through to the God Chong realm in the depths of the earth, he also sent down the punishment of heaven, but he thought that Han Lidian's refining of the divine weapon alarmed the heavenly tribulation, but he did not expect that it was because of his breakthrough that Han The old man took the trouble for him, but this time, there are two strange beasts beside him, who can run faster than rabbits, who can help him?

"Kacha..." The pitch-black night sky suddenly brightened like day, and a bolt of thumb-thick lightning pierced through the sky. It came straight and unbiased, and fell on Wu Yi who was still complaining.

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