Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 168 Low Level Tower Spirit

A week later, the five-ring tower.

In the warm spring-like ecological garden all year round, the gentle breeze brings a faint fragrance of flowers. In the tall oak forest, a hammock swings with the strong breeze.

The afternoon sun was warm, and a figure lay leisurely in the hammock. The drow next to him picked up a small piece of pastry: "Master, open your mouth!"

Allen swallowed the delicious pastry in one gulp, and tapped his lower lip with the unfinished bite.

"Well, not bad. Bisi's craft is getting better and better!"

"The master has won the prize!"

"Is there any more? Give me another piece!"

Allen lay lazily on the hammock, enjoying the food fed to his mouth by the little maid, enjoying a rare leisure time.

This time the advancement was very smooth, and the background consumed by the last injury was completed. After the transformation of the dragon veins, various physical fitness has improved somewhat. In addition, Long Wei has also been awakened. Although his Long Wei is weak, as long as he awakens, it will gradually become stronger over time. The dragon blood has an advantage, which is an enviable talent in the multiverse .

That is, the growth of strength can be improved by sleeping, and no effort is required at all... As long as you live long enough, there is almost no upper limit to the strength of a dragon. There are many giant dragons in the multiverse that can compete with the gods. Allen has the blood of the red dragon, and the cheating ability of the giant dragon is naturally inherited.

However, most dragons are lazy and don't study deliberately. When you only need to sleep to get strength, few people will take the initiative to study. Most dragons rely on talent, not hard work.

After successfully advancing, Alan's mental power has increased a lot, which is not weaker than those second-level wizards who have been advanced for many years. The shortcoming is the various spells that only second-level wizards can master.

Although with the assistance of a chip, the proficiency of spells is still not as good as that of veteran wizards, but with the cooperation of Allen's exaggerated physical fitness, it is enough to make him rampant at this stage.

Second-level wizards have a big killer in this period-dissociation technique! It is also called undressing technique, or bankruptcy technique! When all wizards learn this skill, they will be told not to use this spell casually in battle, it will directly scrap all the spoils.

This spell has a one percent chance of destroying the artifact.

By this time, wizards have mastered many group magics, group flying, group tenacity, group human immobilization,

Chain lightning, etc., but these are not important, the most important thing is that you can learn malicious transformation, think about the opponent turning into a cute little sheep, and then... hehehe!

Or some wizard with a wide range of interests will perform Transfiguration and make a friendly and loving touch! Think about it, is it very exciting? According to a well-informed wizard who did not want to disclose his name, there is a club in the five-ring tower, and their slogan is-come on, it's time to enjoy the harmony between man and nature.

Level 2 wizards can already use teleportation freely without having to arrange a teleportation formation in advance. This is very important in battle. As long as you find something bad, you can use teleportation instantly to escape, but you need to be careful of the opponent's dimensional anchor.

It is also at this time that a wizard can be called a qualified wizard. Numerous spells can ensure that there are suitable countermeasures at any time. At the same time, the second-level wizards can already summon some alien creatures, and the most summoned by wizards are the elemental creatures from the four elemental worlds. If you want to besiege wizards, wave your hand and summon a team of elemental creatures to teach you how to behave.

Even the dimensional bag Allen is carrying now has a substitute, Leomon's secret treasure chest, this spell can open up a private space of his own in the void, and the dimensional bag can already be thrown away. This spell, together with Magic Duncan's mansion spell and magic dinner, are called the three necessary spells for home travel.

After completing the advancement of the wizard tower, Allen returned to the five-ring tower, ready to take a break and then go to make tower spirits. With Taling's wizard tower, he can control the wizard tower by himself. With it, Allen can go out and surf with confidence, oh no, cross it out, it's crossing.

Some time ago, the chip reminded Allen that the energy required for crossing has been collected, and the next trip to the plane can be carried out. Allen is ready to set off after making the tower spirit. He is still looking forward to this time travel.


Three days passed quickly, and Allen, who had rested for a while, appeared in the Wizard Tower full of energy.

When I came to the laboratory, the energy channel of the element pool was connected, and the alchemy table was also prepared. Allen took out a black soul spar.

This soul spar was obtained by a fallen person he solved in Tibes World. At that time, this poor guy accepted the power of another unlucky guy, Baroque Lord Baroque-Pat, and directly advanced to become a Pseudo-high-level demon, the soul spar left by self-explosion.

This is the highest-level soul spar in Allen's hands, and it is more than enough to make a low-level tower spirit with it.

With a light wave of his hand, the pure energy in the elemental pool was directly replenished. With a light touch of the staff in his hand, the black soul spar directly floated in midair.

With a snap of his fingers, a swaying elemental fire appeared in Allen's hands, and he took out a small piece of mithril, some elemental dust, and a piece of ghost wood that was ground into powder. In exchange for the tower, it was taken from the heart of a ghost tree that is at least three hundred years old.

It is not easy for the ghost tree to grow. Most of them are hollow, and only a small part has a tree heart. It took nearly a hundred magic stones for such a small amount of powder in Alan's hand. For the soul, this thing is a good thing. It can be made into a ghost incense to calm the mind. When it is lit during meditation, it can greatly improve the effect of meditation and improve spiritual power. However, few people spend such a high price on it.

Now Allen uses these to maximize the protection of the soul power of the soul spar in the process of making the tower spirit.

"—Soul control!"

"—Soul Extraction!"

A tiny voice seems to be whispering in the ear, and the surrounding negative energy begins to rise rapidly. If ordinary people are here, they will find that there is a kind of coldness that penetrates into the bone marrow.

As Allen's incantation stopped, and the staff tapped lightly, an illusory figure appeared in the soul spar. The figure was blurred, as if it would dissipate when the wind blows. The elemental fire ignites the ghost wood powder, and a wisp of smoke rises up. The smoke wraps around the phantom of the soul, obscuring the phantom, and then slowly blending into it.

As the smoke entered the phantom, the phantom finally stabilized, and the whole phantom became much clearer, without the feeling of dissipating when the wind blows.

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