Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 170 Traveling Again

Close the meditation room, point your finger, and the rune array will open directly.

Allen opened the system interface, and the travel button was already lit up. When he tapped it consciously, a burst of light shone, and the meditation room returned to calm.


When he got out of the teleportation black hole, he saw the familiar scene, the blue sky, white clouds, and the sun. The familiar scene was pulled out from the depths of his memory.

After the dizziness from the teleportation disappeared, Allen tried to jump on the spot and moved his body: "The gravity is actually the same as that of the earth. Is this really the earth? I'm back again?"

"Chip! Scan the surrounding environment!"

"Scanning is on! Gravity coefficient: 0.9826; wind speed: level 2; temperature: 22°C; oxygen content: 20.94%; element concentration: low. Comparison result: 91% similarity with Earth."

"Ninety-one percent similarity, do I really go back to Earth? By the way, my home, I want to go home!" After reacting, Allen decided to go home and have a look.

"By the way, this appearance needs to be changed." After activating the real mask, Allen quickly transformed into a refined man in his forties.

He summoned a water mirror, looked at the familiar appearance in his memory, modified it a few times, and nodded in satisfaction. Looking at the trees around him, he tapped his finger lightly, and with an invisibility technique, his body disappeared immediately.

"It's a little difficult to cast spells, and the concentration of elements is not high, hey! There is a magic net here?" Allen let go of his mental power and felt a layer of magic net.

Allen's heart sank. This is not good news. The earth he lived on had never heard of supernatural powers, but now there is a magic net.

The originally happy mood was a little hazy.

"Maybe there were supernatural powers in my previous life, but I'm an ordinary person and I can't touch them." Allen could only comfort himself in his heart.

Without further delay, Allen flew up directly with the flying technique, and then flew towards the nearest city scanned by the chip.

Allen also met some people along the way, using the spell of language proficiency, the mind suggested that Allen got the information he wanted, this is really the earth, the time is 2012, and he left in 2007, which has passed five years.

Where we are now is in Ukraine and the mountains behind us are the Carpathians,

Alan was overjoyed when he learned that this is the earth. He didn't want to delay for a moment. He wanted to fly directly back to the country. He suppressed the impulse. Taking an airplane is much faster than flying. too big.

Flying directly to the town here, all the way to the police station, after using manipulating humans, hinting and other spells, Allen easily obtained a normal identity-a Ukrainian Chinese: Lin Mu.

Walking out of the gate of the police station, Allen took a brand new passport, hailed a taxi, and drove directly to the airport.

After spending more than a day, Allen finally arrived at the Beijing Airport.

Stepping off the plane, listening to the familiar words, a sense of intimacy arises spontaneously. Along the way, Allen was thinking about how to explain to his family the disappearance in the past few years and the return of his body to normal. He wanted to go back, but he was a little worried.

All the way to the gate of the community where he lived, hesitating for a long time, Allen finally made up his mind, hid in the corner and performed invisibility, entered the community with ease, looked at the familiar place, and came all the way to the front of the house.

He knocked on the door nervously, and soon there was a sound in the room.

"Who are you looking for?" A strange female voice woke up Lin Mu who was in deep thought.

"Is this Li Yue's home?" Looking at the unknown woman in front of him, Allen had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Li Yue? There is no such person here, you are in the wrong place." After speaking, he pulled the door to close.

Allen quickly blocked, and said excitedly: "Impossible, I remember that this is Li Yue's house, why not?"

"What are you doing? There is no Li Yue here, let go, or I will call the police!" Seeing Alan's excited face, the woman shouted sternly.

Allen quickly reacted, let go of his hand and said pleadingly: "I'm sorry, I'm just looking for my wife. Her name is Li Yue. I remember she lives here. Tell me, where did she go?"

Seeing that Alan didn't act too aggressively, the woman let go: "You too, you are so grown up, why are you so impulsive, I thought it was robbery, but there is no Li Yue here, I have lived here for more than ten years Never heard of this guy."

"That's right, Xiao Wang has lived here for more than ten years. Did you make a mistake and remember the wrong address?" A mother-in-law behind said, she heard the quarrel and came out to take a look.

After confirming that there was no one he wanted to find here, Allen walked out of the community in a daze. Looking at the people coming and going around, the brightly lit city, I feel a little irritated for no reason.

Disappeared, his family does not exist in this world. The biggest possibility here is the earth in the parallel world. The same country, nation, and people you are familiar with are not here.

Allen's spiritual power spread out. As a second-level wizard, his spiritual power can already cover a city, but he is still powerless for such a modern city.

Feeling the magic power around him, Allen found that the world's magic net was not complete, he only felt four layers. And it is not easy to access, which means that the proportion of awakened spiritual power of mortals is rare. The spells cast by the four-layer magic net are equivalent to the four-ring spells in the Tibes world, and the corresponding wizard world is only as powerful as a formal wizard.

When he cast spells, he felt something strange. Some spells could not be cast effectively. The laws of this world are somewhat different from those of the wizarding world. They can be cast only after experiments and adjustments, but the power has been reduced. This world is equivalent to a low-magic world. .

Allen was a little disappointed to travel to this world. The low-magic earth world probably didn't help him improve his strength much. But since you're here, let's just take a stroll. It takes at least a year to be full of energy if you want to leave.

Pack up your mood, Alan doesn't plan to stay in the country for too long, after all, the domestic river crab master is too powerful, although this is a low-magic world, who knows what will happen.

After "borrowing" some money in a villa that looked very high-end, Allen took the plane and left directly. This time, his goal was to go to the Beacon of Freedom.

As a technology-based earth world, compared with the various biotechnology experimental equipment in the wizarding world, I don’t know how many times advanced. Alan is going to take this opportunity to steal a complete set of experimental equipment, oh no, cross it out, it’s about wizards Can it be called stealing? I'm taking it above board.

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