Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 177 The Wizard

A tribe of indigenous people not far from the remains of this pyramid. A group of field investigators in jackets were collecting samples on the ground, and several others were fiddling with some advanced-looking equipment.

These people looked like a group of scientific expedition members, and a few of them were standing next to the ogre tree that had only some charcoal left.

Some people carefully pick up valuable-looking objects with tweezers and put them in transparent bags. Many people are constantly shooting with digital cameras.

"Robert, it has been confirmed that the place where the strong energy fluctuation erupted five days ago is here." A researcher said to the leader with a tablet computer.

"Did you find anything?" Robert asked while reading the information.

"A lot of the traces have been destroyed, but we still got some through our efforts."

"Tell me about your achievements."

"Judging from the traces at the scene, this is a huge ancient tree. According to the data we observed and the things we collected on the spot, we didn't find anything valuable, but it's a little strange that we found a lot of traces of burning, but apart from that Except for this big tree, other plants did not burn." The researcher paused and continued.

"Have you taken samples from the plants?" Robert raised his head and said. "And that big tree, is there anything left of it?"

"Only the roots of the big tree are left. We have harvested some of them. Other parts have been burned. We only found some charred charcoal."

"Where are the natives? Have you found them?"

"I found one, but he's already gone crazy, and his body is extremely weak. It's very likely that he won't be able to support us to leave."

"Damn it, if it wasn't for the torrential rain, we would have come here a long time ago, and now we have run for nothing and got nothing."

"It's not that there are no discoveries. We found some strange gold coins in the tribe of the indigenous people." The researcher said cautiously.

"Strange gold coins?" Robert asked back.

"Yes, gold coins. This tribe is very backward and has no metal smelting ability at all, but some gold coins were found in this tribe." The researcher rubbed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said with some joy.

"These may be obtained by exchanging items with people from the outside world." Robert was not very interested.

"But I compared the gold coin pictures in the database and there is no information about this kind of gold coin.

And the text on this kind of gold coin is something we have never seen before! "The researcher took out a small bag from his pocket and handed it to Robert.

"A gold coin that hasn't been found before? This is the only good news I've heard in the past few days." He said, reaching out to take the gold coin and checking it.


After making sure that there was nothing left behind, Allen left the pyramid hidden deep in the rainforest. The sky had already dimmed, and with the blessing of an invisibility technique, he was about to continue flying away.

It's just that the chip suddenly reminded that there are intelligent life in the distance. Allen's heart moved, and he flew directly in which direction.

Seeing the scientific expedition team in front of him solemnly investigating the indigenous tribes, Allen was not in a hurry to leave, and watched these people busy with interest.

"What day is it today? There are people coming again in the inaccessible tropical rainforest." Allen watched two shadows float in the sky in the distance, and the real vision attached to the blood of the red dragon allowed him to see these two shadows clearly what is it.

Those were two Europeans wearing vintage British robes. The two rode a long-handled broom and flew to this rainforest at an extremely fast speed. After arriving at this place, the two directly took out a Two feet long is a strange cane.

——"Forget everything!"

Ai Lu's eyes lit up, and he finally understood why this world is so weird.

Obviously these two people are wizards, but what Ai Lu doesn't understand is how these wizards came here.

Watching the two wizards cast their spells, Allen found that their spells were released more by the wand in their hands. The wand is equivalent to a launcher. With the spell, the magic power in the body can be released with the help of the power of the magic net Come out and form a spell.

Compared with the wizarding world, the power is much smaller, but the advantage is not bad, the magic and mental power required to release the spell is greatly reduced.

After the two wizards cleared the memory of the scientific expedition team, they cast a hint to let them leave here, and then took some things out of their luggage.

"The Ministry of Magic's manpower is really too small. This time, this group of people is about to reach some ghost town!"

"Yeah, I haven't had a vacation for three months. If this continues, I will go on strike!"

"At the end of this mission, we must apply for additional manpower. We can't maintain normal operation with so few people."

"Come on, William, those officials at the Ministry of Magic won't listen to your complaints at all. They will only look at how much you are paid and whether you have completed your work."

"I remember that there used to be an indigenous tribe here? There used to be a man-eating tree here, why is it gone? It's a rare tree."

"I just saw some burned trees and a stump, it looks like the tree has been destroyed."

"Oh, God, this is really sad news. Those endangered species protection committees are going to make trouble again this time."

"Let's report it truthfully. There is not enough manpower, and we have nothing to do. Now we can only pray that the bonus will not be deducted."

"Ah, it's really unlucky, this month's holiday will definitely be cancelled."

"By the way, you said the Ministry of Magic knew about this ghost town, why didn't they send someone to deal with it!"

"I do know that. That ghost city belongs to a prehistoric civilization. This civilization worshiped evil gods. I don't know how it was destroyed later."

"They left an ominous spirit there. The Dangerous Creatures Committee tried to eliminate it many times but failed. There are many people who go there, and he will hide. We can't find him at all. Fortunately, the ominous spirit cannot leave. We just It’s enough to organize ordinary people to enter.”

Allen hid in the rainforest, using the invisibility technique to completely hide his figure, quietly observing the movements of the two wizards, and after clearing everyone's memory, he cast a hint technique, and the two left quietly .

By observing the two wizards casting spells at close range, Allen also discovered the peculiar rules of this world. The wizards in this world cast spells very simply. They don't need to build complex spell models. They just need the spell to guide the energy on the magic net. Can display it.

The role of the magic wand is extremely important here. Although it is convenient to cast spells, it separates the wizard from the original power of this world. That is to say, the level of in-depth research on magic rules in this world is not high, and it can even be said to be very low. .

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