"This is Lord Fatil!" Joyce nodded to Fatil and continued: "Your Excellency, Eye of the North, saw the whole world fall into the abyss!"

"All of us will die, the endless army of demons will destroy everything here, the power of the abyss will erode this world step by step, and finally the huge army of demons will completely destroy the world we live in, and this world will become a new level. abyss."

"Your Excellency Alfred! You are also proficient in the School of Prophecy, and you should be able to roughly predict the future. We are here to invite you to the middle of the Wizarding Continent to discuss a solution." After speaking, Witch Joyce bowed and returned to herself seat.

"Ms. Joyce, you should clear that the future seen by His Excellency Eye of the North is only one of them, and the future will keep changing. The future seen by the prophecy spell may not necessarily become a reality."

"Aren't you worrying too much?" Alfred said.

"Your Excellency Alfred, this is not unfounded worry, and I am not alarmist. If you don't believe me, you can ask the wizards in the war department of the lower five-ring tower to see how many fallen people have erupted in the eastern part of the mainland during this period. I believe you will There is a suitable conclusion." Joyce closed his eyes tightly, looked around at the other wizards and said.

"Fatier, tell me how many fallen people your combat department has dealt with during this time!" Alfred asked directly.

"Your Excellency, the war department has been on frequent missions during this period. So far, we have dealt with 19 such incidents, but this does not explain anything? Those demons are just descended from the soul. Apart from providing low-level materials, there is no need to It will have the slightest effect." Fatil said with a curl of his lips.

"Nineteen cases, there have only been about ten cases in the past year, and now there are so many cases in two months, it seems a bit unusual."

This Northland witch is here to inform the Five Rings Tower to pay attention to the devil. However, the other wizards present didn't pay much attention to it. It's not that they didn't know the power of the abyss, but because of the rules, if the abyss wants to invade the main material world, it must rely on the power of demons, and demons want to come to the wizard world. easy.

Only when demons establish a stronghold in the wizard world, that is, a demon gate, can the power of the abyss invade this world, and then the power of the abyss will slowly erode the rules of this world, but if the stronghold is pulled out, the power of the abyss will be destroyed. To be blocked, unless he has already controlled a part of the rules of this world, he needs to build the Devil's Gate again.

The most fundamental reason why Tibes world is frequently invaded is that the abyss has mastered some of the world's rules, and low-level demons can freely travel through the main material plane. To completely solve this problem, it is necessary to cut off the tentacles of the abyss and expel the influence of the abyss.

However, due to the continuous invasion of demons, they can only do their best to maintain it now, and they have no way to expel the abyss completely.


Wizard Wilson and Joyce had already left. After all, they were only here to deliver information. Alfred finally accepted the invitation and was going to the middle of the Wizarding Continent.

Because the Five Rings Tower did not keep this matter a secret, this matter quickly spread throughout the Five Rings Tower. Of course, Allen also heard about this incident, and he was already mentally prepared for the invasion of the abyss. As for the future predicted by the prophecy mentioned by Witch Joyce, Allen didn't think it was credible.

Although prophecy can predict the future more accurately in many cases, there is no prerequisite. The spellcasting level of the predictor must be higher than that of the predicted. Just guessing.

Alan has also studied the prophecy spell, and he feels that this spell is very similar to a profession in Huaxia in his previous life - divination, which is also unreliable.

There are too many factors in prophecy spells that will interfere with the results, and there are many versions of the predicted future, so many people study prophecy but few are proficient. What's more, to predict the future of the entire plane now, how big is this person's heart.

Similarly, although Allen is now a third-level wizard, there are already five or six legendary-level wizards in the wizarding world, and his power has just stepped into the upper echelon. Such a big matter related to the whole plane is not his turn.

During this period of time, the concentration of elements in the entire world has steadily increased, and the activity of element particles has also increased. In the past year, several wizards who have stood at the peak of the third-level wizards for decades have successfully advanced, and the influence of elemental tides has also become stronger. bigger and bigger.

I believe that soon all kinds of enchanted plants, enchanted beasts, and mutant beasts will have an explosive growth, and various resources will also be greatly improved. More importantly, the main focus of Abyss is still in the world of Tibes, and the world of Tibes has not been completely resolved, and the power of Abyss to invest here is limited.

After staying in the academy for a period of time, Alan updated his information again, changed his strength to a second-level wizard, and obtained higher authority. In the elemental tide period, the strength of the wizard has improved rapidly. His advancement speed is not the fastest, but those with the fifth-level aptitude are the fastest. Allen is only good at best, but if they know that he is already Level 3 wizards, these people must not believe it.

If you want to advance from a third-level wizard to a legend, you need to get in touch with the original power of this world, which is the law, also called the rule. Under normal circumstances, the original power of the world is hidden, and it is very difficult to observe and contact it. Only when the elemental tide is reached, the original power of the world will become active and the rules will be exposed.

The reason why legends are powerful is because they have been exposed to the rules. And the gods have mastered one or several of the rules and have the authority of the world. That's why the gods are so powerful, but with these powers, the gods can't leave the vicinity of the main material plane, and his kingdom of God will also be attached to this plane, and the body can't enter the material world, only the incarnation can descend . Once you leave here, you must give up your authority and priesthood. The consequences of doing so are likely to break your godhead, fall to the altar, and seriously hurt your vitality, and what's more, you will fall directly.

Allen has no idea of ​​becoming a god. With the ability to travel through planes, he is not going to be firmly bound by a plane. In one sentence, our goal is the stars and the sea.

But that was in the future a long time later. His goal now is to continue designing the super particle magic cannon in front of him. Looking at the sketches that have been drawn in front of him, Allen rubbed his brows and continued to perfect it.

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