Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 31 Carrion Crows

After the meditation, everyone took out the sleeping bags from the dimension bag and began to rest. Allen took the initiative to ask for a vigil. In the second half of the night, it was Gray. The others rested in peace, and the next rest point will be rotated.

The night was dark, and there were several roars of wild beasts from time to time in the distance, but he did not dare to approach here. In the second half of the night, Gray woke up on time to take over, and Allen also took out his sleeping bag to rest. After walking in the swamp for a day, Allen's physical fitness was also somewhat Tired, so soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, everyone had breakfast and went back to the road, patrolling the surrounding area. The place to go today is the gathering point of carrion crows.

Everyone is ready. Although Lilith belongs to the wizard of the botanical garden, the botanical garden does not mean that they are all academics. Now the five-ring tower has begun to cooperate with spellcasting.

Just like the patrol team, there will be auxiliary and therapeutic agents for the main attack, and cooperation is no longer a one-man all-rounder like the dark wizard. Although the strength is high, it is too difficult to cultivate.

The single strength is naturally the high combat power of the black wizard, but when the number of wizards increases, the combat power of the white wizard will quickly flip. Collective cooperation will greatly enhance its combat effectiveness, which is why the white wizard can always suppress the black wizard.

Lilith was good at healing, and joined the patrol after passing the assessment of the subject of battle wizards.

In the Black Forest, a carrion crow opened its blood-red eyes, jumped in the forest, combing its feathers from time to time. There are dozens of crows in this group. Carrion crows are social animals, and their strength is not high, but The number is extremely large, so you need to pay attention when hunting, and you can't go deep alone.

Because once the teammates are not rescued in time, they are likely to be submerged by these crows.

The carrion crow is half a meter in size, far exceeding the size of an ordinary crow. This crow is said to be the product of magical radiation. The strongest of them can reach the strength of a high-level knight apprentice, but has no spell ability.

The rest of the hair is a good magic material, and can also be used to make clothes, which is expensive.

Carrion crows also have some habits of crows. For example, they like to collect some bright things, and they also like to collect some shiny stones. It is mentioned in many wizard travel notes that gold nuggets and gems are found in the carrion crow's nest. Glass, and other shiny items.

What's more, elemental spar has been found in it. Elemental spar is a kind of element crystal. It is a special crystal that can only be produced in a world where elemental tides have occurred. It can act as an energy source, activate golems, and teleport arrays instead of many energy sources.

This world used to have a lot of production, but now the production has decreased after the end of the elemental tide, and it is now even rarer. In fact, it is accurate to say that the magic stone is also a kind of element spar, but the magic stone is formed by the energy of the earth veins, and the energy contained in it is much lower than the element energy, and the element spar is mostly a single element.

The most abundant element spar is in the four elemental planes, but the elemental plane is not safe, and the strength is not very dangerous.

The scavenger crow's lair is a natural treasure chest in the wild. Many wizards like to visit its lair. This is a game between the European emperor and the African chief. a chance.

The group walked slowly, and soon came to the black forest, where flocks of carrion crows could be seen from time to time.

The crowd did not go too deep. A group of people who would disturb too much in the depths of the forest, the carrion crows were divided into small groups, and it was easy for everyone to deal with it. If too many groups were disturbed at once, it would cause a lot of trouble.

I found a small group of dozens of crows in the woods, and everyone began to approach slowly. These carrion crows can fly. Once they fly away, it will take a lot of time to clear a sufficient number.

Ellen didn't want to live here for a few days.

"Whoosh!" Suddenly, sharp arrows kept flying, and one arrow nailed the strongest of the crows to the tree, followed by a dozen arrows in a row.

Shoot down a dozen of the carrion crows that just flew.

The other crows were in chaos in an instant. Because there was no leader to direct, this group of crows was in a mess. Some flew up and ran away, and some threw up viciously and wanted to attack. Several people had a clear division of labor, and Allen and Arthur used bows and arrows to deal with them. Those who are strong, the other three deal with those who want to escape.

The bows and arrows continued. These carrion-eating crows croaked wildly. Their black claws flashed with metallic luster.

Looking at this posture, if you are caught, this eye may be caught. Before Allen could take the arrow, he threw a sharp arrow in his hand, directly piercing the carrion crow.

He threw down his longbow, pulled out the cross sword from his waist with his right hand, and cut the other carrion crow into two pieces. .

At the same time mobilize the mana in the body.

- "Flash!"

A dazzling ray of light instantly bloomed in Allen's hands, and a dozen crows around them went blind in an instant, screaming "quack" in panic. The effects of lesser spells can have unexpected effects when used in the right place.


Facing the carrion crows that surrounded him from all directions and lost his sight, Allen directly used the knight's signature skill to deal with the siege. Raising the long sword was a whirlwind slash, with blood splashing everywhere, bird feathers flying, and a dozen carrion-eating crows were directly chopped into two sections.

It was empty in an instant, only a few left around were quickly solved by others with bows and arrows, and the rest flew away after the death of the leader, and the battle was solved very easily.

After taking an inventory, there were at least forty carrion crows on the ground, and I collected the best feathers from their bodies, and Lilith was already standing next to the crow's nest and started to open the treasure chest. Looking at his appearance, he took out a small handkerchief and wiped his hands, and slowly disassembled the crow's nest built with twigs.

Seeing the reflection of sunlight inside, Lilith's eyes lit up and she quickly opened it. The face that was still surprised just now collapsed instantly, and there were only a few gold coins inside.

The crowd left here and continued to hunt other small groups.

Lilith used a plant mimicry spell to hide everyone with the help of the surrounding trees. This spell is very useful in the forest and can help the caster hide his figure and make it difficult to be discovered.

But if you see it up close you can tell it apart. It's only a secondary spell after all, but it's enough for these carrion crows.

Approaching a certain range, Allen pulled the bow and arrow. The chip was calibrated, and then the leader of the carrion crows was shot to death with one arrow. Then, the routine was repeated. There was no accident in the middle, and the battle was easily resolved.

Followed to collect the loot, and headed to the next target. After working hard for a long time, several people killed hundreds of carrion crows, which had reached the number of hunters. Bring the trophies, and everyone began to leave this black forest. At this time, the carrion crows in the forest had become sparse.

While it was still early, everyone took a rest and started to rush to the next rest point.

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