Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 308 The Son of Dagon

"Hey, who gave your courage to plot against the wizard!" Allen sneered: "If it is useful to fight with many people, what spells do I have to learn!"

—— "Group monster immobilization technique! (Spell enhancement)"

A flash of spiritual light flashed across in an instant, and directly fixed the dozen or so Naga around them in place, and Alan didn't show any reluctance on his face.

"Impossible! How can you cast spells in the enchantment of raging waves!" Seeing Alan cast spells with ease, Naga's face, which was originally proud, changed drastically.

"Nothing is impossible, isn't it just a low-level enchantment? Still trying to trap me?" Allen said disdainfully.

"Don't you guys want this staff? Then I'll let you see it!"

——"Dominate Monsters! (Spell Empowerment)"

With the spread of a light blue aura of aura, the dozen or so Naga waiters who had been immobilized moved again, but this time their target was not Allen.

The Naga with dull eyes directly rushed towards other Naga around. Some Naga who were caught off guard had no time to dodge and were killed by his fellows in an instant.

"Guards! Kill them quickly, and take that scepter to me!" The Naga patriarch sitting on the main seat gave an order directly, and the Naga warriors who had been preparing for a long time rushed up with their weapons. The controlled Naga was not their opponent at all, and soon fell to the ground, with light blue blood flowing on the hall.

"It's really ruthless, these are your fellow clansmen, they will kill you without mercy!" Alan's mocking voice sounded.

"They have been controlled by you. Killing them is to free them. Now you need to bury them with them!" the Naga patriarch said coldly and bluntly.

——"Vortex strangulation!"

——"Ice Archery!"

——"Frost Ray!"


A vortex suddenly appeared around Allen, and the strong force tore his body, and the force seemed to want to tear him apart. So at the same time, a large number of Frostbolts flew towards him.

"Didn't you realize that the power in the staff can easily suppress you?" Allen smiled slightly, and the staff in his hand burst out with powerful energy fluctuations instantly.

In an instant, all the spells cast by Naga were broken.

——"Spell Dispelling! (Artifact Power)"

—— "Ice Storm! (Extreme Spell Effect)"

A large-scale ice storm formed in an instant, directly enveloping the other people in the hall, and then countless ice crystals erupted in an instant, and a large number of Naga were directly dismembered.

"Go and confess to Styx!" Allen said coldly.

"Go and wake up 'Him'!..."

Facing Alan's strength, the Naga patriarch finally realized that their strength could not compete with Alan at all, and directly shouted: "Remove the seal!"

"Wake up, giant monster of the deep sea!"

Several Naga elders took out a conch shell one after another, and then blew it down vigorously. Their originally strong bodies began to lose weight visible to the naked eye, and their breath fell rapidly. can blow it out.

"Woo... woo...!" The muffled sound of conch shells spread quickly, and Alan felt something bad in his heart. The staff in his hand flickered one after another, and blue ice cones flew out instantly, and several Na Elder Jia was nailed to the ground.

"It's late! You are definitely not a match for 'His'..." A Naga elder stared at Allen and said, before dying of anger.

Allen frowned, a big hand appeared out of thin air, and directly grabbed the Naga patriarch who was about to escape.

"Let go of me! Let me go! You damned human!" Sensing her struggle, Allen snapped his fingers, his big blue hand tightened instantly, and there was a sound of bones rubbing against each other.

Grabbing it with a wave of his hand, Allen pointed his finger directly between her eyebrows.

——"Dominate monsters!"

"After all, what is that 'he'?" Allen asked directly.

"'He' is... is..." Naga struggled and refused to speak. Allen frowned slightly, and another flash of inspiration flashed.

——"Spiritual suggestion!"

"Tell me, what is 'He'?"

"'He' is the giant beast of the deep sea that was sealed in the ancient times of our Rage Tribe! 'He' is the descendant of the evil god!"

"Descendants of the evil god?" Allen felt more and more bad with a shudder in his heart: "What does he look like?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it!" The Naga patriarch said with a dull face.

"How can you control 'Him'?"

"We can't control it, but He hates the Sea God, and will retaliate wildly as long as it is related to the Sea God!"

"Damn it, it can't be that kind of thing!" Alan's face was gloomy, and then he threw Naga out directly, and the huge palm broke his neck directly with a slight force.

Ignoring Naga who was running and fleeing, Allen came directly to the energy barrier, the staff in his hand was shining brightly, and then lightly tapped the energy barrier in front of him, only to see the barrier flickering, a large number of ripples shaking, and after a while finally With a 'click', the barrier in front of him shattered like a glass cover.

Allen's figure flashed out of the barrier, and the energy barrier slowly recovered.


At this moment, a dull roar came from the trench. Immediately afterwards, the bottom of the sea was churning, and there was a huge shock, and the rocks on both sides of the trench kept falling. A large number of bubbles continued to pop out, and a breath of extreme chaos and madness came out.

The surrounding sea was turbulent, and a huge vortex appeared soon. A large number of Naga were directly sucked into it by the sea water without any resistance. Then, jets of water jetted up from the bottom of the sea, and a huge oppressive black shadow appeared in the deep sea. slowly emerged.



A weird and dull voice sounded, mixed with syllables of the devil's language, if it wasn't for Allen's proficiency in the devil's language, he wouldn't be able to distinguish it at all.

A huge tentacle shot out instantly appeared, and then wrapped around Allen, trying to pull him directly into the deep sea.

——"Freezing Ray! (Spell Empowerment)"

In an instant, a blue light flew out of Allen's staff and hit the tentacle directly. A large amount of sea water froze instantly, and the huge tentacle was directly frozen.

Allen stepped lightly, and his figure was like a fish moving away from the tentacles in an instant. Just after Allen left, the frozen tentacles finally broke through the ice, and then slammed hard at the position where Allen was just now.

Tentacles with suction cups protruded from the trench one after another, and Allen's face changed. Gently waving the staff in his hand, the light blue divine power instantly entered his body.

A burst of light flashed, and the surrounding sea water was completely controlled by Allen at this moment. With a slight raise of his hand, countless sea water swirled instantly, and water knives appeared one after another. The sea water directly grabbed these tentacles, and then the water knives spun rapidly , In a few breaths, countless wounds appeared, and some serious injuries were cut off directly.

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