After the contract was signed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their guarded expressions relaxed slightly. It is difficult to guarantee that some of them will take risks with such a high-value treasure.

Fortunately, everyone was not overheated, but agreed on a contract.

"Okay, the contract is signed, and the next action will be guaranteed. Let's discuss how to get honey. Those bloodthirsty bees are not easy to mess with." Arthur put back the staff he had just pulled out, and said with a relaxed expression. .

Allen shook his head secretly. Arthur was ready to shoot at any time just now, but Allen was not worried. There was no time to cast the spell at such a short distance. People are hard when they unite.

The one who wants to be cold is definitely me, so don't do it if you can. Once you want to do it, you have to do it first. Although the white wizard is much better than the black wizard, there is another word called a hypocrite.

This is the name given by those ruthless dark wizards.

"Chip! Collect all the information on the bloodthirsty bee."

"Drip! The task has been created, please wait while searching..."

"Drip! The search is complete, and the transmission of content begins..."

Allen flipped through the information sent by the chip in his mind and said.

"There are many ways to deal with bloodthirsty bees. I have found a suitable method to eliminate those with a low success rate and high strength requirements."

"What method, let's talk about it." Lilith asked.

"Bloodthirsty bees are as afraid of the cold and smoke as ordinary bees, but their tolerance is far beyond that. Although we can release the secondary spell of ice breath now, the range of this spell is not large. If you want to use it It is impossible for all the bloodthirsty bees to freeze."

"Then we can only consider using smoke. Ordinary smoke has little effect on bloodthirsty bees."

"I remember it was marked on the map. There are dark wolf packs in the southwest, right?" Allen asked Arthur.

"Yes, there is a group of dark wolves. The population is not large. Why do we need to use them as bait? We can't control so many dark wolves." Arthur thought for a while and said.

"Are there a hundred?" Allen continued to ask without answering.

"No, there were 60 patrols updated last month." Arthur said directly.

"Sixty, barely enough." Allen said after thinking for a while.

"What do we need to do, Alan, don't be a fool, tell us quickly." Ruth couldn't help asking.

"Okay, let me tell you about my plan. Take a look. If you agree, let's do it directly. If there is any problem, let's continue to discuss." Allen said with a slight smile.

"The excrement of the dark wolf has a pungent smell. The dark wolf always uses this excrement to mark its territory. After the excrement is burned, it will emit a strong irritating gas. This smoke is combined with Datura flower powder The poisonous smoke produced is enough to drive away the bloodthirsty bees."

"The feces of the dark wolf, it's disgusting."

"Hearing it makes my scalp tingle, that thing is really disgusting..." The two girls complained in a low voice, but they didn't object.

Compared with the honey of bloodthirsty bees, this is a trivial matter.

"Then everyone has no objections. Let's assign tasks. Lilith, you should have a deep understanding of enchanted plants, so I will leave it to you to collect mandala flowers. Is there a problem?" Allen looked around and said .

"No problem, I will collect enough Datura flowers." Lilith nodded and agreed.

"Grey, go and monitor the bloodthirsty bee, don't let anyone take the honey away while we're not thinking about it."

"Okay, I know what to do." Gray nodded in agreement. It is very convenient for Scouting Eye to do this kind of work.

"The three of us will collect the excrement of the Dark Demon Wolf. Try to collect enough materials today, and then we will take out the honey tomorrow, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Allen said to the other two.


Let's get started. Arthur and Ruth nodded.

"Let's do it, gather at this rest point before the sun sets, and be careful." Alan pointed to a spot on the map and said, watching everyone nod and then go to work separately.

To the southwest is a valley. The valley is not big, but the climate is good. A group of black magic wolves use this place as a breeding ground. The strength of the wolf leader replied knight level.

Wolves are creatures that bully the weak and fear the strong, and will not easily attack humans. Because the lessons of thousands of years have been deeply ingrained in their blood, so except for the hungry dark wolf, there are very few dark demon wolves that attack towns. Surrounded by dark wolves alone, they wouldn't refuse extra meals.

But for wizards, even if they were just apprentice wizards, these dark magic wolves were not enough for them at all.

The three of them came to Wolf Valley, which is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the winter is not very cold, and the temperature is constant in all seasons. It is no wonder that this group of black magic wolves want to breed here.

The surrounding grass exuded a pungent smell. Allen took out a few masks and distributed them to the other two. After putting them on, the three began to work, using the hand of the mage, and began to collect the excrement of the surrounding dark wolf. I didn't want to use a dimensional bag to hold this thing, so I had to cut down a few trees and make a simple carriage.

Then manipulated the mage's hand to pile the wolf dung on the car, and Arthur used the restraint technique to capture a few dark wolves. If I want to catch a few more, the others should have recognized the wizard, and all the family members fled in all directions. It seems that the wizard has left a deep psychological shadow on them.

This kind of wolf has a body size of about 2.3 meters and a height of 1.2 meters. It looks very strong. Put a rope on the Dark Wolf and tie the other end to the car to make three dog trailers.

There are two black magic wolves in each car. After working for a long time, they finally collected enough wolf dung, and cast spells to drive the wolf car towards the gathering point. location.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled in the black forest, not far from the forest, a simple hut stood alone on a small slope.

After arriving at the place, the Black Demon Wolf, who was exhausted like a dog, was finally untied from the ropes, and his legs could not stand firmly. Several cars were in a hurry, and they did not make wheels, but used sleds.

Then, an open space was marked out, and a simple rune array was used to surround the car and the Dark Demon Wolf. The three of them prepared to wash before resting. Although they didn't stick this thing, they still had a smell.

The water element gathers enough pure water, and then wraps it with the fire element to heat it up. Manipulate the water polo to wrap the whole person. The water flows on the surface of the body by itself, and the cleaning is completed quickly. The water polo is peeled off, and the fire element is controlled to dry the clothes ,It's finished. If you want to add some petals, you just need to throw them into the water polo, which is simple, quick and convenient.

Soon the other two also came to the rest point when the sky was getting dark. The cabin relighted the fire.

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