Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 347 Arcane Council (2)

The power of the abyss completely erodes the entire plane, and countless demons will drown all resisters in this world. Once you reach that point, with the current strength of the wizarding world and Tibes world, everyone should run away.

Allen's words made everyone stunned, and then thought of the early days of the abyss invasion, when the most powerful human empire fought against the abyss alone, other races wished for the destruction of the human empire, and waited until the human empire couldn't stand it anymore. The entire continent swept across, and only at this time did they wake up and want to unite, but they had already missed the best time to nip the abyss in the bud.

Humans, no, this is the root of all intelligent races. Things have not reached the point of no return. Do you expect others to follow you desperately with just one word? Didn't wake up!

Not to mention that the abyss has just invaded the wizarding world, even after a while, it will be a question of whether the wizarding world can unite, let alone let them let go of their prejudices and unite across planes to help Tibes.

If the world of Tibes hadn't reached the final juncture, how could these legendary powerhouses of different races and different standpoints unite.

Allen's attitude towards the Abyss Invasion is that if he has hope of winning, then it doesn't have to be said that he just copied the guy. After all, his mentor Bandar treated him well. Life.

To put it bluntly, he would not consider himself a savior who could turn things around by himself. Tibes is the main force against the abyss. If they can't reach an agreement with them, Allen will just leave with his friends.

So what about the invasion of the abyss, those high gods didn't intervene, so don't take yourself too seriously. Besides, even if the world of wizards falls, once he can travel to another plane and continue to live, he still doesn't believe that the abyss can keep expanding.

"What do we need to do?" Obysis, who had been silent all the time, said. Hearing this, Allen finally smiled, and it seemed that they had already decided.

"It seems that you are already mentally prepared." Allen continued after looking around: "Don't expect a strong man to drive the abyss back one day."

"Everyone should understand that there is no so-called savior, and if there is, it is all of us combined."

This is not an American Hollywood movie. A savior will appear in every world crisis. The will of the entire plane cannot resist the erosion of the abyss. Do you expect a son of the plane to save the world? Unless the true god comes, and then the gods support him, then maybe the son of the plane can really become the savior. There used to be gods in this world, but now the gods have given up here, and everyone can only rely on themselves.

"Everyone, I think you should understand that even if our wizarding world is willing to come to help you,

But teleportation across planes is very difficult. "

"The spatial coordinates of Tibes World are not stable! There is a chaotic energy here! It should be that the erosion of the will of the abyss has affected the space around the plane! So I need to build a stable coordinate here first, and at the same time A powerful energy source is also needed. This process requires a two-way test, not only here, but also a second test after I return to the wizarding world! This requires a lot of materials to establish the teleportation coordinates, and then you need to test the abyss The interference of the will on the teleportation!..."

Allen finished speaking in one breath, then picked up his teacup and took a sip of water.

"We all know this, as long as we cooperate, it can be resolved after some time." Obysis nodded and said.

"I hope you can integrate as soon as possible, and then help us fight against the abyss. If Tibes is occupied by the abyss, then you will be next."

"Your Excellency Obysis, I understand what you mean. We will make a decision as soon as possible, but the gate of the plane can be established first. Even if you can't hold it here in the end, you can retreat to the wizarding world through the gate of the plane." Hearing what Allen said, the remaining few nodded and agreed to establish the gate of the plane.

"Then let's speed up and complete the gate of the plane as soon as possible. After I go back, I will build the gate of the plane with the people of the wizarding world as soon as possible."

"The power of the abyss is extremely powerful. Even if we gather the power of our two worlds, we may not be able to win. Therefore, the floating city must be built. We are also hurrying up to study the element furnace. This time, I have another purpose here, which is to fight You share information." Allen said with a serious expression.

"Elemental furnace? It seems that our current research is also in trouble." Hearing what Allen said, a middle-aged elf said.

"This is my research material. You can take a look. If either of us succeeds in researching the element furnace in the future, then the other party will also have this technology for free." Allen reached out and took out a few energy storage crystals, and handed them over .

"This is natural. If several floating cities are built, then we will have the strength to chop off the claws of the abyss. This technology naturally needs to be shared by both parties." Give it to another Arcanist for inspection.

"You can also participate in our research on the element furnace. After the meeting is over, you can read our research results, hoping to help your research." Obysis said seriously.

"I will!" Allen smiled and nodded in agreement.

Soon the two sides reached a consensus. After Tibes World was settled, Allen still had a lot to do when he returned to the Wizarding World. As a legendary wizard, he was already at the peak of the Wizarding Century. United with other wizarding organizations.

You must know that wizards are a group of guys with high IQs. The higher the IQ, the more calculations they have in their hearts, and the more various ideas they have, not to mention this kind of thing that spans two planes.

Before he came here, the Five Rings High Tower had united with several small wizarding organizations. The Northland Witches already wanted to form an alliance a long time ago. The wizarding alliance in the Central Continent is not a big problem. These three forces together account for the entire wizarding organization. The world is 40% powerful.

Allen believes that as long as Tibes is willing to exchange knowledge, the five-ring tower, the Northland Witch, and the Wizarding Union will definitely be moved. After all, there are still many gaps in the knowledge of the wizarding world, and the technology of the floating tower is two generations behind. The empty city only exists in legends.

If the technology of the element furnace can be successfully conquered, the entire wizarding world will probably be willing to make a move. After all, every wizard wants to have a floating city of their own one day.

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