Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 386 Bloodline Transformation

"I have to say that you are lucky. This experiment will not be life-threatening. I am not the dark wizard you imagined. On the contrary, this experiment is still very beneficial to you."

After Allen finished speaking, he snapped his fingers. Viken was about to say something, but felt sleepy for a while, and then fell asleep.

The danger of the werewolf potion is not high. Even if it fails, it will at most turn into a werewolf. Allen's improved werewolf potion will turn into a werewolf, contagion, confusion, etc. are removed. Although it is the first human experiment, But more than half of the grasp is still there.

Standing in front of the test bench, Allen took out a bottle of red medicine, which is a hemolytic medicine specially used for blood test, and it is still very painful when the blood is fused.

After all, Allen is not the main god. Without its kind of technology, Viken is just an ordinary person. Although he has undergone long-term training, his physique is far worse than that of a wizard. This potion can relieve the pain during the fusion process.

He reached out and opened Viken's mouth, and poured a bottle of hemolytic potion into it.

"Chip, turn on the monitoring mode, and monitor the physical changes of the test subject at all times." As the order was issued, a large amount of data quickly flowed in front of Allen, and then a three-dimensional model of a human appeared in front of him.

"let's start!"

Observing the physical changes of the test subject in front of him, Allen took out the necessary tools and started the blood fusion test.

Time passed slowly, an hour. The door was still closed, and Anna anxiously walked around the room, her eyes drifting to the room leading to the inner room from time to time.

Van Helsing and the two were also sitting in the room at this time, Allen lifted the spell, and a little girl sat quietly on a chair opposite the two.

An hour and a half...two hours...Finally, more than three hours have passed, and the sky has gradually dimmed. Anna's patience has reached its limit.

The door finally creaked open.

Allen exhaled and put away the tools, then looked at his masterpiece in front of him and said, "Good luck, the first test was successful."

At this time, Viken hadn't woken up yet, but just by looking at it, he could see that Viken's body had changed a lot. Although his body was very strong at the beginning, it was far from the impact it is now.

My height, which was originally about one meter, has now become two meters. My body has been raised by 20 centimeters, and the hair on my body has become thicker.

The muscles in the body are stretched, which makes people know that there is a powerful force inside.

Allen looked at the data on the chip. Originally, Viken's highest physical fitness was only 2.1, but now all the values ​​have broken through to 5. This physical fitness has reached the standard of a knight in the wizarding world. These figures are not the final result, and these physical qualities will be further improved over time.

The skin of the body has also become tougher, and the defense of the skin is close to that of cowhide. Allen speculated that his peak value is likely to reach the standard of a great knight, and the werewolf potion also inherited the powerful recovery ability of werewolves. Although it is not as good as the original version, ordinary small wounds will be fully recovered in one to two hours.

Allen opened the door and walked out. Anna, who had been waiting impatiently, rushed over.

"Where's my brother? What did you do to him?"

"The experiment is not bad. He is still sleeping and will wake up in a while." Allen beckoned her to wait outside.

"Don't bother him now, I don't care if something goes wrong." Anna, who was about to rush in, stopped abruptly, hesitated for a while, gave Alan a hard look, and then waited obediently outside the door .

Allen came to his seat leisurely, then poured himself a glass of wine and took a sip.

"Why are you two still here, why are you going to fight me?" Alan glanced at Van Helsing and said.

"Your behavior is enough for the Holy Knights to treat you as a heretic. I hope you can go to the Holy See with me." Van Helsing looked at Allen and said.

"Heretics? Hey Van Helsing, hasn't your body been transformed too? As a knight of the Holy Knights, you have also received training and transformation from other religions, gained power, and now you actually call others heretics." Allen He glanced at him and then ignored him, turning to look at the little girl next to him.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

"Siri." The little girl stared straight at Allen. "Can you avenge me?"

"Revenge requires your own efforts." Allen took a sip of wine and continued, "But I can help you."

"Want to take revenge, but you have to suffer a lot. Strength is not so easy to obtain."

"I can endure hardship." The little girl said seriously, with a hint of strength in her eyes, more of hatred.

"It's difficult for ordinary people to kill vampires. If you want to deal with them, you need to master power." Allen said in a faint tone: "This kind of power is not easy to get."

"Don't rush to make a decision." Allen stopped the little girl who wanted to talk, and then said: "After a while, Viken and this Mr. Van Helsing will go to eliminate the vampires, you just need to wait quietly After all, this road is very dangerous." Then let the little girl think for herself.

There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and Viken finally woke up. Seeing the hugely changed Viken, everyone was horrified.

"How are you feeling, Viken?"

"Powerful, unprecedentedly powerful." Viken shook his hands, feeling the power in his body that seemed to explode, and his tone was full of joy.

"It seems to be not bad, come with me to test it." Alan waved his hand and said.

A group of people came to the training ground of the Novelleli family castle. This is a castle with a history of more than 400 years, which also symbolizes the family's transition from prosperity to decline. Now there are only two descendants of the family.

The training ground is not small, and the ground is paved with flat gravel. In ancient times, this was the place where the Novelleli family trained family knights. However, as the population gradually decreased, this training ground was rarely used.

On the training ground, Viken stood in the middle, surrounded by 20 militiamen. The surrounding militiamen looked at Viken cautiously. Now Viken felt very oppressive. These militiamen felt like they were facing a werewolf.

Suddenly, Viken picked up a training wooden knife and went straight to the fight.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of wooden sticks coming into contact with the flesh kept coming, and the surrounding militiamen had no power to fight back. Their speed could not keep up with Viken at all, and the entire line of defense was directly torn by him, and the massacre followed. After persisting for less than five minutes, they were all knocked down. After the end, Viken didn't even change his breathing significantly.

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