Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 388 Vampire Bloodline

After consuming a large amount of blood, the two vampires began to recover, but it was not known whether it was due to the blood of the livestock they ate, the strength of the two vampires decreased to varying degrees. And Allen also discovered that the two vampires were sick...

It seems that vampires have side effects of eating livestock blood, Allen frowned a little, but considering that the two vampires are still useful, Allen spent some effort to clone them using cloning.

I found a normal person's cell, and then took out the culture cabin placed in the dimensional space. Alan has thoroughly studied the cloning technique. It is not difficult to clone a human being, but cloning requires a lot of energy.

There is no element pool here, Allen connected the leyline energy in the surrounding mountains, and then set up a rune array to supply energy.

With sufficient energy, cloning a soulless body is still very fast. It took some time. Allen successfully cloned two people, and then drew blood and threw a fireball to burn them.

The two vampires finally recovered after drinking human blood. Seeing the normal vampires, Alan continued to experiment.

This time, he didn't make blood essence stone again. Allen didn't need this thing, but it could be used for trading. During this time, Viken, Van Helsing and others began to make preparations to kill Dracula. Since Allen caught two vampires, the other vampires became restrained.

However, the werewolves under Dracula began to harass the town continuously. These werewolves moved quickly and there were a large number of wild wolves following them, sometimes hundreds of them. is very dangerous.

In this situation, unless the army is dispatched, the wolves come and go like the wind and are led by werewolves, the army cannot catch up at all, and this place belongs to the territory of the Novelleli family. If Viken and Anna ask for help from other surrounding countries If he wiped out the wolves by himself, his family would lose all face in the upper class of Europe.

In the eyes of these old-fashioned nobles, face is more important than life. Many nobles in Europe have already lived in extreme poverty, and they are unwilling to let go of their noble face.

Fortunately, Viken and Van Helsing were strong enough to lead many militiamen to defend the town by relying on the city wall.

The little girl, Helen, had been living with Anna during this time, but she would come to Alan's place every day. In the end, the little girl decided to take revenge by herself, and Alan agreed after thinking about it.

After the two vampires recuperated, Allen drew their blood again. He planned to use blood transformation and genetic technology to improve the blood of the vampires. Although the vampires are powerful and have a long life, their weakness is really It's so obvious.

Allen is going to try to weaken or even completely eliminate these weaknesses. The substances in vampire blood are very complicated. After comparing it with human blood, Allen separated the substances that are not in human blood little by little.

Then let these substances react with ultraviolet rays, silver, and garlic respectively, and finally found several substances, which can be said to be the weaknesses of vampires, but after removing these substances, vampires also lost most of their power.

Among them, the near-immortal recovery ability has completely disappeared, and the power of bat transformation has also been lost, and the agility has also been reduced a lot. Although the vampire's weakness has been successfully eliminated, the vampire's strength has also been greatly reduced.

The effect of the final potion is similar to that of the werewolf potion, except that one is more for strength and the other is for agility. This potion was named Bat Potion by Allen.

The light blue color of the bat potion, Allen said that after drawing the blood of the two vampires several times, the two vampires had become very weak. After several consecutive draws, the bat potion obtained from the blood was also come less and less.

After getting enough bat potions, Allen finally let go of the two poor vampires, gave them a happy death, and sent them to hell.

After getting the bat potion, Allen didn't plan to implant the little girl, he was going to try to fuse the werewolf potion and the bat potion.

After Allen cloned several human bodies using cloning techniques, he directly began to conduct human experiments.

Putting the test body on the alchemy table, Allen took out a silver carving knife, and then began to carve on the test body. The sharp knife cut across the human body, and a little bit of bright red blood flowed out, but as the stone platform exuded With a white aura, the wound soon stopped bleeding.

Only scars were left behind, and Allen was going to combine the human body enchanting technology to fuse the two bloodlines. The human body enchanting technology first appeared in the Thorium era. At that time, rune tattoos were used. This technology required all the hair on the body to be removed, and Will leave a lot of tattoos on the body.

For a period of time, tattoos with red robes and bald heads were very popular among spellcasters. Allen's human body rune technology was developed based on this tattoo technology. At that time, there was a profession called Inscription Swordsman, but this profession was eventually eliminated. Lost, because although this profession is powerful, it is too difficult to advance.

This kind of profession is very powerful, but it also has many limitations. Although it is quick and convenient to engrave various spells on the body to obtain the required abilities, others will always have a way to deal with you if they know your strength.

Every time you advance, you need to engrave a new rune array on your body. The engraving of runes requires a lot of resources, and failure once will cause very serious consequences. With more and more rune circles, the difficulty of engraving also increases. The number of top-level rune masters is limited, and there is also a mature system for engraving runes.

All the inscribed runes must be a system, and the matching between all the runes must reach a certain level, otherwise the probability of failure will increase exponentially.

So although this profession is powerful, it was only short-lived and disappeared soon. Allen's set of skills was obtained in the last excavation of ancient cities, and he only conducted a rough research.

"Rune No. 1 is complete."

The chip prompt sounded, Allen slowly put away the carving knife, took out the potion and began to transplant. The bloodline transplantation technology has developed very mature in the wizarding world. After transplanting the werewolf potion, Allen began to inject neutralizing agents into the test body. Medicament, reducing the rejection reaction caused by the fusion of multiple blood vessels.

The most dangerous thing about blood transplantation is the rejection reaction. If the rejection reaction is too severe, it will cause the body's blood vessels to collapse. Once such an accident occurs, it is basically hopeless unless the body is replaced.

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