Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 479: Horazon's Diary

"how is this possible!"

Seeing that all the magic organs were destroyed in an instant, Horazon looked terrified and turned around to run away without even thinking about it. But it was too late.

"Legendary Spell Penetration!"

"Advanced magic shaping!"

Allen's eyes turned golden in an instant, and with powerful magic power gushing out, a flaming spear transformed from highly concentrated magic power appeared in an instant, piercing through the energy shield on the surface of Horazon's body in an instant, followed by a shrill scream sounded.

The magic flame quickly enveloped it, and Horazon struggled frantically to escape from the flame, but all this was doomed to be in vain. Soon the flame gradually extinguished, and Horazon's body was burned to ashes by the flame.

"Soul imprisonment!"

"Soul Extraction!"

Horazon's soul was trapped by Allen, and his soul has been completely demonized. Except for his face, his body and limbs are no different from demons. He sold his soul to the demon god of hell. The devil has transformed.


With a soft sound, the soul spar fell to the ground, and Allen reached out to take it, which was also a high-level soul spar.

Putting away the soul spar, Allen began to clean the battlefield. This time, the number of loot was very small. Not only the magic mechanism was broken down by the cracking technique just now, but even the wizard robe, staff, The ring and other equipment were also destroyed in the attack just now.

Alan didn't get any equipment from Horazon, except for some other monster drops.

"Bankruptcy is really well-deserved!" Looking at the equipment that turned into a pile of dust, Allen felt his heart twitching non-stop, distressed, a legendary wizard who has lived for thousands of years has few good things, just because of Allen's just At that moment, it was all gone.

Alan, who was distressed and hopping, began to search the hall carefully. As Horazon's lair, in addition to those magic organs, there were other things, most of which were various materials, which were directly put into the storage space by Alan.

Ancient wizards still have some good things, such as the tower of guards, which is the magic mechanism used by Horazon to deal with Allen, and it belongs to a kind of props researched by the Fischeri magic sect.

Unlike the current casters, ancient mages developed spells to deal with various environments and conditions. In order to prevent thieves and other ulterior motives,

They made some organs to act as sentries to protect their own safety.

They will conduct simple identification, as long as they do not have the master's mark, they will be regarded as intruders, and they will directly launch various elemental attacks such as fireballs, lightning, and ice. The power of spells is related to the level of the producer and the production materials. This kind of thing Allen felt that it was very similar to the magic guard. He was going to put away these materials and study the installation in the wizard tower and the future floating city.

In addition to the power of the guard towers in this world, another reason is energy. Ancient wizards without element pools used energy crystals as energy sources, with short battery life and limited power. But for Allen, these are not problems. Both the element pool and the element furnace can continuously provide energy.

At the back of the main hall, there is a bookshelf outside Horazon's research room, which records all of Horazon's experimental research and other materials. Allen rummaged through the bookshelves, and soon found the location of Tal Rasha's tomb. It was located in an unnamed canyon deep in the desert - Warlock Canyon.

After Tarasha was buried there, the canyon was closed by the Horadric mages. For hundreds of years, no one came to disturb Tarasha's ancient tomb, so the people of Lu Gaoyin felt that the tower The name Lasha is so far away that almost everyone has forgotten his name, leaving only legends that are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

However, as a mage who has lived for thousands of years, Horazon knows a lot of things. Even if he does not leave this shelter, he is proficient in prophecy, and there are few things that he does not know about the outside world.

Allen got the coordinates of the Warlock Canyon, and then directly arranged a teleportation array in the main hall of the shelter, and then activated the teleportation array, a burst of spatial fluctuations came, and the red portal opened. After confirming that there was no danger on the other side of the portal, the two walked through the portal to Warlock Canyon.

Walking around a desert prickly pear forest with hundreds of trees three or four meters high, Allen and the others came to the door of a stone tomb carved with a huge triangular sign on the north side of the Warlock Grand Canyon.

This ancient tomb was built by excavating the walls of a canyon. Outside the tomb are stone pillars with a diameter of more than three meters. After thousands of years of wind and sand, they still stand firmly, telling people about ancient times. The astonishing achievements of the alchemy of the magical sect.

On the top of the stone pillar is an integral stone beam weighing thousands of tons. On the stone slabs on the surface of the stone beam, there are densely carved ancient Horadric magic words. The mysterious words with inexplicable power make the whole tomb look more solemn and solemn. .

There are seven such magnificent buildings in the Grand Canyon of Warlocks in Aranohe, six of which were created by the original designers to confuse the public. Only one of the ancient tombs carved with a triangular logo is the The real burial place of Tal Rasha, the greatest human magician during the Great War of Gods and Demons, where there is a gate leading to the sealed land.

But the original builders were doing useless work, because after coming to this Warlock Canyon, even if they don’t know which one is real and which one is fake, it will take a little time to find out, even if there are enough people, seven It is also okay to explore the ancient tombs together. The only effect of these ancient tombs is to show off the powerful power of the ancient Horadric mage school, and it has almost no effect on hiding the sealed place of Baal.

At this time, Barr had been rescued by Diablo, and it was Duriel who stayed in the sealed place now, and Allen's goal was this big bug.

There are different marks outside the ancient tomb of Tal Rasha, and Horazon's diary recorded the real mark of the ancient tomb of Tal Rasha, so Allen came directly outside the ancient tomb of the capital to confirm.

After finding the exact same mark on the notebook, the two entered the tomb directly. The tomb of Tarasha was very similar to the tomb built by the Aranohes, and the tomb was full of various monsters and mummies.

These monsters were captured by the mages of the Horadric School from the outside world. Using these monsters to block the intrusion of the tomb robbers, Allen summoned the Fire Elemental Legion to clear them.

Along the stone steps covered with thick sand, the two followed behind the fire elemental army, and stepped into the underground tomb that no one had set foot in for thousands of years.

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