Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 493: Great Construction

"Well, an experiment has been completed." Allen nodded and said, not planning to say anything more.

Seeing that Alan didn't continue to speak, the others could only give up. After all, you think you have lived enough to ask the secret of a legendary wizard.

"Your Excellency Dean, I have something to ask the academy to help me this time."

"What's the matter?" Alfred was a little curious. He always felt that he couldn't understand Alan. The youngest legendary wizard in the history of the five-ring tower had many secrets hidden in him, but he didn't intend to ask.

"I want the academy to fulfill the request I made last time."

"Your Excellency Alan has already started to build the floating city?" Hearing Alan's words, Alfred seemed to understand something instantly.

"Well, now we need the academy to send people to participate in the construction." Allen nodded.

"I understand. The Floating Void City of the underground ruins is about to be remodeled. I will dispatch a group of people to go there first. The rest may take some time to go." Alfred said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, when I'm ready, I will activate the teleportation array."

After discussing the details with everyone, Allen left the tower.

In the ecological garden, Lilith is preparing for the banquet tonight. Although she has worked hard many times, her level still has not passed the advanced magic cooking test. Several of Alan's maids are better than her.

After enjoying a dark meal at Lilith, Allen felt that he didn't need to eat for a few days. He really couldn't imagine that those dishes looked exquisite and beautiful, they were very delicious, and they smelled very tempting. After the food enters the mouth, it will turn into a strange taste... It's like a strawberry cake that looks like...

Three days later, the first batch of two hundred official wizards were ready, and Allen opened a portal on an empty high ground in the soul-gathering tree outside the Five Rings High Tower Academy.

Two hundred official wizards entered in turn, and as the last wizard entered the portal, Allen disappeared into the portal in a flash.

Southeastern waters, off the coast of Salt Island.

The residents of Carlin City suddenly discovered that a sea city had appeared overnight in the outer sea. Countless people discussed it, and many rumors spread quietly here for a while. Some people said that it was the Sea God's City, which contained the Sea God's artifact, and mastering it could control the sky and oceans. Others said that it was a mirage. I will never get it, and some people say that it is the lost city, the city built by the legendary pirate king, which has countless wealth...

As a seafaring nation, the residents of Calimport are also full of adventurous spirit. Although Allen had asked Earl Anthony to issue an order to prohibit ships from approaching, people are always curious, and a large number of small sampans rushed forward. As a result, Nature is nothing.

Allen cast a maze technique outside the entire city. Not to mention that ordinary people can't get close, legendary wizards can only get dizzy after entering, and can't get close to the city at all.

As a result, more and more legends about this city began to spread around. The legend of the sea city spread.

On this day, a teleportation aura came on, and more than two hundred official wizards appeared in the city.

"Wow, this city is actually built on the sea."

"Look, what a tall wizard tower!"

"Hey, there are so many mermaids here!"

A group of official wizards who have just advanced to the next level are excitedly visiting the floating city. They have admired this highest achievement of wizard civilization for a long time.

"Okay, be quiet, wizards!" Alan's figure appeared on a high platform, looking down at the crowd below.

"I know you are very curious and want to visit this city." Allen paused, and continued after seeing everyone looking over.

"This requirement is not too much, I can meet it, but before that, you need to understand the rules here."

"The reason why you came here is because the academy has made an agreement with me, in exchange, the academy will help me build the floating city.


"Originally your school has already paid your salary, but I decided to give you some benefits." Allen looked at the crowd below, the rune code farmer who was about to enter the construction site, and smiled slightly.

"I don't need to say more about the value of knowledge. As wizards, you all understand that you will get some points after completing every job here. These points can be exchanged for the knowledge you want in my wizard tower."

"Including runes, alchemy, potions, magic cooking, basic spell templates, optimized spell templates and even some meditation methods."

"As long as you have enough points, none of this is a problem!" Hearing Alan's promise, the wizard below boiled like an exploded pot. Allen watched them discuss with a smile, waited for a few minutes to see them recover their composure, and then continued.

"Your Excellency Allen, can the points be exchanged for other items?" A wizard stood up and saluted and asked.

"Yes, make an exchange list. Everything on it can be exchanged, such as golem puppets, magic gems, magic potions, and various enchanted items. I will set up a public notice board outside the wizard tower."

Looking at the many wizards who were so excited, Allen chuckled in his heart, these things are not cheap, if you want to exchange them, work hard!

"But before that, I need to tell you about my rules here."

"It is not allowed to use any offensive spells in my city, and it is not allowed to hurt people, rob, or steal."


"Everyone has a minimum work standard every day. If the minimum work standard is not completed, I will deduct points according to the missing amount. But please rest assured that as long as you don't be lazy, you can definitely complete the standard I set."

"If you violate the regulations here, points will be deducted according to the severity. If the consequences are serious, although your life will not be in danger, I will let you see the methods of the legendary wizard." Allen said in a cold voice. The bustling situation in the square was suddenly deserted, and many people immediately shivered, as if they had entered the cold winter all of a sudden.

"Of course, I will reward those who abide by the regulations, and the rewards will not let you down."

"Now you are divided into five groups by yourself. Each group chooses a team leader and two deputy team leaders, and then goes to the wizard tower to receive your respective tasks. I will rank the workload you have completed every month. For the group that ranks first, all members can get a reward once."

"Every time I complete the work, I will send someone to check it. If it is not qualified, not only will there be no points reward, but also a fine must be paid to make up for the wasted materials."

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