Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 513 Shadow Plane

Shadow Plane.

When Allen entered here through the teleportation, a gray world appeared in front of his eyes.

As Allen's figure entered the shadow plane, his whole body was stained with a gray tone. The shadow plane does not exclude other colors, but all people or objects entering the shadow plane will be grayed out. It is just that there will be a shadow-like gray on the surface.

This kind of change comes from the rules of the shadow plane. Unless some spells are used to change it, no one can resist it. The color of the shadow plane is monotonous, only white and black, and the objects that exist in the real plane, in the shadow plane The same exists, and it appears that the Shadow Plane is a shadow of the Material Plane.

Similarly, this plane also has a sun, and even rain, snow, hailstorms also exist, but the color is always gray, even the sun.



"Discovered negative energy fluctuations!...Scanned to the breath of the undead!...Scanned to the negative energy spiritual body!...Scanned to the breath of the abyss!..."

"Increased radiation intensity!..."

"Higher elemental resistance!"

Allen blessed himself with spells casually, and then began to observe the surrounding environment.

It was also the first time for Alan to enter the shadow plane, but he still knew the basic information of this plane. As soon as he entered here, he felt the breath of the abyss here.

The Shadow Plane and the Main Material Plane are inextricably linked, and many places have amazing similarities. For example, if there is a mountain here on the Main Material Plane, then there will also be a mountain here on the Shadow Plane, but There are also differences, such as the building here, it may not be exactly the same as the main material plane, but it will definitely be owned by the main material plane.

This is the projection of the material plane. For unknown reasons, a shadow plane that is highly similar to the material plane has appeared.

"Sure enough, there is a problem here."

Allen pulled a gray-green weed from the ground, inspected it and said. This grass has already been contaminated with the abyss, and the shadow plane is not. Although it is full of negative energy, it is not an abyss, and it will not have this sulfur smell and the rotten smell of the abyss.

In addition to these, a lot of fog appeared in the shadow plane, and the fog was hazy, making the already gray shadow plane even more blurred. Allen clearly sensed obvious changes in the negative energy in the fog, and some distorted shadows were wandering aimlessly.

These half-energy beings are natives of the Shadow Plane, and they have distinct soul characteristics, and many wizards believe that they are transformed by the soul.

Distorted shadows are immune to 80% of physical attacks, and some are even completely immune to them. They are born with concealment ability and can hide in the shadows. Ordinary weapons have limited damage to them. Moreover, this kind of thing belongs to the gregarious, and when it appears, it will be in groups.

"Spotting eyes!"

Allen released the reconnaissance spells casually, letting them collect information on this plane. Detective Eye is a high-level spell that can summon one or several eyes. These eyes have no entity, move fast, have their own invisibility, and have a good hiding effect. They are immune to most physical attacks and have certain resistance to spells. This spell has been improved to be more concealed.

The fog slowly drifted around, and some twisted shadows and ghosts were hiding inside. As Allen entered the fog, some ghosts and twisted shadows began to sneak up on him.


"Soul shock!"

A bright light like daytime suddenly appeared, followed by soul fluctuations sweeping past. The surrounding distorted shadows and ghosts let out a scream, and then completely dissipated in the magic aura.

'Crack! '

A soft sound came, and Allen frowned, and then looked around. There are many weird things in the shadow plane, with various strange abilities, and some things even Allen feels a headache.

There are almost no living creatures of flesh and blood on the Shadow Plane,

So the creatures here are quite rare, desolate and barren, and the life forms here are not friendly, because they are rich in negative energy, they are very aggressive, and they are closer to the lower planes in essence.

'Crunch! '

There was a slight tremor from the ground under his feet, and Allen immediately felt something in the soil.

"Under the dirt? Undead?"

With a snap of his fingers, Allen flew off the ground, then looked at the position where he was standing just now, and saw mounds like mounds raised on the ground, and a skeleton claw stretched out from the mound the next moment. Immediately afterwards, the soil flew up, and skeletons and undead emerged from it.

These undead are more than two meters tall, with thick bones and a metallic luster. Their two arms have mutated, one has turned into a sharp bone spur, and the other has turned into a hideous bone sickle. Bone spurs look hideous and terrifying.

"Bone Demon!" Seeing the shape of these skeletons and undead, Allen recognized them instantly. This is the product of the evolution of skeletons, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Seeing these undead creatures, Allen was not in a hurry to take action. Although he was not a necromancer or a necromancer, he knew a lot about the undead. You must know that the Black Book of the Undead is a complete book of black magic, and There is a Lich Mentor.

These undead creatures in front of them may be a big trouble for other wizards, but they just consume some magic power for Allen.

"Soul Rescue Dispel!"

A little golden aura erupted from Allen's hands, and the spell from the Sun Golden Sutra had a restraining effect on the undead. As the golden light spread instantly, all the bones of the undead were swept away.

'Wow! '

The impact sound of scattered bones continued to come, all the skeletons and undead were wiped out, a little bit of soul fire drifted away, and the strong negative energy around was swept away, and the ghosts hidden in the mist also avoided here far away. Even the surrounding fog was dispelled.

Seeing that there were no other discoveries around, Alan's figure disappeared in a flash. With Alan's departure, some ghosts came here again. Their goal is to know the power of death around them. A large number of undead died, and the power of death around them is strong. , is a great tonic for those ghosts.

Above a distorted shadow forest, Allen's figure suddenly appeared, and there was no fog here. According to Allen's perception, there were many life activities in the shadow forest below.

The scouting eye passed the picture over, gray light and shadow appeared in front of my eyes, and there was a group of distorted shadows entrenched inside. The distorted shadows had no intelligence, and their actions were more from instinct.

They have no fixed nest, do not need to eat, and wander around aimlessly.

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