Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 595: Floating Void City! lift off! (two)

"Self-inspection completed!"

"No abnormalities were found!"

After hearing that there was a problem with the floating city, Allen slowly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed through his eyes.

"Floating Void City! Lift off!" Allen's deep voice sounded.

Immediately after a deafening roar came, huge energy gathered over the city, and the clouds in the sky were all pushed away by the energy. A large number of dark clouds gathered in the sky outside the city. The dark clouds hung low, making people feel extremely depressed. From a distance, this area looks like the end of the world.


The whole city seemed to shake for a moment, and following Allen's order, all the floating rings were activated in an instant. Under a powerful force, Atlantis got rid of the gravity of the planet and began to separate from the ground.

"Activate [Anti-Gravity Field]!"

"The floating city is rising!"

The huge city slowly rises from the sea, and the huge wind pressure generated by the rise of the city directly blows away the surrounding waves. The floating city made of obsidian cast a huge shadow on the sea. As the floating city rose, the mechanical arms and locks below it began to retract slowly.

The energy of the Well of Eternity gushes out continuously, and then transmits to various areas of the Floating Void City along the energy channel. The obsidian that constitutes the energy channel has already emerged a faint aura, and the entire space around the Floating Void City has emerged with invisible networks.

Salt Island.

Thousands of wizards and wizard apprentices are staring at everything in front of them in shock. At this time, as the builders of the floating city, these wizards have a burst of courage and pride in their hearts: "Look, that great floating city! I am One of its builders!"

Although they already knew that what they participated in the construction of was a floating city, but when the whole city flew up, everyone was still shocked by this scene.

"God-like power!"

"This is the power of wizards!"

"See? That's the future of wizards!"

Deafening cheers sounded, and all the wizards fell into a carnival. Onyxia was shocked and speechless when she saw this kind of power for the first time. Although the other maids had seen the floating tower fly, how could the size of the floating tower be comparable to a huge city? Compare.

"Is this the master's power?" Onyxia's body was trembling, her face was flushed, and her two big blue eyes seemed to be dripping water, looking at the distant city in a daze.

"Master! It's so powerful!" Miss Biss looked at the sky adoringly. As the maid who had followed Alan for the longest time, she watched Alan rise little by little, and finally possessed such godlike power, building Such a city of miracles.

"Gods...Master is already compared to gods..." Selina and the many mermaid maids looked at the floating city in the distance with fanaticism. This god-like power filled them with awe. At this time, they were completely Serving Allen as a god is full of pride.

"Master..." Helen stared at everything in front of her in a daze, her two beautiful eyes widened.

Whether it is a wizard or an ordinary person in Carlin City, they all looked at everything in the sky with a shocked face. A strong wind rolled up in the sky, and a huge energy storm completely blew away the clouds in the sky, and the sun shone on the floating city.

Reflecting thousands of golden lights. The energy storm in the sky converged into a funnel, and the bottom of the funnel was connected to the wizard tower in the floating city.

Powerful energy entered the man-made magic net under the guidance of Alan. Along with the appearance of translucent grids, a dense network emerged in the floating city, and a transparent energy shield appeared on the surface of the floating city. Then the man-made magic net and the fan lock merged with each other, and then disappeared. From this moment on, the man-made magic net is completely integrated with the entire floating city.

Allen breathed a sigh of relief, and when he saw the successful start of the Floating Void City, his heart became full of pride for a moment. At this moment, he even had a kind of success, rushing directly into the abyss and beating the abyss evil sun, the incarnation of the will of the abyss. Decades of struggling have finally paid off, and the completion of this floating city also means that Allen can walk sideways in the multiverse.

Apart from the coming of the gods and the kingdom of gods and some ancient hatreds and ancient gods, there is nothing else that can threaten him. Originally, Allen's power level was close to that of a demigod, and after using the artifact and dragon form, he reached the limit of the demigod level. However, within the scope of this floating city, Allen's strength will be further strengthened. In this state, he You can even wrestle with weak-level gods. If it is a god who has left the Kingdom of God, Allen may even have a chance to kill him with the help of the Floating Void City.

Under the man-made magic net environment, Allen's combat power is quite amazing. Having the magic net represents his almost unlimited magic power, and it also has a great bonus effect on the casting of various spells. Even legendary spells can be treated as ordinary spells to cast.

"Taling One!"

"Digitalize the data of Floating Void City!" Allen ordered directly.

Soon, the voice of Taling No. 1 sounded: "Digitalization is complete!"

"City Name: Atlantis (changeable);

Area: 28.2743334 square kilometers;

Population: 2372 people (up to 100,000 people);

Possess one high-level wizard tower, four intermediate wizard towers, one well of eternity; one world tree; one demiplane; three ecological gardens; one man-made magic net (primary); 28 energy particle magic cannons; 1 element annihilation cannon; 1 golem factory (steel, stone); 1 ecological cycle system; several warehouses, residential areas, markets, opera houses, commercial areas...

Floating Void City Blessing Status: Constant super magic ability [Spell Enhancement], [Quick Casting], [Material Effect], [Low-Level Spell Instant], [Spell Penetration], [Spell Magic], [Material Free]; Automatic constant [high element active area]; automatic constant [fast energy recovery]; constant [forbidden magic field] (low level);

The energy of the magic net is 85 million (the energy consumed by the spell of the first ring is 10);

Mystery defense power is 120 million. "

Allen looked at the data of the Floating Void City, and he was still very satisfied, especially the energy of the magic net and the fan lock, which was several times higher than the original design. This is because the Well of Eternity provides huge energy. If the previous The energy of the element melting furnace is one-fifth of the current energy. Allen is about to laugh, and these energies are only provided by the magic net and mysia. When they are consumed, the energy of the Well of Eternity will be continuously replenished, and Increased as the Well of Eternity grew.

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