Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

11. Friendly Communication Between Poker Players

lunch break.

Yao Mu went to sleep on the rooftop alone, this is his old habit.

The former Qiu Xiaoye didn't understand, but now it seems that he was trying to avoid those ghosts in the class.

Qiu Xiaoye also went up to the rooftop and sat down beside Yao Mu.

"I can come to you today." Qiu Xiaoye smiled.

Yao Mu glanced at him and smiled rarely.

"Which card did you draw?" Yao Mu asked.

"Sword God, golden. What about you?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

"Jiuxian, Jin." Yao Mu said, "You didn't kill your sister, I saw her this morning."

Qiu Xiaoye spread his hands helplessly: "I killed, but I didn't know that ghosts have the ability to repair themselves, so I didn't burn her, so she repaired herself."

Yao Mu scratched his hair: "Twelve. The day I drew the Solo card, I killed twelve ghosts. How many ghosts did you kill yesterday?"

"There should be none." Qiu Xiaoye felt that he had failed his mission.

"However, I heard from the police that a security guard died in the office building yesterday. I vaguely felt that he might also be a ghost, but I just beheaded him, so he shouldn't die."

Qiu Xiaoye is a little confused now.

Yao Mu thought for a while: "If it's a ghost, he might have been killed by other ghosts."

"Other ghosts? Other ghosts, why kill your own people?" Qiu Xiaoye didn't understand.

Yao Mu said: "Ghosts have two levels of growth. One is to grow naturally, which is very slow. The other is to eat the brains of other ghosts and steal their power."


Qiu Xiaoye was startled, remembering those four words he vaguely heard in the office.

"No brain."

Yao Mu continued: "But eating the brains of other ghosts is strictly prohibited in the ghost clan, so only a small number of desperadoes dare to do this kind of thing that violates the "Ghost Law"."

It seems that the ghost clan is not as harmonious as Qiu Xiaoye thought.

Qiu Xiaoye looked at Yao Mu's sloppy look: "So you became what you are now, because you got the Solo card?"

Yao Mu smiled bitterly: "I never thought that my father, my grandfather, my best friend, and even the owner of the noodle restaurant where I went to eat noodles, they are all ghosts, all of them are ghosts."

Qiu Xiaoye was suddenly horrified, and a terrifying conjecture appeared in his mind.

"You killed them all?"

Yao Mu nodded: "Kill them all, because they all want to kill me. The relationship between humans and ghosts is very strange. Before that veil is lifted, they are close family members and close friends, but when that As soon as the true identity of the layer is revealed, we become sworn enemies in an instant. Against the background of the huge hostility between the human race and the ghost race, it seems that every individual has no choice."

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help but nodded. The day before yesterday, he thought he and Qiu Xiaolu were very close siblings.

But when Qiu Xiaolu learned that she had obtained the Solo card, her killing intent immediately appeared.

Qiu Xiaoye didn't know whether this killing intent came from Qiu Xiaolu's heart, or whether it was an idea instilled in her by the ghost clan since she was a child.

Qiu Xiaoye looked at Yao Mu: "So since then, you have become decadent."

"Living in the world of ghosts, what is there to be excited about?" Yao Mu looked lifeless, but soon, a ray of light flashed from his eyes: "However, there is one more thing that can cheer me up." .”

"What's the matter?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

"Let me draw a Solo card again!" Yao Mu's expression began to show murderous intent and ferocity: "I have secretly studied ghosts for a long time, let me draw a Solo card again! This time, I will kill not only twelve, but one hundred and twenty! Even twelve hundred!"

Qiu Xiaoye was a little frightened by his killing intent.

Obviously, Yao Mu has already blamed the entire ghost clan for his situation.

Now, he is eager to take revenge on the entire ghost clan.

There are probably many more people like Yao Mu.

Hatred has been bred between the two races for an unknown number of years.

There will be a decisive battle between the human race and the ghost race. At that time, Qiu Xiaoye may also need to make a choice.

"It's a pity." Yao Mu continued: "Even if I draw the Solo card again, there is only one day's time limit. If only I were a 'card collector'."

"The card holder?" Qiu Xiaoye didn't understand.

Yao Mu said: "When I owned Solo cards, an organization called 'Tibetan Cards' once came to me and gave me a website."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and opened a website.

The website address is not complicated, Qiu Xiaoye can remember it at a glance.

The website page is pitch black, with only the back of a Solo card, which is the back of a golden card.

The exquisite pattern is exactly the same as Qiu Xiaoye's sword god card.

The website has been stuck on this page.

"Why don't you log in?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

Yao Mu shook his head helplessly: "I can't get in. I'm not a member of the card holder. The condition for joining the card holder is to prove that you have the power of the Solo card through live streaming for three consecutive days."

"But isn't the Solo card only for one day?" Qiu Xiaoye said.

Yao Mu said: "The Solo card issued to you will be recovered at dusk. But if the Solo card is taken away, it cannot be recovered, which is equivalent to this card being hidden, so these unlimited possessions People who hold Solo cards are called 'card holders'."

"So that's how it is." Qiu Xiaoye pinched his chin and began to think.

According to Qiu Xiaolu, the only way to get the Solo card is to "kill" the person who owns the Solo card.

In that case, there are not only humans in the so-called "card holders" organization.

There will be ghosts!

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help sighing.

Now there are more and more mysteries in front of him.



"I'm asking for leave, I'm going to the bathroom!"

While still in class, Qiu Xiaoye raised his hand and ran out in a hurry.

He still suspected that Qiu Xiaolu had poisoned him in the meal.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why he suddenly started to have a stomachache.

Qiu Xiaoye clutched the paper and ran all the way to the toilet.

Fortunately, it was the time of class, and there was no one in the toilet, so Qiu Xiaoye could choose any seat he liked.

He rushed into a stall and was about to close the toilet door.

Suddenly, with a "swipe", a black shadow came in.

what's the situation?

Qiu Xiaoye took a closer look, the man was wearing a black jacket with a strange mask on his face.

The pattern on the mask is two triangles colliding together.

"Who are you?" Qiu Xiaoye panicked and wanted to back away.

But this toilet cubicle is too small, there is no place to retreat at all.

At this time, the man covered Qiu Xiaoye's mouth, and the strong smell of smoke entered his nose.

The man's voice was vicissitudes and hoarse: "Shh, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, give me five minutes! Soon!"

Qiu Xiaoye was about to collapse.

Why? Why do I, a man, encounter such a plot?

What era is this? Are there so many perverts?

And I am having diarrhea! Can you watch that scene later?

Five minutes?

Not even for a second!

This is about my dignity as a man!

Even if I, Qiu Xiaoye, die, I will definitely not let you, a pervert, succeed!

Thinking of this, he punched the man in the face.


The man clenched his fist tightly, making him powerless to resist.

Then the man's head moved closer, almost touching Qiu Xiaoye's ear.

As he spoke, the strong smell of smoke filled the air again.

"I'm a member of the 'Ghost Slaying Squad'."

Ghost Slaying Team?

Qiu Xiaoye finally breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he was thinking too much.

The person who follows you into the toilet may not necessarily be a pervert.

Seeing that Qiu Xiaoye no longer resisted, the man withdrew his hand.

"I know, you drew the Solo card yesterday. Our "Ghost Killing Team" is made up of humans who have drawn the Solo card. We have only one goal, to destroy the ghost race!"

While talking, the man stuffed a note into Qiu Xiaoye's hand.

"what is this?"

As Qiu Xiaoye said, he was about to open the note, but was stopped by the man.

"After you decide to join the Ghost Killing Team, open this note."

"What was written on the note?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

"An address! An address with hidden weapons! If you are willing to join the Ghost Slaying Team, you can take out your weapons and start your battle." The man's eyes hidden under the mask showed anticipation.

"How many people are there in your ghost killing team?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

"do not know."

"do not know?"

The man explained: "Our actions are a thorn in the side of the ghost clan, so for the safety of our members, we don't have any form of organization, and only rely on the logo of 'Ghost Killing Team' to connect with each other."

The man stuffed Qiu Xiaoye with an identical mask, with a pattern of two colliding triangles.

"Then at least you have to tell me who you are?" Qiu Xiaoye looked at the man suspiciously.

The man looked righteous and awe-inspiring: "It doesn't matter who I am! I can be anyone, and anyone can be me! I am you. You are also me. We have become the same identity and strive for the same goal. "

"What target?"

"Eliminate the rule of the ghost clan, and the world will belong to humans!"

The man's tone is very serious, with grand dreams.

Qiu Xiaoye's eyes became suspicious again.

"Then how can I be sure that you are not a ghost? Maybe you are a ghost and came to test me on purpose."

The man froze for a moment, apparently not expecting Qiu Xiaoye's thoughts.

After hesitating for a while, he continued: "I'm just here to invite you. Whether you join or not is up to you to choose. Whether you close your eyes and reject all the truth. Or open your eyes and face the cruel reality, it's all up to you hands."

"I'll think about it, but can you go out first?" Qiu Xiaoye held his stomach and showed a painful expression.

"If you don't go out, I will come out!"

Just as he said this, he heard footsteps outside.

A chemistry teacher entered the toilet just in time to hear Qiu Xiaoye's words.

Then he glanced over at the sound.

From the gap under the board, he saw four feet.

A men's toilet cubicle, two people, four legs?

"If you don't go out, I will come out?"

A strange associative picture appeared in the chemistry teacher's mind.

Then sighed and shook his head.

"Young people nowadays, really, are too indulgent."

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