Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

13. With A Gun In Hand, You Can Have Everything You Want

To go or not to go, that is the question.

Qiu Xiaoye looked at the address on the note in his hand and fell into deep thought.

This group of ghosts and Wang Ancheng are bound to have a big battle today.

It's okay if you don't know.

But once he found out, Qiu Xiaoye's heart began to itch.

He didn't say that he had to kill ghosts, or help Wang Ancheng, he wasn't that kind.

But he just wanted to blend in.

That's his character.

Yao Mu's character is to shrink back to the corner, not caring about anything, and let him flood the sky.

And Qiu Xiaoye just wanted to get involved in everything, even if it was just being a melon-eating crowd.

The worst feeling in the world is when you know something is going on but don't know what is going on.

But if they really wanted to get involved, the current Qiu Xiaoye was just an ordinary person.

If there is trouble, there is no way to fight back.

Therefore, it was his only choice to get the weapon of the "Ghost Slaying Squad".

But Qiu Xiaoye was only worried about one thing.

The man who came to find him was not a human being, but a ghost.

Then this so-called weapon is actually a well-designed trap waiting for him to fall into it.

Once he went to get the weapon, he might be silenced by the ghost clan.

Qiu Xiaoye struggled for a long time, and finally decided:

go get it!

If he didn't go to find out, this unclear feeling was like a bug burrowing into his heart.

Itchy and numb, unbearable.

And I am an ordinary person, there is no reason to be framed by ghosts.



At lunch time, everyone crowded into the cafeteria.

The back door of the cafeteria was empty instead, and no one passed by.

Qiu Xiaoye walked towards the back door while no one was paying attention.

It seems to be a bad boy who wants to smoke secretly.

When we reached the back door, we saw the fire box embedded in the wall.

He looked around and saw that there was no one there, so he opened the door of the box.

Inside are fire sprinklers and circles of water pipes, nothing special, and no weapons.


Qiu Xiaoye was suspicious, and was about to close the door of the fire box.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a symbol drawn on a brick in the box.

That symbol is so familiar.

Two triangles colliding together!

The symbol of the Ghost Slaying Squad!

Qiu Xiaoye's heart began to beat "thump-thump-thump".

His lips were dry, and he licked them unconsciously.

He reached out and touched the brick.

Sure enough, it was loose!

With a light lift, Qiu Xiaoye took off the brick, revealing an oiled paper package.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded, as if someone was coming!

Qiu Xiaoye didn't have time to think about it, and immediately took out the oiled paper package and put it in his arms, stuffed the brick back, and then closed the door of the fire hydrant.

A young Aunt came out of the back door with a vegetable bowl.

She just glanced at Qiu Xiaoye, didn't say anything, turned her head and went to work.

Qiu Xiaoye hurried to the toilet with the package in his arms.

Entered a cubicle.

He looked up to make sure no one was poking his head out to peek, so he carefully opened the package.

Inside was a small black pistol.

Comes with scope and silencer.

There is also a box of ammunition with sixty bullets.


Qiu Xiaoye's hands couldn't help shaking.

It's not the first time he touches a gun. When he was a child, his father Qiu Yuan took him to the shooting range to play.

But as an ordinary person, he is not qualified to hold a gun. If he holds this thing in his hand, if he is found, he will be arrested!

But if you hand it over, you will get into trouble.

Qiu Xiaoye still decided to hold it in his hand, maybe he could defend himself.

After all, the world is full of ghosts, which is really too dangerous.

Qiu Xiaoye rewrapped the pistol and bullets and put them in his arms before going back to class.



Into the class.

Many people have already started to sleep on their stomachs at the table.

Qiu Xiaoye found out that Wang Ancheng was not there, and went to see those ghosts, but they were not there!

A bad feeling appeared in his heart.

He hurried to Yao Mu's side: "Old Yao, where is Wang Ancheng, and how many other ghosts are there?"

Yao Mu scratched his hair: "Wang Ancheng gave the middle fingers to those ghosts, and then left the classroom. Those ghosts followed him out, so they probably went to find a place to duel."


Qiu Xiaoye felt that Wang Ancheng was trying to die.

"Old Yao, why didn't you stop him? Now that his identity has been exposed, there must be more than ghosts in our class who want to trouble him."

Yao Mu lazily said, "None of my business." He buried his head in bed.

Qiu Xiaoye hurried to the corridor, circled around several times, and finally saw Wang Ancheng.

Wang Ancheng walked triumphantly by himself, towards the direction of the small auditorium.

And behind,

The six ghosts in my class followed from afar,

Not only these six, as they walked, other people gradually joined the team.

I guess they are all ghosts!

Counting, there are already more than twenty.

It seemed that Wang Ancheng deliberately led these ghosts to a duel in the auditorium.

As a blending expert, Qiu Xiaoye certainly can't just look at it like this.

He quickly ran down the stairs, and ran towards the small auditorium from the back of the office building.

Although it took some detours, Wang Ancheng and the others walked over, and he ran over, so he should be able to catch up with them.

You must not go through the main entrance, otherwise you will run into those people.

When I came to the back door of the small auditorium, there was a big iron lock on the door.

But this is not a problem for Qiu Xiaoye.

He drew his gun, pulled the safety, and shot at the iron lock.

"call out!"

There is a muffler and the sound is very small.

But the slight recoil shocked him.

And it still hasn't hit!

"call out!"

"call out!"

Two more shots were fired before the iron lock was finally broken, and Qiu Xiaoye opened the back door and slipped in.

Then he trotted all the way to the viewing seats on the second floor, and hid quietly behind a curtain.

The first floor below is the small auditorium.

Rows of audience seats, the front is a stage.

On the stage, there are still banners and slogans from last week's fire safety lecture.

"Safety and fire prevention are everyone's responsibility."

Usually drama performances or festival parties are held in the small auditorium.

It's noon now, of course there's no one there.

Soon, the door was kicked open.

Wang Ancheng walked in with his head held high and his face proud.

As soon as he flipped his hand, a large stack of playing cards appeared in his hand, estimated to be seven or eight decks thick.

Then he took out a bottle of liquid from his pocket and poured it on the playing cards.

While pouring the cards, he walked forward quickly, and then jumped up onto the stage.

At this time, those ghosts gradually came in.

one by one.

Behind the curtain, Qiu Xiaoye shrank subconsciously, for fear of being discovered by ghosts.

A total of more than 30 people followed, and they should all be ghosts.

The Mediterranean teacher who was walking at the end turned around and closed the door of the small auditorium.

The whole small auditorium suddenly fell into silence.

In a strange atmosphere.

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