Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

19. In The Prime Of Life, Read A Bird Book

in the living room.

The old father was completely at a loss for the sudden change.

He looked at his son in horror, his eyes widening.

The eyes are extremely complicated,

Confused, shocked, frightened, puzzled, dazed.

Countless emotions are intertwined, forming an extremely complicated look.

And that son, without any pity or hesitation on his face,

He didn't hide his greedy expression at all, the urgency from the bottom of his heart made his whole body tremble.


There was a "click".

The father's neck was twisted by the tentacles.

Immediately afterwards, the mouths on those tentacles bit the father's body bit by bit.

Blood spattered out again and again.

The tentacles splashed red.

As the mouth on the tentacles gnawed piece by piece, the son's face showed satisfaction after being full.

The two eyeballs rolled up involuntarily.

But at this moment.

There was a sound of "whoosh".

A bullet precisely passed through his head.

The sudden attack made him fall straight to the ground with his eyes wide open, completely ignorant of what happened.

outside the window.

The man beside Qiu Xiaoye raised a pistol.

There were still bursts of blue smoke from the muzzle of the gun.



Qiu Xiaoye and the man had already climbed over the window and entered the living room.

on the ground.

A pool of blood.

A father and son, a man and a ghost, just fell in a pool of blood.

Both of them stared wide-eyed.

It's just that there is panic in one person's eyes.

In a person's eyes, it is greed.

Qiu Xiaoye felt her eye sockets wet, and couldn't bear to look at the miserable situation on the ground any longer.

"Why? Why did you stop me from shooting? If he had been killed earlier, this uncle would not have died!" Qiu Xiaoye asked the man puzzled.

But the man held up his mask, looking calm and breezy.

"My own son wants to kill himself. If he lives, he will only suffer more, and even commit suicide in pain."

As he spoke, the man skillfully took out a bottle of gasoline and poured it on the two corpses.

Then he struck a match and threw it.


Flames flared up, destroying the two bodies, erasing any evidence of their existence in this world.

The scorching flames shone on Qiu Xiaoye's face.

Under the firelight, his face looked dazed like never before.

"Why?" Qiu Xiaoye asked in a deep and calm voice.

"Why did he kill his father? His father didn't have a Solo card. His father was just an ordinary person."

The man said flatly, "Because his father is old."

"Old?" Qiu Xiaoye was puzzled.

The man explained: "According to the "Ghost Law", ghosts are not allowed to kill ordinary humans, unless the human life span reaches fifty years."


"Because humans over the age of 50 have neither reproductive value nor labor value, they are useless to the ghost race. And ghosts can eat humans and take their remaining lives."

"That is to say." Qiu Xiaoye suddenly had a bold guess: "In this society, people over the age of fifty are basically ghosts?"

The man nodded: "That's right, once a human being reaches the age of fifty, even if the ghosts among his relatives don't eat him, other ghosts will do it."

At this moment, Qiu Xiaoye finally understood that sentence.

In the eyes of the ghost clan, human beings are just playthings, just raised mice.

The ghost clan will do their best to squeeze all the value of human beings, until the human beings reach the age of fifty, and then cruelly eat their bodies!

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help clenching his fist.

Under the firelight, the young face began to gradually become resolute, and in a pair of bright pupils, anger and hatred gushed out.

He gritted his teeth and said without regret:

"Starting today, I will join the Ghost Slaying Team!"

Qiu Xiaoye took out the mask from his bosom and covered his face.

His face concealed by the mask.

There are only two colliding triangles, which are extremely dazzling under the firelight.



"I want to quit school!"

In the happy hut, Qiu Xiaoye said to his father Qiu Yuan with a guilty conscience.

After thinking about it all night, he decided to join the Ghost Slaying Squad, and began to fight against the powerful ghost clan for the sake of human beings.

Otherwise, father, and myself, once we reach the age of fifty, will become the food of ghosts.

Somewhere, Qiu Xiaoye realized that it might be Qiu Xiaolu who would eat her and her father.

But Qiu Xiaoye's mind has been trying to avoid it, unwilling to touch this answer that will undoubtedly cause him great pain.

But as a member of the Ghost Slaying Squad, when he watched that father's body burning in the fire last night,

His faith was already unbreakable.

But if he had to go to class, obviously he couldn't complete the mission of the Ghost Slaying Team.

Therefore, dropping out of school became his best choice.

I just don't know if this request can be accepted by my father.

Qiu Yuan sat on the recliner, still watching the TV, which was a live broadcast of mahjong.

Hearing Qiu Xiaoye's words, Qiu Yuan wasn't shocked at all, but just said lightly, "Okay."


Qiu Xiaoye didn't expect her father to agree so readily.

"Father, don't you object?"

"Why do you object?" Qiu Yuan held his nose, "If you drop out, I can still save a lot of tuition fees, how great it is."


Qiu Xiaoye was really helpless. In order to save tuition fees, this old man was enough.

"Then what have you decided to do? Don't ask me for pocket money. If you drop out of school, I won't care about you." Qiu Yuan was not polite.

Having said that, Qiu Xiaoye hurriedly dragged a small bench and sat beside Qiu Yuan.

Mysteriously said: "Father, I thought about it. It is impossible to work part-time. How about I come to your shop to help."

"In my store?" Qiu Yuan looked puzzled: "My store is only this big, if you come, won't my income be halved? No, no!"

Qiu Xiaoye continued to explain: "I mean, if the two of us make this 'Happy House' together, we can expand our business!"

"Expand business?" Akihara scratched his thinning hair: "How to expand?"

"Look, when you open this happy hut, you can only face customers who come to your door. Why don't we open online ordering, so that those who are embarrassed to come to the store to buy, and those who are very anxious to use, we can pick them up order, and then I will send it to him by bike. In this way, the business scope of our adult products store can expand to the whole city, and even become bigger and stronger! Open branches in other cities! In the end, it’s okay Carry out two rounds of financing, go public directly, and then acquire other adult products stores! At that time, you will be the chairman of the group! I will be the general manager of the group!"

Qiu Xiaoye had a lot of bragging, boasting, saying that the sky was full of hype, and the ground was full of golden lotus.

Qiuyuan also became more excited as he listened: "Damn, you told me that your blood is up! That's fine! You can help me deliver the goods, but you can get the battery car for your delivery by yourself, I have no money .”

"You're enough!" Qiu Xiaoye was really helpless: "Can you be so picky when facing your son? Okay, isn't it just the money for a battery car, easy."

"Hahahaha." Qiuyuan began to pat his stomach and laugh out loud, wondering what he was thinking about: "I never thought that I would have a chance to become a rich generation in my forties! You came to work in my shop , it can be regarded as inheriting the father's career!"

Seeing his father's exaggerated appearance, Qiu Xiaoye could only sigh.

Since ancient times, Qiu Xiaoye is probably the first one who has inherited his father's business and sold adult products.

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