"The real battle is just beginning now!" Qiu Xiaoye's determination to win was also aroused by Lu Tian's crazy attack.

The corner of his mouth turned up, and suddenly, a clone jumped out of his body, flashed out from the side, followed by a swing of the long knife in the clone's hand, and slashed down towards Lu Tian's body.

Lu Tian originally attacked Qiu Xiaoye with two sabers, but now seeing Qiu Xiaoye transforming into a clone, he immediately drew back his arm saber and blocked the clone's attack with a clang.

"That's right." Lu Tian laughed hoarsely: "This is called fighting, come on, let me see your true strength!"

Then, two Qiu Xiaoye flanked Lu Tian, ​​one from the left and the other from the right, and at the same time brandished their big knives, and slashed at his body.

But Lu Tian wouldn't be frightened by this scene, the two arm knives stopped the "Dang Dang" twice, one on the left and the other on the right, and blocked the two big knives back.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up, unexpectedly under such a pincer attack, he could still use the gap to attack Qiu Xiaoye.

Qiu Xiaoye didn't expect Lu Tian's reaction to be so fast, so he had to start to defend again.

But Lu Tian's fighting style is to constantly use his own speed to attack and attack again. In Lu Tian's concept, the so-called defense is to create opportunities for the enemy to break through the defense.

Only by attacking can the enemy truly be unable to deal with it.

Lu Tian brandished two long knives, and slashed at one Qiu Xiaoye. After that Qiu Xiaoye slashed, there were two "dang, clang", Lu Tian turned around immediately, and attacked Qiu Xiaoye on the other side. Soon, his body has turned into an afterimage.

But under his fierce attack from left to right, the two Qiu Xiaoye were still at a disadvantage. After all, the speed of the sword was not as light as Lu Tian's arm sword, so he could only defend passively.

The two arm sabers and the two long knives collided and splashed countless fireworks, and Lu Tian was completely intoxicated in the joy of fighting in the midst of the fireworks. He hadn't swung the long sabers so recklessly for a long time. .

"Is that all? Is that all?" Lu Tian shouted, hoping for a smoother battle.

Qiu Xiaoye's fighting spirit was also aroused, and he shouted: "That's all, is that still me, Qiu Xiaoye?"

After finishing speaking, with a sound of "唰", another clone jumped out, three Qiu Xiaoye, surrounded Lu Tian in a triangle shape, and engaged in a fierce battle.

At this moment, the top of the train in the heavy snow seems to have turned into the legendary Hulao Pass, but the difference is that this Hulao Pass has three "Guan Yu" at the same time!

Three long knives cut towards Lu Tian at the same time, which finally made Lu Tian The advantage of heaven is gradually lost.

Lu Tian is now like a spinning top, spinning crazily among the three Qiu Xiaoye, the two arm knives quickly and repeatedly blocked the attacks of the three long knives. Cold sweat, the sound of the wind being cut by three long knives screamed in his ears.

He couldn't remember the last time such a fierce battle was.

"Hahahaha, that's right!" Lu Tian laughed loudly: "This is called fighting! As expected of you, Qiu Xiaoye! This kind of attack, ghosts below level 90, can't be your opponent at all! It's amazing! !amazing!"

However, Qiu Xiaoye did not feel complacent about this boast, but said with a smile: "Where is this? You haven't seen the real power yet!"

While speaking, Qiu Xiaoye summoned another avatar with a "swish".

This time, four people brandished long knives, surrounded Lu Tian and strangled him.

Lu Tian could handle the three long knives, but as soon as the fourth long knives appeared, Lu Tian suddenly lost his strength. His two arm knives could no longer handle Qiu Xiaoye's four long knives. Even though his speed was so fast that even he couldn't distinguish it clearly, the jingling sounds of the knives colliding with each other.

But every few dozens of attacks, he would miss a slash, and the sharp long knife swung down against his body.

In order to deal with Qiu Xiaoye, all the strength in his body was mobilized, and even the muscles on his body began to change, and ugly limbs stretched out.

You know, for an advanced ghost like him, basically the power he uses can be completely controlled, so there will be no ugly mutations, but now, when he wants to mobilize the power of his whole body, he still can't really control it. up.

Until now, Lu Tiancai understood Qiu Xiaoye's horror.

These are just four clones, if Qiu Xiaoye continues to summon clones, five! six! seven!

Then I can't be the opponent at all!

Although Qiu Xiaoye's attack speed was not as fast as his own, he couldn't stand up to others. He alone could form a small team.

If you continue to fight, there is only one way to lose.

So Lu Tian yelled flatly: "That's it! Click until the end, I admit defeat!"

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