Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

25. The Corridor Of Silence, The Choice Of Life And Death

"Boy, you seem to be causing trouble."

Hearing these words, Qiu Xiaoye shrugged helplessly.

"That homeless man has a mobile phone. I really didn't think of it."

The man asked: "Why don't you wait for that ghost to kill the tramp before you do it?"

"I can't do it." Qiu Xiaoye said bluntly: "I joined the Ghost Killing Squad to save human beings. You let me watch a human being killed by ghosts. I can't do it."

The man didn't blame too much, but just smiled: "A long time ago, I thought the same as you, but later I discovered that sometimes in order to achieve our goals, we have to learn to be cruel."

"I hope I didn't learn it so quickly." Qiu Xiaoye said feelingly, "By the way, what are you looking for me tonight? Is there any urgent task?"

The man shook his head: "I just came to remind you, pay attention to safety, if you get into trouble, you can consider stopping it for a while."

"No need." Qiu Xiaoye waved his hand: "I'm not that timid, but my mask was exposed in the news, should we change the symbol of 'Ghost Killing Team'?"

"No, the Ghost Clan has long known about the existence of the Ghost Killing Squad. Moreover, the fact that this mask is widely known is not a bad thing."

"What do you mean?" Qiu Xiaoye was puzzled.

The man said: "One day, humans and ghosts will usher in an all-out struggle. When that day comes, all humans will wear this mask."

"This mask does not belong to the Ghost Killing Team, but to all mankind!"

The man said solemnly, his tone full of ambition.

"Okay, since I'm fine, I'll go first, and I have to deliver the goods." Qiu Xiaoye said, and was about to turn the accelerator.

"Wait a minute." The man suddenly remembered something.

"What's up?"

The man touched his pocket and took out a note: "Give me a box of ultra-thin."

"Hi! What am I supposed to do!" With a big wave of his hand, Qiu Xiaoye opened the trunk, took out a box of covers and handed them over: "We are all fighting for human beings! This box of covers is my favor."

"No!" The man flatly refused.

"A real man, never play paid guns! Never use free ones!"



After picking up the goods from Dad, Qiu Xiaoye went straight to the delivery location.

It is an old-fashioned apartment, the elevator is very dilapidated, and there is not even monitoring.

As soon as it moved, it creaked and creaked, Qiu Xiaoye was afraid that it would get stuck in the middle of the road.

After getting out of the elevator, there is a long corridor, very cold and silent.

There are closed doors on both sides.

The incandescent lamp above the head flickers on and off, making it an excellent scene for shooting ghost movies.

Soon, they arrived at Room 404, and Qiu Xiaoye knocked on the door.

"Hello, happy delivery!"

The door opened, and a fair-looking man, wearing a bathrobe, showed his head.

As soon as he saw Qiu Xiaoye, the man's eyes lit up.

"Hey, I didn't expect the delivery boy to be so young and so handsome!"

Qiu Xiaoye was not polite: "Of course, I was also a handsome guy at the school grass level back then."

With that said, he handed over a large package of things.

"This is your stuff, let's check it out."

The man raised his orchid fingers, took over the big paper bag, and said with a smile, "Oh, order something, I trust you."

Said, and winked at Qiu Xiaoye.

"Then I'll go first, I wish you a happy use, and welcome to 'Happy Cabin' again."

Just as Qiu Xiaoye was about to leave, the man stopped him.

"Little big brother, wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Qiu Xiaoye turned around.

The man showed a meaningful smile: "Little big brother, why don't you play with us."


"Is this... so polite?" Qiu Xiaoye was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this kind of plot really happened to me!

The small video is not to be deceived!

In this case, as a service person, of course, it is better to be respectful than obedient.

The corner of Qiu Xiaoye's mouth gradually turned into a strange smile.

However, at this moment, another person's head popped out from the crack of the door.

Another man!

A big beard! There are plump muscles!

The bearded man looked at Qiu Xiaoye greedily, and said with a smile, "Yes, little big brother, come and play with us!"

Qiu Xiaoye got goosebumps from being stared at by the bearded man.

Something is not right.

Fortunately, I didn't agree rashly just now, otherwise my innocence in my life would be lost!

Qiu Xiaoye hurriedly said: "Well, although you have kindly invited me, I'm working now! Well, I will definitely do it next time! I will definitely do it next time!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly turned his head and ran away in a hurry.

There was a disappointed sigh from the two men behind them, and they closed the door.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Qiu Xiaoye breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world.

I thought that the man invited me to go in and play.

It turned out that they wanted me to go in and play with me!

The rivers and lakes are really too sinister!

Qiu Xiaoye took the elevator back to the first floor and ran out in a panic.

I was afraid that if I stayed in this building, what would I do if those two men chased me down.

But walking too hastily, he accidentally bumped into a man.

"I'm sorry." Qiu Xiaoye quickly apologized.

The man was in his forties, dragging a suitcase, as if he had returned from afar.

"It's okay, it's okay." The man was very generous.

Qiu Xiaoye looked up at him, ready to express his thanks.

But suddenly, I saw a line of white characters on the man's head.

[Needle Ghost: Level 36]

This man is a ghost!

The needle-mansled ghost didn't notice Qiu Xiaoye's abnormality, and continued to drag the box along this quiet and dim corridor.

But listening to the man's footsteps, and the sound of the rollers of the suitcase sliding on the ground.

Qiu Xiaoye was caught in a tangle.

He is a ghost!

Then, do you want to kill him?

There is no monitoring here, nor anyone else,

As long as you kill him quickly, you can hide without anyone noticing!

As a member of the Ghost Slaying Squad, it was my mission to kill him.

But in this situation, Qiu Xiaoye suddenly attacked the needle-mansled ghost from behind, but he suddenly couldn't do it.

Qiu Xiaoye was not cruel enough.

He's not a psycho killer after all.

He needs a reason.

So, after a little thought, Qiu Xiaoye ran to a corner, opened the jacket, and changed into a black robe.

Then he put on the mask of the Ghost Slayer Team and returned to the corridor.

The needle-glowed ghost was still dragging the box along the corridor.

He didn't realize the danger from behind at all.


Qiu Xiaoye shouted.

The man turned his head and was taken aback by the guy in black robe in front of him.

But he soon calmed down.

There was even a smile on his face.

"Are you that perverted murderer? But unfortunately, you found the wrong partner."

Qiu Xiaoye didn't answer, but stared at him coldly, and said word by word:

"I have a Solo card on me."

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