Qiu Xiaoye stood in a pool of blood, at a loss.

He has lived for more than ten years and spent countless mornings.

But this morning is undoubtedly the most exciting!

He killed his own sister with his own hands!

But how could my sister be a ghost?

If she has always been a ghost, then why didn't she find out before.

And if she is a mutated ghost, when did she mutate?

Just when Qiu Xiaoye was thinking wildly.

Someone outside the door suddenly called him: "Qiu Ye, let's go, we're going to class!"

It was the voice of his buddy Li Boping.

He has always called Qiu Xiaoye Qiuye.

In this case, still go to class? Should we dispose of the body?

But if you don't go to class, others can fool you. According to Li Boping's personality, he will definitely break in.

"Hey! Are you at home! Don't leave me alone and run away!"

Li Boping's voice was getting closer and closer, and he probably walked into the small courtyard outside.

If this guy discovers this scene, he will be doomed.

Let's dispose of the corpse at night!

Qiu Xiaoye hurriedly shouted: "You wait, I'll come out right away! You wait outside!"

Qiu Xiaoye hurried upstairs, turned on the shower, and rinsed himself.

Fortunately, the blood on his body was not dry, and it fell off as soon as he rushed.

Ten minutes later, he put on clean clothes and hurried out the door.

Li Boping is tall and strong, seeing Qiu Xiaoye's anxious look, he smiled and said: "You must have overslept again, kid! Did you do something last night that caused you to lack energy?"

Looks cheap.

Qiu Xiaoye cursed: "Fuck you, you think I'm you, hurry up, or you'll be late!"

Two people hit the road.

Li Boping continued: "Qiuye, your dad recommended me a new cup a few days ago, I'll fuck it! The touch, the texture, it's so realistic!"

Qiu Xiaoye was too lazy to talk nonsense, and gave him a blank look: "Have you ever met the real one?"

"Isn't that how I feel?" Li Boping scratched his head, went to Qiu Xiaoye's house, looked at the second floor, and asked:

"Qiu Ye, where's your sister, doesn't she usually go out with us?"

Li Boping has always been secretly in love with Qiu Xiaolu.

A wicked heart never dies.

But Qiu Xiaoye couldn't tell the truth, could he say: "My sister was killed by me."

I had to perfunctory: "She is not feeling well today, I will help her ask for leave."

"Uncomfortable? What's wrong?" Li Boping felt distressed when he thought of Qiu Xiaolu's suffering.

"Girls, there are always a few days in a month." Qiu Xiaoye continued to perfunctory.

Suddenly, Li Boping saw the teeth marks on his face.

"Hey, Qiuye, who bit the teeth marks on your face?"


"Hey, you're lying!" Li Boping seemed to have seen the truth:

"Sister Xiaolu must have bitten her! Such a cute little girl, her mouth must be delicious, and her face must be itchy! It's like a massage."

Li Boping had already begun to fantasize, with an idiotic look on his face.

Qiu Xiaoye was speechless.

Fragrant, her own mouth is indeed very fragrant, but those mutated mouths are all stinky!

It's not like a massage, this kid doesn't know how painful Qiu Xiaolu's bite is, but she really came here to eat people!

If Li Boping had seen Qiu Xiaolu's ghoul appearance, he wondered if he would be able to do so.

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't stand Li Boping's paranoia.

His eyes swept to the side of the street.

However, at this glance, Qiu Xiaoye was frightened and shivered all over.

Qiu Xiaoye has walked this small street for more than ten years.

It is already extremely familiar.

Those stalls selling pancakes and wontons,

There are also the bosses of stationery stores, canteens, tobacco and alcohol shops, he is very familiar with them, like family members.

But now, from his perspective, those familiar people include strangers walking one by one.

Almost one tenth of them have a line of white letters on their heads.

[Fire Ghost: Level 19]

[Piercing Ghost: Level 32]

[Ghoul: Level 27]

[Sour Rot Ghost: Level 40]



Qiu Xiaoye felt a chill in his heart.

These guys are all ghosts, right?

Many adults still watch themselves grow up!

Are they all ghosts? Are there so many ghosts in this world?

And those "ghosts" with white letters on their heads, almost all of them, were looking at themselves with weird eyes.

Qiu Xiaoye had seen that look before!

Those are Qiu Xiaolu's eyes!

Danger! fear! asphyxia!

Qiu Xiaoye felt that his world view had collapsed.

His whole body trembled, not knowing how to accept everything in front of him.

It seems that I am now in a huge vortex.

"Why are you shivering?" Li Boping asked.

Qiu Xiaoye looked at the top of Li Boping's head, and then let out a long breath of relief.

Fortunately, Li Boping is not a ghost.

But, couldn't Li Boping see the writing on those people's heads?

Qiu Xiaoye asked: "Li Boping, look at that wonton seller, what's on his head?"

It was a 40-year-old uncle, and the words on his head showed:

[Scalding Ghost: Level 23]

"On his head?" Li Boping took a look, "There's a white hat!"

It seemed that Li Boping couldn't see those words.

"Ah! I understand!" Li Boping shouted suddenly, startling Qiu Xiaoye.

"What do you understand?" Qiu Xiaoye was confused.

Li Boping suddenly approached Qiu Xiaoye mysteriously: "Are you trying to hint me something?"

"Hint what?"

Li Boping smiled: "The uncle who sells wontons, the wonton skin is green spinach-flavored dough, and you let me pay attention to the white chef's hat on his head, green, plus the hat, you are trying to imply to me that this uncle is wearing Cuckold!"


Qiu Xiaoye rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes to the sky.

Isn't this guy's associative ability too rich?

Li Boping was already immersed in his own reasoning: "Qiuye, did you find something? Hurry up and tell me! We are buddies, of course we should share such a good thing!"

Qiu Xiaoye was thinking about how to get Li Boping away.

Suddenly a grandma jumped in front of the two of them.

This grandma Qiu Xiaoye knew and called her Grandma Li. She used to sell local eggs on this street, but now she no longer sells them.

When she was a child, she often bought candy for Qiu Xiaoye.

Grandma Li is seventy years old, her body is bent, and her face is full of wrinkles.

Kind smile.

But from Qiu Xiaoye's point of view, she is not kind at all now!

Instead, it makes people feel scared.

Because there is also a line of white words on her head:

【Ghost: Level 49】

Yan... Yan ghost?

Is it suitable for such a seventy-year-old Obasan to be a pornographic ghost?

Is there something wrong with your own conditions and occupation?

However, Grandma Li suddenly winked at Qiu Xiaoye.

"Xiaoye, remember to come back early at night, grandma will always be waiting for you."

When Grandma Li was talking, Qiu Xiaoye suddenly felt that the air was full of pink bubbles!

For a moment, his eyes began to blur!

Although this old lady is a little older, but for some reason, she feels that she has a special charm!


She is a ghost!

It's a ghost!

Qiu Xiaoye's rationality woke him up.

Immediately afterwards, my heart was overwhelmed,

Putting the fear aside, the nausea alone is unbearable!

A seventy-year-old Obasan was winking at him!

I'm actually a little bit excited!

This... this is simply a disgrace.

Fortunately, this flamboyant ghost is the seventy-year-old Obasan. If she was thirty-year-old, a big sister with a red dress and bumps, she would have been tricked!

Qiu Xiaoye didn't want to talk to Grandma Li, and hurriedly dragged Li Boping forward.

Li Boping also looked puzzled: "Hey, Qiuye, why did I suddenly feel that Grandma Li is interested in you?"

"Interesting for you!" Qiu Xiaoye yelled, "If you don't dislike you, go!"

"No way!" Li Boping quickly shook his head, "I don't have that kind of habit!"

Running all the way, pedestrians coming and going, shops, cyclists,

Almost a tenth of them are ghosts!

The further he walked, Qiu Xiaoye felt that there were more ghosts in this world.

The fear in my heart added another layer.

What kind of world does he live in!

Just when he was flustered.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

He took out his phone and looked at the caller ID on it.

Qiu Xiaoye's heart suddenly turned cold.

The scalp starts to tingle.

I can't press the answer button for a long time.

Because the name on the caller ID says—

Autumn Fawn!

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