Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

53. Double Reed Performance, Officially Started

As soon as Yao Mu turned the front of the car, he drove towards Qiu Xiaoye's position.

There is a stairwell, there is no monitoring, it is still safe.

As soon as he entered the stairwell, four or five ghosts rushed over from behind, wanting to pursue him further.

At this time, Yuge seemed to have the intuition of the battlefield, without even looking back, he swung the long knife backhand,

Cut all four ghosts into two pieces.

Yao Mu stopped the car and asked, "How did you get up here?"

In front of Yu Ge, of course he couldn't reveal Qiu Xiaoye's name.

Qiu Xiaoye said: "I took the box elevator up, and it's direct, unlike you, who have to climb layer by layer."

"Oops! I forgot! If you can come up, wouldn't those ghosts be able to come up too?" Yao Mu exclaimed in disbelief.

Qiu Xiaoye smiled and said, "Don't worry, I burned the elevator after I got on it."

The word "burn" triggered Yao Mu's news memory.

"You are the butcher who burned the body on the news, and the group of arsonists below are your accomplices?" Yao Mu asked.

Qiu Xiaoye explained: "We are not some 'burning corpse butchers', we are the Ghost Slaying Team, which specializes in killing ghosts, but the Ghost Slaying Team was founded after you got the Solo card."

According to Captain Ye's description, he came to Feng City to recruit his subordinates only ten months ago after accepting the order from his superior in the 23rd District of the Ghost Slayer Team.

Qiu Xiaoye looked at Yuge again, and asked, "Are you the owner of the [Cavalry] card?"

Knowing that Qiu Xiaoye is a human being, Yu Ge is not particularly nervous, but these days, the notoriety of "burning corpse butcher" has spread in Feng City, so she is still a little scared,

He leaned closer to Yao Mu's broad back, and then began to say:

"I slept soundly this morning, and suddenly I heard a woman talking about shuffling and drawing cards."

"Then I saw a card, a purple card, with a general drawn on it, holding a big knife, called cavalry."

"Last night, I went to work until late to sleep, and I was woken up by her, and I got up very annoyed. But when I woke up, I saw my roommate Ali and Nanna have words on their heads, one of them wrote Bloat ghost, one with vampire written on it."

"I was curious, so I asked them what was going on, but their eyes suddenly changed, as if they were going to kill me, and then Ali's body became very big, and many fine hairs grew on her body. Tube, come flying over to insert me."

"As soon as I was scared, I reached out and took out the knife. When I hit the knife, I hacked my daughter to death. Then I went to see Ali. Ali seemed to be afraid of being hacked to death by me, so she ran away."

"I quickly put on my clothes and went downstairs, only to find that there were ghost characters written on their heads everywhere, so I had to call the police and let them come to rescue me. I have been waiting for them in the square."

Qiu Xiaoye was almost impatient with the long series of ramblings.

"Okay, okay, sister, don't talk, what do I ask, what do you answer, okay?"

Yu Ge nodded blankly: "Well, good."

Qiu Xiaoye asked: "Your [Cavalry] card ability is only this knife?"

Yu Ge shook his head: "No, I still have a horse."

"Then why don't you ride?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

Yu Ge said very worriedly: "I... I dare not, I have never ridden a horse, what if I fall off the horse?"

Qiu Xiaoye was also speechless.

This kind of timid girl, even if she has a Solo card, she can't achieve any big things.

Just when they were discussing.

A few more ghosts rushed out towards this side.

Fortunately, the level is not too high.

Yao Mu saw the ghost, turned over and got off the motorcycle,

As soon as Yuge lost Yao Mu's back, he immediately began to panic and asked, "Yao Mu, where are you going? Don't go! Don't leave me!"

"I'm not going anywhere, can you stop pushing me?" Yao Mu was really helpless, how did he meet such a pestering guy.

Yao Mu looked at the ghost rushing towards the stairwell, and said to Qiu Xiaoye, "Do you know the double spring?"

Double reed.

A form of expression for two persons.

One person moves in front, and the other hides behind and makes a sound.

Qiu Xiaoye immediately understood Yao Mu's meaning: "You bastard, are you really going to die for me?"

Yao Mu gave a rare smile: "As a human being, this is my duty. The current Qing Shui must still be watching me. That guy is very scheming, and he must be completely trusted."

After speaking, Yao Mu walked out and appeared under the surveillance video of the shopping mall outside, with half of his body exposed.

Immediately afterwards, with a flip of his right hand, a poker card flew out fiercely.

But his card flying skills were too poor, and he was immediately dodged by the rubber ghost who rushed over.

However, at this moment, Qiu Xiaoye shouted to Yu Ge: "You! Close your eyes!"

Under the powerful command aura, Yuge immediately closed his eyes obediently.

As soon as she closed her eyes, Qiu Xiaoye flipped her hands, and hundreds of playing cards appeared in her hands.

Follow closely, fly outside,

Hundreds of playing cards were shot out one after another, like a group of black scale fish jumping out of the sea, flying past Yao Mu, and hitting the pounced ghosts.

With the real power of the Solo card, how could those ghosts with only 30 or 40 levels be able to block it.

Immediately, the body was cut by the flying card and became pieces of stumps.

Green, blue blood splatters.

Yao Mu, on the other hand, made fake moves of flying cards in a timely manner, showing a very domineering attitude.



In the surveillance room.

Qing Shui stared at the screen.

When he saw Yao Mu appearing, and at the same time a large piece of playing cards flew out.

Qing Shui couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"I was wrong."

"It turns out that you really are the one with the [Dealer] card."

"It seems that I did misunderstand that Qiu Xiaoye. I thought he was a very scheming guy who was good at hiding."

"Blame me, I think too much about that kid."

"But Yao Mu, you can't escape from this building today, there will be a steady stream of ghosts coming to kill you."

Saying that, Qing Shui glanced at the monitor of Star Square again.

Thousands of ghosts have already gathered there.

I heard that the No. 2 special authority has been activated in the building, and there are two Solo cards,

Almost all the nearby ghosts rushed over,

It's just that they were temporarily stopped by the police and they were not allowed to enter.

At this time, Qing Shui picked up the pager on the table in front of him, and elegantly gave instructions.

"Let the ghosts outside go in, and make the building more lively."

The order has been issued.

Qing Shui looked at another camera.

There, Xiao Yawei hid in a corner in a panic.

However, although her eyes were very frightened, she did not run away in a hurry like the others nearby.

Instead, he was afraid while waiting, as if waiting for an important person.

"What a kind girl." Qing Shui showed a gentle smile.

"Wait a little longer, and soon, I will pick you up."

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