Ji Chuan said all this calmly.

Seems like it's just a boring game.

In his eyes, human beings are like tea leaves. At the beginning, they may be hard and tough, but as long as they are slowly soaked in boiling water, they will lose their tenacity little by little and become soft, and finally they are completely soft enough to be kneaded. pinch.

While listening to his narration, Qiu Xiaoye seemed to feel a huge sense of powerlessness.

The ghost clan knows the existence of the Ghost Slaying Squad,

Those humans who have joined the Ghost Slaying Squad will not make any destructive actions,

Rather, he naively believed that as long as the ghost-slaying team continued to grow, one day they would be able to save the world from the hands of the ghost clan.

But this road is too long, long enough for any tenacious belief to be exhausted bit by bit.

Like a young man full of ambition, as time goes by, he slowly becomes a middle-aged waste full of desolation.

"When will your belief dissipate? Qiu Xiaoye." Ji Chuan asked suddenly.

"Is the ghost race really that powerful?" Qiu Xiaoye asked back.

Ji Chuan asked: "Do you know what "Ghost Law" is for?"

"I don't know, maintain order?" Qiu Xiaoye shrugged.

Ji Chuan said: "It is to protect human beings! If there is no "Ghost Law", all human beings will be eaten by ghosts within a day. You have witnessed what happened in the shopping mall with your own eyes. When facing ghosts, human beings There is no resistance."

As he spoke, Ji Chuan gently held up a purple sand cup with his palm, and handed it to Qiu Xiaoye.

Qiu Xiaoye watched carefully.

Suddenly, I found that this purple sand cup, like chocolate, slowly melted in Ji Chuan's palm, and within a few seconds, it turned into a pool of flowing liquid, dangling in Ji Chuan's palm.

If you want to melt a purple sand cup made of clay, it will take thousands of degrees of heat to say the least!

And Ji Chuan, without making a fuss, did all this with one palm.

Is this the power of [Scalding Ghost]?

Qiu Xiaoye could already imagine that if these hands with thousands of degrees of heat touched his body, he might be wiped out in an instant.

Like snow melting in flames!

Ji Chuan withdrew his strength, and the molten soil slowly solidified in his palm again, becoming stiff.

Ji Chuan looked at the astonished Qiu Xiaoye, and simply smiled, threw away the dirt, and pointed to the night sky outside the pavilion.

Qiu Xiaoye looked out and found that there was no moon tonight, and the entire night sky was pitch black, covered mostly by clouds.

Only a few stars are shining.

Ji Chuan said: "No matter how bright the stars are, they can't change the night, and neither can you, Qiu Xiaoye, you can't change anything, you're just a human, or you just have a blue [Solo Card], then So what? Your strength is too small."

Qiu Xiaoye stared blankly at the dark night sky and didn't answer for a while.

At this time, a girl's crisp voice sounded.

It's Yu Fei.

"Dad, I still have an online meeting to hold, please help me treat Qiu Xiaoye well!"

Yu Fei stood on the second floor, wearing a white pajamas, waving to the pavilion.

The smile on her face is pure and sunny, as if she has infinite hope for everything.

Ji Chuan also smiled and waved to Yu Fei: "Don't worry, this Qiu Xiaoye and I have a good chat."

Yu Fei returned to the room.

Ji Chuan's eyes were still looking in the direction of the second floor, his eyes were full of love, and he said, "Feifei is a human being, but she is also my daughter."

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help asking: "Then what is Miss Yu Fei in your heart?"

Ji Chuan answered without hesitation: "The jewel in the palm of your hand. The priceless treasure!"

"Qiu Xiaoye, do you know what I am most afraid of?" Ji Chuan asked suddenly.

Qiu Xiaoye shook his head.

Ji Chuan sighed, and said, "I'm afraid that if one day, Feifei draws the Solo card and finds out that his father, I, is a ghost, what will she do then? Will she want to kill me?"

Ji Chuan's eyes couldn't help being lonely.

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't answer this question either.

After all, the morning he got [Sword God], he chopped up Qiu Xiaolu, like dumpling stuffing.

"All in all, I thank you from the bottom of my heart." Ji Chuan looked at Qiu Xiaoye and said sincerely: "You saved Feifei. I will never forget this kindness, so I will keep your secret. However, I hope The next time I invite you to drink tea, it will be when you lose your faith."

"No need, my Lord Mayor. Next time, I will buy you tea." Qiu Xiaoye smiled and stood up: "I should go too, and stay with a big man like you How tiring."

After speaking, Qiu Xiaoye walked out of the pavilion.

However, he did not move on, but raised his head, looking at the dark night sky and the few lonely stars.

Suddenly, Qiu Xiaoye said: "Mayor Ji, I have been thinking about what you said. It is true that my strength is very weak, but there are many things and my strength is weak, so I don't want to do it? Did I just give up? One star It’s true that the light of a few can’t illuminate the night sky. But what about ten? How about a hundred? How about ten thousand? How about ten million? How about a hundred million?”

"Can you make those stars light up?" Ji Chuan was unmoved.

Qiu Xiaoye said: "I agree with you, human beings are indeed a group that is easy to lose courage, but similarly, humans are also a group that is easy to have courage. As long as someone can hold the torch first, the rest of the fire will follow. Burn. Mayor Ji, have you heard that sentence?"

Mayor Ji shook his head: "What?"

Qiu Xiaoye turned around suddenly, with a burst of conviction in his eyes:

"A single spark can start a prairie fire!"



After leaving Yu Fei's house, Qiu Xiaoye rode a battery car back home.

Along the way, he was thinking deeply.

His code name in the Ghost Slaying Team is [Ding].

In the ten heavenly stems, [C] and [D] represent flames and light. If [C] is the sun in the sky, then [D] is the star at night.

I am [Ding], I am a star, but fortunately, I am not the only star.



At the door of the house, there were no people in the surrounding streets, and Qiu Xiaoye was about to enter the yard.

Suddenly a man's voice sounded: "[Ding], you are finally back, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as Qiu Xiaoye turned his head, he saw Captain Night appearing beside him.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

Captain Night said: "Gather tomorrow night, we are going to start making the next plan."

"What plan?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

Captain Ye solemnly said: "The Divine Land Project."

Divine Land Project!

Qiu Xiaoye remembered.

Plan goal: kill Qing Shui!

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