Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

96. People Say That In The North, The Wolves Will

Some people seem to be an ordinary taxi driver.

But when he got serious, it seemed as if he had awakened the soul deep in his heart.

Along the way, the speed is 120 miles, and the mood is free.

Not only overtaking cars left and right on the highway, dodging back and forth, but also clearly knowing all the roads without surveillance cameras, avoiding all penalties, running at red lights all the way, and being wild alone.

When he arrived at the destination, Qiu Xiaoye was almost terrified.

With a "shua", a brake stopped firmly.

The fat driver took a sip of wolfberry tea, swallowed it down his throat with the hot water, and couldn't help saying "ah", and said, "Young man, are you satisfied with my speed! My speed is not exciting!"

"Exciting! So fucking exciting!" Qiu Xiaoye got out of the car tremblingly as if his soul had come out of his body.

No matter how fast the car is, it can take him directly to heaven.

Sure enough, every taxi driver hides the ambition of an outlaw.



Around the block from one to forty-six.

You can see black smoke rising in the distance, like a fire.

Residents and street vendors in the block are fleeing frantically, like a group of hornets whose old nest has been stabbed.

Glancing over, not only people are running away, but some low-level ghosts are also running away!

While running, he shouted: "That guy is crazy! That guy is crazy!"

At this time, someone inside could be heard shouting through a loudspeaker: "Residents! Residents! There is a major fire in this block! Residents, please evacuate quickly! The fire is at risk of spreading! Residents, please evacuate!"

It is estimated that the one who shouted was the nearby regional police.

The reinforcements from the police force should not have arrived yet, so if you want to enter the block, you have to take advantage of it now.

As for Yao Mu, don't think too much, he must be right where the fire is.

While running against the crowd, Qiu Xiaoye spoke through the headset:

"Now the police may block the block. Once you enter, it will be difficult to get out! All of you, I don't have an order, don't enter the block yet, understand?"

"Understood." [C] replied.

[五], [Geng], and [乌] also replied.

Qiu Xiaoye ran for a while, and took advantage of no one to notice, he burrowed into a small alley, then took out the autumn coat from his backpack, put it on his body, and put on the mask of the Ghost Slaying Team before continuing. Go to the burning place.

Along the way, the residents saw a "burning corpse butcher" running towards them, and they all ran away in fright.

For fear that the legendary terrorist sprayed himself with gasoline and then threw a match.

Only some little dolls were quite excited, pointing at Qiu Xiaoye: "Look, mom! It's the cremator!"

Since someone voluntarily gave way, Qiu Xiaoye's running speed increased.

And the closer you get to the burning place, the fewer people will flee.

In the end, he finally came to the point of fire.



A row of residential buildings was completely on fire, burning crazily in the fire.

And downstairs of the residents, a group of mutated ghosts are besieging a complete werewolf!

At this time, they are in the middle of a crazy fight!

The werewolf had a black mane and a row of silver-white and sharp wolf teeth, like small chisels.

On the werewolf's sharp claws, the nails were half a meter long, shining with a cold light. At this time, the claws were already covered with blood of various colors.

Those mutated ghosts roared and rushed towards the werewolf, but the werewolf was not polite, waving his sharp claws wildly in the air, and the bloodstains wiped off countless pieces of flesh from the pounced ghosts. , Immediately after throwing it, he threw the piece of meat into the fire behind him, and it began to "sizzle" and burn.

The werewolf's body is extremely sensitive, not to mention the attack of a ghost, even if more than a dozen ghosts pounce on it at the same time, he is not afraid, and after a few times of dodging and moving, he tore all the attacking ghosts to pieces.

That pair of sharp claws seems to be able to scratch through the void at this moment, tearing any attacking object into pieces without the slightest mercy.

And the werewolf's eyes were already full of resentment at this time, the flames of hatred danced wildly in the eye sockets, due to the huge hatred, his wolf teeth kept grinding, looking at the circle of ghosts in front of him, as if All of them have a deep hatred with him, a sworn hatred!

The werewolf's face was already covered with hard black hair, and even the muscles were deformed to a certain extent.

But Qiu Xiaoye stood in the distance, relying on his facial features and eyes full of hatred, he recognized him instantly.

Yao Mu!



Because Yao Mu's power is so frightening, countless ghosts have been torn apart by him and thrown into the burning residential buildings.

Looking at the past now, the corpses of ghosts in the flames have piled up into a small hill, emitting a huge smell of burnt.

The ghosts surrounding Yao Mu didn't dare to attack rashly anymore.

Although they all wanted to grab the purple Solo card, but in this case, they would die if they went up!

These ordinary ghosts, the small ones are only a dozen or so levels, and the highest is around fifty levels. They are all ordinary people, and they don’t have the guns and equipment of the police. cards, not enough to play at all.

We must find a way!

At this moment, a level 46 mist ghost suddenly opened its mouth, and spit out a thick mist, instantly covering Yao Mu in the mist.

Even the flames of the residential buildings were weakened by the fog.

It's impossible to breathe in this fog!

Sure enough, with a "shua", a black figure rushed out from the thick fog, roared, and was about to attack the ghost group again.

However, the ghost group had been prepared for a long time. A level 42 fire ghost rushed up, opened its mutated mouth, and spewed out a huge flame, burning blazingly in the air.

Yao Mu jumped out of the black mist, and a mass of flames hit him head-on.

However, there was no panic in his heart, and even a trace of contempt.

snort! You ghosts are afraid of flames! I am not afraid of fire! I am human!

Yao Mu threw himself into the flame without any scruples. His hair immediately began to curl and was ignited one by one.

But in an instant, Yao Mu had already rushed in front of Huo Gui, saw Huo Gui's mutated and extremely ugly big mouth, and with two wolf claws tore it violently, it was about to tear it in half.

The fire ghost was frightened, and immediately turned his head into an incorporeal flame, dodging Yao Mu's tear, and then quickly backed away.

At this time, the flames it spouted also dissipated, only Yao Mu was left standing there, the hair on his body was burning little by little.

Like a fire wolf.


Yao Mu trembled all over, like a lion shaking its fur, the flames on his body were immediately extinguished, and black smoke rose.

And Yao Mu didn't stop there, he jumped into a group of ghosts, tore his claws left and right, four ghosts were caught into pieces by him, and with a wave of his hand, he threw them into the fire far away.

After killing four ghosts, he turned his head and went after the other ghosts.

This time, the group of ghosts panicked completely, and they all uttered panic from their hearts.

It's not ghosts besieging humans anymore!

It's a human being hunting ghosts!

Realizing this, these ghosts immediately dispersed and ran out along the side street, fearing that Yao Mu would catch up with them.

And how could Yao Mu let them go so easily? With a big jump, he flew high into the air, and chopped down with his two sharp claws towards the rubber ghost running at the rear.

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