Draw The Female Emperor At The Beginning, Put The Female Emperor

Chapter 418: As soon as you come out, the old blame my limelight has been robbed, it's too much

"Fraud...fraud...fraud the corpse..."

"How is this... possible? Both heads..."

"I'm not dreaming..."

Those disciples of the "Qingyangmen" have nowhere to change without being surprised.

I watched a person blow his head.

He watched the battered head reappear.

How can they calm down?

I can't believe what my own eyes see!

Not only these "Qingyangmen" disciples didn't believe it.

Shi Jueqing and others also didn't believe it.

It's just that they have lived a lot of years and have seen big scenes.

So there is no fuss.

But the inner shock is not lighter than their disciples.

How can they ever see a big scene?

It is impossible to know that there is a "virus" in this world.

I don't even know that Yin Zhi is carrying the "emperor virus" that made him immortal!

For everything they see, people will always make up for the explanation that they can accept...

The head of "Qingyangmen", the Elders, saw Yin Zhi die and resurrected.

He immediately made up a self-confident explanation.

"Does he have a Yuling that can be resurrected?"

"Could it be that he has mastered the power of death and resurrection?"

"Maybe he has taken some kind of panacea for the living dead and bones!"

as well as……

"Isn't he really an old monster who has lived for more than two thousand years?!"

transfer power Elder's screw plug's steel whiskers flicked and shouted angrily.

"What are you doing in a daze?!"

"Let's do it together!"

"Kill him a hundred!"

The skin has been completely torn.

The death feud has been completely ended.

There is no more room for maneuver.

Either you die or I die!

Roaring, transfer power Elder has summoned his own Yuling...

The other four Elders also finished drawing the summoning circle in an instant.

"Look, see!"

Yin Zhi pointed at them.

"Look at you people."

"Everyone is anxious."

"Am I not playing with you? What's the hurry!"

After that, Yin Zhi jumped up and jumped onto the "Exercising Martial Arts Stage".

When he landed, he didn't seem to stand still, and jumped twice on one foot, almost falling down.

Yin Zhi walked to Qiao Tianming's side like a stroll.

Qiao Tianming was still a little stunned: "Master... Master, you... are not dead?"


"You crow's mouth!"

"Master, I live a long life. It's so easy to die, and I'm a fart."

After speaking, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

"Now, I announce!!"

"The final winner of this battle after five years is..."

"Qiao Tianming——"

He grabbed Qiao Tianming's hand and raised it high!




Yin Zhi shouted: "Everyone applauds!"

There are tens of thousands of people on the court, and there are always a few whose brains are offline—someone actually clapped.

But it was quickly stopped by people with clear minds.

Lan Xiangrong yelled at this moment.


"I didn't lose!"

"I haven't lost yet! Qiao Tianming, the battle is not over yet! Let's continue!"

Yin Zhi looked at Qiao Tianming and asked, "Good boy, do you still want to fight her?"

Qiao Tianming's face changed...

Finally, he calmed down and shook his head gently.

"It's no longer necessary."

"She is no longer worth my shot."

"All this... is over!"

Lan Xiangrong was screaming with excitement and red face.

"No! It's not over!"

"not end yet!"

"What qualifications do you have for this trash to end-look at the move!"

Shi Jueqing put his hand on Lan Xiangrong's shoulder: "Xiangrong, enough."

"Master, I am not defeated, I can fight again!"

"You let me fight him again!"

"How can I be defeated by a waste? How can I be defeated by a waste!?"

Seeing Lan Xiangrong look like this, Shi Jueqing was both annoyed and distressed...

If she had changed someone else, she would have slapped her at the moment, and it would be a shame to be killed.

However, Lan Xiangrong is her beloved disciple, the "Holy Maiden of Qingyang", and the head of the future "Qingyang Sect"!

If she can't follow her wishes now, it will definitely become a knot in her heart that is difficult to untie.

In the light of Cultivation Base, progress is slow, but the future is ruined!

Shi Jueqing sighed secretly.

"You are waiting on the side."

"Wait for the teacher to solve the problem..."

"Let you fight Qiao Tianming again."

Lan Xiangrong's eyes suddenly showed a surprise: "Thank you, Master!"

She stared at Qiao Tianming, and withdrew from the "Exercising Martial Arts Platform."

I will beat you!

I will kill you!

My Lan Xiangrong will never read it wrong!

You, Qiao Tianming, are waste, you are waste in this life!

You Qiao Tianming will never defeat me!

After Lan Xiangrong withdrew from the "Yuanwu Station".

Shi Jueqing looked at Yin Zhi, and thunder was hidden in his motionlessness.

"The master of Qingyang is absolutely clear, and he will teach the senior's brilliant tricks!"

"Qingyangmen transfer power Elder, get the senior's brilliant tricks!"

"Qingyangmen precepts Elder, get the senior's clever tricks!"

"Qingyangmen Sili Elder, get the senior's brilliant tricks!"

"Qingyangmen Yuanbao Elder, learn senior's brilliant tricks!"

"Qingyangmen Danzhi Elder, learn senior's brilliant tricks!"

One head and five elders stand in a fan shape, one by one like a shadow.

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I say you guys."

"It's so neat, filming...what about singing on the stage?"

"I feel awkward to hear, don't you feel embarrassed when you say it?"

He just finished complaining...

Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

"Master Qiao Tianming is yin and Lihua, and teach Qingyangmen clever tricks!"

"Qiao Tianming 2 Master Yin Lixiao, please enlighten me!"

"Qiao Tianming III, Master Yin Lixia, to teach Qingyangmen's brilliant trick-a ball!"

"Qiao Tianming four Master Yin Lishi, fight, I like it the most!"

"Qiao Tianming five Master Yin Lishuang, kill without mercy!"

With each self-reported name, a woman stepped out of the void.

In the end, five women with the same appearance but different temperaments lined up on both sides of Yin Zhi.

In an instant, the five of them became the focus of the audience.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was shocked and speechless.

What a beautiful woman!

The first time I saw such a beautiful beauty, it was like Celestial Immortals from all over the world.

They turned out to be... Qiao Tianming's Masters? !

In shock, all kinds of emotions such as envy, jealousy, hatred, etc. burst out all over!

Qiao Tianming, he was kicked out of "Qingyangmen"...

Why does he worship so many stunning beauties as a teacher?

Why on earth is he?

God, are you blind?

The disciple of "Qingyangmen" still feels concerned about this.

But they didn't know that their head and Elder all showed shock, horror, and jealousy.

"The Five Phoenixes of the Yin Family", turned out to be Qiao Tianming's master? !

This this……

Qiao Tianming stepped forward cleanly, bowed and saluted: "Disciples pay respect to Master!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the voice of "hey hey hey" rang.

"It's too much, it's too much!"

"Five beauties, do you know when they are on stage too early?"

"As soon as you come out, old blame my limelight has been robbed by you!"


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