At the time when Zhang Lie's alien form died, the outside world was fighting fiercely.

Shen Qing and Luo Sheng, who were the main force on the battlefield, had completely stopped holding back.

Within the blood barrier, terrifying source power attacks raged everywhere.

There are only ruins left of the luxurious and magnificent multi-storey villas.

The ground was completely plowed open, and deep ravines covered the ground like wounds.

The first floor of the underground garage with concrete pouring was also completely pierced.

More than a dozen luxury cars parked in the garage were crushed to pieces.

As for the transcendents who were fighting or searching everywhere.

The original purpose has been completely abandoned at this moment.

They only cared about avoiding the aftermath of the battle caused by those two.

Intense noises that shook the eardrums continued to be heard in the air.

The two figures are like flowing light, intertwined and entangled with each other.

Shen Qing raised his hand to detonate a blood shadow flying through the air.

The Luo Sheng who was attacking directly was blown away fiercely.

But he didn't look at Luo Sheng who stepped back.

Instead, he looked outside the blood barrier.

In the extreme distance outside the barrier, a bit of starlight is rapidly approaching.

Seeing that ray of light, his eyes could not help but sink slightly.

Seeing this, Luo Sheng knew he couldn't hide anymore, so Dang even sneered:

"Do you think we stepped into your barrier without any preparation?"

"Dare to open the barrier under the eyes of the Shuguang Society. I really don't know who gave you the courage."

"Now is the time to end it all!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Shen Qing again.

Shen Qing's face became very ugly for a moment.

Such a long time has passed.

Not only the spiritual blood could not be found.

That kid Zhang Lie didn't know where he went.

The original plan was messed up.

To him, this is simply a disgrace!

With cold eyes, Shen Qing shook a bell-shaped magic weapon.

The invisible fluctuations spread in all directions.

Luo Sheng, who was rushing forward, suddenly changed his complexion and retreated instantly.

A Transcendent who was closer to the ground, before he could react, the wave passed through him.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly dimmed, as if he had lost his soul.

The whole person fell to the ground straight, and he was already dead.

Shen Qing looked at the ground and shouted loudly:

"Prepare to retreat!"

After the words fell, he swung his right hand violently.

The huge blood barrier immediately began to shrink.

With the shrinking of the blood barrier, the whole ground seemed to be cut off.

Everything is constantly being squeezed in the shrinking of the barrier.

The earth rumbled loudly.

The ruins of the villa came crashing down.

The load-bearing columns in the basement were broken one after another.

Even the scrap metal of the dozens of sports cars were completely crowded together, making it difficult to distinguish each other.

At the same time, he noticed the drastic changes in the surrounding environment.

Many extraordinary people changed their colors one after another, and hurriedly gathered towards the central position.

Su Mo, who was on the third basement floor, managed to escape to the basement floor amidst the shaking of the walls and the ground.

He caught a glimpse of Wang Linglan and Xue Qiaoqiao coming out of the passageway on the other side.

When the two parties met, they were only very pleasantly surprised.

But soon he was caught in a huge crisis brought about by the dangerous environment around him.

If it were in normal times, the changes in this environment would not be difficult for Su Mo and Xue Qiaoqiao, who are extraordinary people.

But now, Xue Qiaoqiao's internal energy has not yet recovered, and Su Mo is seriously injured again.

There is nothing you can do about it.

Just as Su Mo was planning to lead the two of them to hide in a nearby patio.

Suddenly there was a powerful voice not far away:

"Come here!"

As the words fell, a ring in Xu Liushuang's hand suddenly turned into a streamer and shot out.

In the next second, the seemingly extremely fragile black ribbon entangled all three of Su Mo.

With a strong force, the three of them were directly pulled up.

And when they just fell on a huge gravel outside.

The whole basement floor collapsed suddenly.

Endless smoke and dust scattered in all directions.

In just a few seconds, the basement, which still had a large space left before, has been completely filled with all kinds of construction waste.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo, Xue Qiaoqiao, and Wang Linglan looked at each other, and couldn't help feeling sorry for each other.

If this is still hiding below, it will definitely be squeezed into a pile of meat sauce with me in you and you in me.

Just as the three of them were about to thank Xu Liushuang.

A figure flashed onto the huge floating gravel like lightning.

Lieutenant Qiao Ya put down a Transcendent he had rescued, and turned to look at the **** barrier that was still shrinking all around.

She frowned, raised her hand and threw out a golden orb.

In the next second, the golden orb suddenly expanded and turned into a pale golden circular space, covering everyone.

Shen Qing glanced at Wang Linglan in the light golden mask, a look of pity flashed in his eyes, and then asked Song Qiyang beside him:

"Where's Zhang Lie?"

"I don't know," Song Qiyang continued, staring at Xu Liushuang in the mask, "I never met him along the way."

"Now that the ground is squeezed like this, could it be that he was killed by the Shuguang Society?"

"This shouldn't be possible, right? He has a high-level magic weapon to protect him, and he also has space-transfer equipment such as a hand-me-down disk. Even if he can't beat him, he will always have no problem escaping. In my opinion, he might have already escaped outside." went."

"It's impossible. The blood barrier blocks the space, and the disk is no different from being abolished."

"Maybe he inherited other things from the Evil Saint Token, or maybe he stole other good treasures from the Shuguang Society, these are all uncertain."

Shen Qing took a deep breath and said in a concentrated voice:

"The support from the Shuguang Society is coming soon, we can't continue to delay here, no matter whether Zhang Lie is dead or fleeing, we must find out this matter later, the evil holy token he put in the body of the walking corpse, said Can't let the Shuguang Society get anything!"

After saying that, he looked at Luo Sheng who was attacking from a distance, his expression turned cold, he grabbed Song Qiyang and retreated to the distance.

At the same time, he did not forget to reach out and detonate the shrunken blood barrier on the spot.

In an instant, terrifying power swept from all directions.

The condensed earth burst into pieces.

Many lasing fragments fell on the pale gold mask, making a crisp sound like rain hitting plantains.

Feeling the power contained in it, the extraordinary people in the mask couldn't help but change their colors.

Even Su Mo's scalp felt tight.

Such a terrifying attack, even if he was in it with the vortex ring intact, he might not be able to withstand a few hits and he would die suddenly on the spot.

Sure enough, only in the hands of a high-level transcendent can a high-level magic weapon exert its true power.

At the same time, blocked by the explosion of the high-level magic weapon, Luo Sheng hesitated for a moment before catching up.

At this time, the support from afar also appeared from the sky, and it was the guardian of Tianmu City, the sword master Xu Changfeng.

He nodded slightly towards Qiao Yazhong, and then, together with Luo Sheng, chased in the direction where Shen Qing was retreating.

After a while, after confirming that Shen Qing didn't turn around and kill the carbine, Qiao Yazhong slowly released the mask.

After taking back the pale gold orb, the huge broken stones also slowly fell to the ground, making a dull vibration.

Looking at the surrounding villas and manors that have been completely destroyed, everyone always has a feeling that things are different.

Wang Linglan could not help but be dazed for a moment as she watched her familiar homeland turn into the present one.

The rattan-wrapped wooden board used to be a swing, and she still remembered the sense of freedom when her father pushed her forward from behind.

The iron-gray fragment used to be a bird's nest-shaped couch. She often ran to sleep in it when she was tired from playing. Butler Sun often held an umbrella for her to prevent the sun from shining on her.

The splintered tree trunk stained with paint was her father's favorite woodcarving ornament before, but she painted it all over with paint without knowing it. In the end, her father rarely quarreled with her, but still kept the woodcarving well.

All of these are all things she is familiar with and are part of her memory.

But now, everything has become a pile of ruins that cannot be restored.

"Not only my relatives will be taken away."

"Do you want to destroy even my memories?"

The bitterness was like a tidal wave, gushing out from the tip of her heart and soaking through Wang Linglan's whole body.

She clenched her fists and pursed her lips tightly, but the tears couldn't stop falling down.

Xue Qiaoqiao at the side saw this scene, sighed slightly, and reached out to pull her into his arms.

The silent tears suddenly turned into sobs, and then into wails.

Hearing the heart-piercing cry, the surrounding Transcendents either looked sad or sighed.

If they had come earlier, they would have chased them even tighter.

Perhaps today's tragedy would not have happened.

But that's just wishful thinking.

Everyone understands that reality will never always be what you want it to be.

Especially with Chaofan.

No matter how strict the Shuguang Society is, there will always be similar tragedies.

And as the distance between the two worlds gets closer, space fluctuations become more frequent.

Similar tragedies will continue to be staged, and will even become more frequent.

After a while.

Qiao Yazhong, who had asked the people around him, asked Su Mo:

"I heard that you came up from the third basement, have you met Zhang Lie?"

When Su Mo heard this question, he replied calmly:

"I have seen."

"Oh? What was the situation at that time?"

Qiao Yazhong suddenly became interested, and looked at Su Mo with piercing eyes.

Su Mo continued to reply without changing his expression:

"At that time, Qiaoqiao and I went to search the third basement floor, and accidentally ran into Wang Linglan, and then Zhang Lie.

He started chasing us, I let Qiaoqiao and Linglan go first, and I stayed behind in the rear, and almost died at his hands.

Fortunately, he made a breakthrough at the end of the battle and escaped by luck. "

"Escaped?" Qiao Yazhong asked doubtfully, "With your level 3 strength, how can you escape from him?"

Xue Qiaoqiao at the side looked at Su Mo at this moment, and asked in disbelief:

"Are you Tier 3?"

Su Mo nodded.

Xue Qiaoqiao seemed to have suffered a huge blow, and sighed like a moan:

"It took you a month to break through to level 3, are you still human?"

When the transcendents around heard this, they all changed their colors.

Even Qiao Yazhong's eyes widened in disbelief.

Breaking through level 3 in a month, what kind of joke are you talking about?

You know, it took half a year to break through to the fastest speed of level 3 in the official record.

Even the evil cultivators who have always been known for their extremely fast cultivation speed rarely break this record.

It took her nine months to break through from level 2 to level 3, and she was called a genius.

So what should I say if I broke through this month?


Qiao Yazhong's first reaction was disbelief.

After all, this cultivation speed has far exceeded common sense.

Although there is no shortage of special cases beyond common sense in this world.

For example, the evil saint's token that can make personal strength advance by leaps and bounds after fusion.

Or [Vampire] Yang Zhichao who was killed some time ago.

These are living examples.

But behind them, there is an unspeakable price hidden in all of them.

That is not the path of normal cultivation and advancement at all.

Therefore, in Qiao Yazhong's eyes.

What Xue Qiaoqiao said was more like bragging.

Fortunately, she didn't even have the idea of ​​poking people's hides.

Just as she was going to continue to ask how the other party escaped.

Xu Liushuang on the side said with a complex expression:

"A month ago, when I learned that a sword master was born in the Furong team, I was very happy at that time.

After all, the Juggernaut is well-trained, but it is extremely powerful.

Originally, I thought it would take two years to train you to become the main force.

Who would have thought that in just one month, you would jump from Tier 1 to Tier 3.

If I hadn't witnessed this scene with my own eyes, I really wanted to yell at the person who spread the news.

But now I can only feel that I am really old.

Fortunately, I was also called a genius back then.

Compared with you, which corner of the genius am I? "

Hearing this, Qiao Yazhong was stunned.

During the time when she was recovering from her injuries, she had a lot of dealings with Xu Liushuang.

She could see that this was a very decent and powerful regional deacon.

According to her impression of Xu Liushuang, this guy would definitely not lie about this kind of thing.

Not to mention that the frustration on his face couldn't be faked at all.

Could it be that that kid really jumped from Tier 1 to Tier 3 in just one month?

Qiao Yazhong stretched out his hand to rest his forehead, feeling faintly dizzy.

She always felt that her world view was about to be reshaped.

If he can continue to maintain this speed, he can break through to the Saint Realm in only four years at most.

Before that, how long was the fastest record for breaking through to the Saint Realm?

If I remember correctly, it should be 9 years, 7 months and 8 days.

It seems like it's just been a few years.

But you must know that is already the fastest record set by countless heavenly talents competing with each other in the past two hundred years.

Not to mention shortening a few years, even shortening it by a day or two is an incredible speed.

It's like the world record for the 100-meter sprint.

A reduction of 0.01 seconds is a sensational achievement in the world.

Not to mention cutting the time in half directly.

Simply inhuman!

Qiao Yazhong took several deep breaths, and finally calmed down his excitement a little.

She looked at Su Mo with a strange light in her eyes.

The path of cultivation becomes more and more difficult the further you go, it's unclear whether he can maintain this speed in the future.

But based on the record he has set so far, if it gets out, those evildoers in the border area will probably be ready to move.

Do you want to give him the recommended quota?

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