Dream Evolution

Chapter 416: Blood Axe Bacon

The fire element giant Lang of the hand of the Balrog rushed into the quagmire of the earth, and the entire swamp immediately boiled, and the gray-black muddy water bubbled and smoky, showing a scene of a boiler boiling.

This is the quasi-legendary ability brought by the combination of the legendary creature spirit hún and the tank!

The legendary ability of the six-faced beast burns in bronze, which can make the super tank of the Golden God of War, the extremely sturdy alloy armor, show signs of melting on the surface. The hand of the Balrog is not as good as the burning of bronze, but it can still boil the muddy water of a large swamp.

A large amount of water elements in the swamp were evaporated by the flames, and there were white rising mists everywhere, and some muddy water that didn't have time to evaporate, mixed with red flames, rushed in from the entrance of the passage, and immediately it was a hell-like misery!

The hand of the Balrog is the strongest ability of a quasi-legendary tank. This ability is used in tank confrontation! Ordinary steel can be burned into a pool of molten iron under the terrifying flames of the Balrog. Even small, medium and large tanks will become scrap iron under the flames.

Only super tanks, quasi-legendary tanks, and legendary tanks with powerful special alloy armor can compete, but they also suffer from varying damage.

Inside the six-faced beast, the soldiers of the **** axe tank regiment, no matter how strong they are, can't resist, this is simply a killing situation!

Wang Ling knows the powerful strength of the legendary tanks. If bombarded with artillery shells, the white-haired witch, the swamp overlord, and the golden **** of war will definitely be destroyed. The durability of /5 is amazing.

even. Even 1/5 of the durability value is not necessarily. After all, the Swamp Overlord and the Golden God of War are just super tanks. They are two levels different from the legendary tanks. Just a witch.

The strongest ability of the white-haired witch. The hand of the Balrog, when cast directly, will definitely be neutralized by the bronze fire coat that appears when the bronze burns. Damage dealt is greatly reduced. As for the cannonballs, 50 rounds of incendiary cannonballs can destroy the Swamp Overlord, and only 5 rounds of bronze cannonballs for the main cannon of the Six-faced Beast!

Strengthened by the Heart of the Balrog. The white-haired witch's turret was blessed by the power of flame, and the power of the cannonball increased, but it was far less than the bronze cannonball. Not to mention that the cāo gunners of the Witch Tank Regiment are far less accurate than the cāo gunners of the Six-faced Beast.

If a follow-up battle is launched, it is still unpredictable whether the other party is willing or not, that is, the other party is willing, and does not use bronze burning to really open the door of the passage and go out for hand-to-hand combat. The soldiers, captains and strength of the legendary tank regiment are also quite strong. There is also the top powerhouse Blood Axe Bacon, the soldiers of the three major tank regiments. I'm afraid most of them will die in battle.

These people are dead, who will steer the tank? She, Bai Feng, and Angela don't have this ability.

At the cost of a swamp overlord, a situation of swamp siege was created. The golden **** of war moved along the frozen road of the freezing ray and pierced the entrance of the passage. Press it down. Finally, using the White-haired Witch's quasi-legendary ability, the Balrog's hand, he settled the verdict, boiled the swamp, and burned the soldiers of the Bloody Axe Tank Regiment with boiling water mixed with Balrog's flames!

Even if the blood axe bacon can survive, one person can't turn the big lang.

The Balrog is burning, the golden **** of war and the six-faced beast in the swamp. shrouded in red flames. The phantom of the bronze burning demon gradually extinguished in an angry roar, leaving only the phantom of the flame demon on the white-haired witch, still passing through the magic circle with her right hand, releasing flaming flames.

30 seconds, a full 30 seconds, the energy in the flame demon's heart was finally exhausted, the flame demon spirit hún phantom dissipated, and the flame replenishment was lost, and the fire on the swamp began to weaken.

In fact, this place can no longer be called a swamp. After 30 seconds of burning, the water in the swamp has evaporated, and the original muddy water has turned into hard, black scorched earth!

The six-faced beast, the ruined swamp overlord, was all hardened in the blackened ground, and the golden **** of war, after the flames burned, the frozen ground below melted away, the first half was still pressing on the six-faced beast, and the second half was also stuck in the soil. within.

Flames, smoke, scorched earth, the swamp overlord who was blown up to scrap iron, the golden armor with melting marks everywhere, the golden **** of war with damaged trump cards, sinking into the ground silently, and the six-faced beast showing burning marks on the surface of the armor, The whole scene was horrific.

Of course, the most miserable is the six-faced beast. After all, other tanks are whole, even if they become scrap iron, they still have certain armor protection. The six-faced beast that opened the entrance of the passage was directly flooded by the flames of the flame demon and the boiling water!

Like the Bronze Fire, the Flame Demon Fire Flame is not an ordinary fire, it is a spiritual fire from a legendary creature. With boiling water pouring in, even a master like Johnny Iron Bear cannot be burned by the flame for 30 seconds. survive.

After the hand of the Balrog stopped, it burned for another 3 minutes, and the flames in the entire area were extinguished, leaving only a piece of charred soil, still emitting an amazing amount of heat.


A violent explosion came, but it was the Swamp Overlord who exploded—because the tank was damaged, its internal functions stopped, and the passage could not be opened, so the people inside had to take the risk of blowing up the gate and exiting through the passage.

Then there was another twisted creaking sound, and the door of the Golden God of War, which was burned and twisted, slowly opened, and Bai Feng walked outside with the members of Golden Dawn.

In this battle, the white-haired witch only consumed the energy of special parts without any loss. The door of the passage opened. Wang Ling, the captain and soldiers of the witch tank group all jumped from the tank and landed on the ground.

Wang Ling, Bai Feng, and Angela stood together and stared at the front. The people of the three major tank regiments also looked at the silent six-faced beast in the hard and blackened soil. Unbelievable look.

"Could it be that we really lost the **** axe? This is the legendary tank group!" Johnny Iron Bear was trembling all over, not believing what he saw.

"The flames and boiling water are poured into the interior, no matter how powerful they are, they will die. Our leader is too powerful!" The wizard Fei Lin looked at Wang Ling, her eyes sparkling.

Angela's face showed a look of pity. After all, the Swamp Overlord was her super tank, and it was completely damaged in this way, and it was a pity in her heart. Also feeling regretful are the soldiers of the gray mouse, who have been with the swamp overlord for many years and have great feelings.


Some soldiers suddenly made a sound of doubt. They saw that on the charred ground, a large piece of soil suddenly cracked, and even shook like an earthquake. It was like an electric shock under their feet. Several soldiers with poor strength could no longer stand. fell to the ground.

"what is that!"

Someone exclaimed, and saw the cracks in the ground, seeping droplets of blood, and then a column of blood rushed out, and the blood spread along the ground, almost becoming a small pool, which looked shocking.

"It's Blood Axe Bacon, everyone be careful, this guy isn't dead!" Iron Bear shouted, and the hundreds of members of the three tank regiments immediately retreated. The reputation of the leader of the legendary tank regiment was simply too great.

Naturally, only one of the strongest in this world, the leader of the Blood Axe, Blood Axe Bacon, can resist the flames of the Balrog and the boiling water!

Sure enough, after the blood column rushed up, a big hole was dissolved in the ground, and Bacon jumped out of the gushing blood. The face of the middle-aged man with the eyebrows was completely distorted, and an angry roar came out of his mouth:

"My tank regiment, the invincible tank regiment I painstakingly built, everyone is dead! You hateful fellows, you must die, everyone must die, in order to make up for the resentment in my heart!"

Blood Axe was almost going crazy. More than 200 soldiers under him were all stuffed inside the tank. The weak were directly scalded to death by boiling water, and some of the captain-level strongmen possessed sixth-order and seventh-order muscle explosions, some possessed the ability to transform armor into gas, and some could use witchcraft to create mana masks.

But the muscles, qi, and mana of these people can't resist the continuous burning of the flames that rush in with the boiling water. How can the fire of the legendary creature, the flame demon, be so easy to resist!

Only the blood axe Bacon can master the attribute of qi: the qi of blood, with qi transforming blood, forming an isolation layer, guarding the body and body, and barely resisting the flames, this is so, and it also consumes a lot of energy.

The energy of blood is a mutated qi energy, and it is not an ordinary element mutation, but a substance formed. It can be regarded as an advanced mutation energy. The strength of the top powerhouse in this tank continent cannot be underestimated.

The blood gathered on Bacon's body, forming a set of blood condensed, like a jade battle armor, the axe in his hand was also covered with a layer of blood, the dark red blood battle armor and the blood axe in his hand set off him. Like a blood demon.

Wang Ling looked at this person coldly. Bacon would not die. As she expected, this person is indeed powerful, and may even surpass her, but she now has three strong men on her side~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Bloody Cut! "

Bacon held the blood axe high in both hands, and with a ferocious slash after jumping up, he slashed onto the ground from above, bringing up a blood-like axe light, forming a semicircle, the blood axe light extending along the ground, towards Wang Ling. Cut wherever you are.

Before Wang Ling could make a move, Bai Feng stepped in front of her. She lost her bright fighting spirit. Facing such a powerful opponent that she had to kill, she had already taken out the dark sword and the guardian queen sword, holding them in both hands. .

She lifted the bluish-white, spiral-shaped guardian queen sword, inspiring the skills of this B-rank weapon. Immediately, a holy light rushed up from the sword body, spread along the weapon, and reached her own body, condensing into a transparent white layer of light.

Immediately, the light layer shrank rapidly, forming a crystal wall covering the surface of the body. There were inscriptions of light on the crystal wall, which were holy and solid, giving people a feeling that they could not be broken.

"Absolute Defense!" (To be continued) rq

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